How To Improve Your Concentration

Bonjour lecteurs! Nowadays, we are bombarded with so much information and pieces of entertainment. There are many books to read, podcasts to listen to or movies to watch. I am currently reading Notes On A Nervous Planet by Matt Haig and it’s such an eye opener! It’s pretty clear that we are all experiencing some hyper fatigue at some point in our life. Even worse, it can impact so badly on our ability to concentrate. So over the next few weeks, I am giving myself the challenge to try to refocus. Fancy taking part and getting some help on how to improve your concentration too? Here is my simple guide to do it.

How To Improve Your Concentration, Find Focus, Self-Help Post, Well-being, Feel Better Post, Focus, Concentration, How to, the Frenchie Mummy

Daily Practices

Like many other features of our body, our brain is basically a muscle so we need to give it the right stimulus for it to develop and work as efficiently as possible. 

Unlike most beliefs, it’s been proven that you are brain carries on developing and growing overtime. It’s called neuroplasticity.

We can change our brain and train it to learn new skills, whatever our age! Just like exercise, we need to give ourselves a little bit of a tough stimulus in order to adapt and grow. We are ever so lucky because nowadays, there’s such a grande varieté of ways to do it. Whether it’s online games like Minesweeper that you can complete in a matter of minutes or brain-training games like chess and Sudoku, it’s all about consistency. Do a bit every day so that you train your brain like a muscle.

If this sounds too easy for you, step and complete some cognitive exercises through apps like Elevate, Peak, or Lumosity as well. 

Atomic Habits

I know that this one sounds like a cliché. It’s coming up all the time, but it can have such un impact extraordinaire on your concentration and overall well-being. Put down your phone and stop the buzz around you.

How To Improve Your Concentration, Find Focus, Self-Help Post, Well-being, Feel Better Post, Focus, Concentration, How to, the Frenchie Mummy

Our dear téléphones are proven to produce a high level of dopamine. Take social media par exemple, it gives us a kick but it’s very detrimental to our focus in the long run because we’re getting what we want quickly.

Récemment, I came across The Huberman Lab podcast on learning how to study and it was such an eye-opener…. I rediscovered that the great learners set aside time to do it. 

And it’s all about small actions. Go for a 10 min walk to start, or just read one chapter at a time. You have to rebuild habits that we naturally had before our phones and all the addictions they create. No success comes overnight, so it’s all about the little steps you make every day.

Learn to Be Mindful

Another thing that our phones and social media stop us from doing? Being mindful as we just consume online non-stop.

But many studies have shows that mindfulness is an excellent way to improve your focus. In an age where we need quick fixes, the real solution is about practising mindfulness and take our time. Let’s go back to famous quote ‘Carpe Diem‘ or enjoy the moment.

Since I started meditating, not only I have felt less anxieté but I have also improved my focus. I usually do it in the morning and it sets me up right for the rest of the day. I am more concentrated and therefore more productive.

If it’s not your cup of tea, simply take a couple of deep breaths to start with and you will see how less tensed you will feel immédiatement.

There are many free apps like Smiling Mind with very short exercises. It’s so easy to incorporate in your day. J’adore la méditation so much that I have also introduced Stanley to it. It’s a game-changer!

How To Improve Your Concentration, Find Focus, Self-Help Post, Well-being, Feel Better Post, Focus, Concentration, How to, the Frenchie Mummy

Now, I am trying a bit of EFT tapping but I would also like to try le concept of non-sleep deep rest. Check it out in more détails on here.

Essential Lifestyle Habits

As well as this, I try to move more and generally speaking walk as often as possible. When you think about it, it makes sense. Humans are not meant to sit all day long in front of a screen!

Remember how unhappy and stressed out we were when we got locked down? Move, go out and get some fresh air, even just for a stroll around your house or in your neighbourhood!

As well as exercise, eating well  and a good rest also nourishes your brains. Let’s stop the attitude of being super busy. It’s a myth to think that you actually achieve more this way. 

You might not actually be as productive as you think when you multi-task and you certainly don’t have much focus then.

Take A Break At Work

Look at your work habits par exemple. We all think multitasking is the best way to do things, but you actually end up doing less.

Do you work from home? Remove potential distractions and take regular short breaks to refresh your mind. During the intervals, engage in activities that help you recharge, for example, deep breathing or stretching or any other techniques that can benefit you.

Your brain is not made to work non stop. We need to pause. Many swear by the Pomodoro Technique, the 52-17 rule (where you work for 52 minutes, then take a 17-minute break). It’s proven to help people be more efficient and regain focus.

Or see how you can save up time on some tasks. In a previous post, I mentioned many AI tools that can really help you to work smarter rather than harder!


So here are 5 simple ways to improve your concentration. It’s not rocket science and yet, it can be so effective! Have a go for yourself with some of them and let me know how you get on with it. Hopefully, you will be quick to find more focus and feel amazing!

Disclosure: Collaborative post.

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