Home Improvement Ideas Right After You Move In

Bonjour lecteurs! Moving into a new home is un projet excitant! It is like opening a blank page just waiting to be filled with your family memories. You want your new place to reflect your personnalité and your family lifestyle. Imagine the thrill of unpacking boxes and setting up your new space with all the future adventures that await for you…. Whether you are dreaming of a move to Florida or something a bit more traditional in the British countryside, here are some Home Improvement Ideas Right After You Move In.

The Right Movers

A successful move can not happen without the right first choice. Deciding on the right moving company will give you the right foundation for your home.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

If you are dreaming of a big move to America and the Floridian coast, then check out the services of West Palm Beach movers, as they promise you a stress-free relocation.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

The team will carefully handle your belongings with efficient communication. Next thing you now, you will only be at the doorstep of Disney World in Florida for you to have some great days out with the little ones.

Prioritise Your Projects

Once you’ve settled in, it’s tempting to want to tackle all your home improvement ideas at once.

However, it could get overwhelming and you could be in for more expenses than planned. So it’s une bonne idée to  prioritise your projects.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

Think about tasks that will have the biggest impact on your family life or add value to your home. Plus, there are so many good reasons to extend your home.

But no need to go all big! The smallest changes can make the biggest difference: adding some additional storage or even change a bit the décor could do the trick.

Set Up A Budget

Before you start anything, budgeting is a crucial aspect of home improvement. It’s so easy to get carried away with endless possibilities, but stick to what you can truly afford.

First step, work out how much you’re willing to spend overall. Then, allocate funds to individual projects based on your priorités.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

Remember to allow a bit more as home improvements always end up being more pricey than expected.

Personalise Your Space

Simple things can make such une différence and add some personality to your home.

C’est l’excuse parfaite to show off your personality. Par exemple, a vibrant paint colour or even some frames can add up a lot of charm to the original building.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

Personnellement, I love pale colours and French touches to make it like at home. And so that we stuck to a cohesive look, we went for a palette of blue, grey and whites.

Maximise Natural Light

This choice of shades means we have great natural light in all our house and it always make our rooms look bigger.

J’adore being in my living-room which always look so spacious despite all Stanley’s toys. Indeed, natural light can transform a space, making it feel more open, airy, and welcoming. Some idées simples like strategically placing mirrors can significantly increase the amount of light in a room.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

Le plus? Natural light improve the ambience of your home, but it also has health benefits, boosting mood and productivity. And this way, you can also reduce your reliance on artificial lighting, saving energy and costs.

Update Your Kitchen

La cuisine is often seen as the heart of the home. This is our big project for the years to come.

We would love to replace our cabinets or even repaint our current ones for a fresher look without a complete overhaul.

Having an island in your kitchen is the best home improvement you can make. I love l’idée to cook while the boys are sitting by my side, chatting, playing… Spending quality time together!

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

Focus On Energy Efficiency

Making your home energy-efficient can have such a big impact on the long term.

Indeed, it can lead to substantial savings on utility bills. Start with simple changes like sealing gaps around windows and doors to prevent heat loss. Or you can also replace older light bulbs with LED options for longer-lasting, more energy-efficient lighting.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

If your budget allows, larger projects like upgrading your insulation can add significant value to your home.

You can even consider integrating advanced technologies to optimise energy usage further. Par exemple, Smart thermostats and energy monitors would dramatically improve how you manage your home’s energy consumption, making adjustments based on real-time data. 

It’s also worth consulting with a roofer about installing solar panels or upgrading to a reflective roofing material to decrease your reliance on traditional energy sources. You can save up a lot this way, especially in warmer climates. 

It’s a great way to increase your home’s efficiency while being more sustainable.

Create Outdoors Living Space

Outdoor areas can be overlooked, however, they certainly add value to your home.

We have some cute DIY Garden Projects for 2024 that I am looking forward to do when the sun is out.

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy

But I also love le concept of a patio or even a full deck if you have enough space. One of my biggest dream would be to have a conservatory as it also extends your house while you can use it as an outdoors space, especially in the Summer. In my opinion, it is quintessentially British.

Embrace Smart Home Technology

How much smart home technology do you have in your place? Even the basic examples can make such a différence and add both the convenience and security to your home.

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Start with basic smart devices like thermostats, lighting, or security cameras, which are relatively easy to install and offer immediate benefits. They can help a lot in your day-to-day life and nowadays, companies offers so many appealing features. I even wonder what new smart technologies you will regularly use in the future…

Plan For Long-Term Improvements

While it’s exciting to make immediate changes to your new home, it’s also important to think about long-term improvements. Big projects as such can considerably add value to your home. So what will be your next one? An extension? Convert your attic into living space to gain room and house value?

My brother is currently planning a new bathroom and I can’t wait to see how it will change his home! I don’t think he will go for a pink theme though…

Home Improvement Ideas, Renovate Your Home, New House, Interiors, House Project, Interiors, House Works, House Development, the Frenchie Mummy


Et voilà some Home Improvement Ideas Right After You Move In.

Moving into a new place can be an exciting project and there is nothing better than turning it into a real home that reflect your personal style but also offers a comfortable and efficient living environment. There is always so much to do in a house, but the key is to enjoy the process, taking pride in each project, no matter how small, as you gradually transform your new house into a cherished home.


Disclosure: Collaborative post.


  1. Nadia
    April 6, 2024 / 9:27 pm

    Its always tempting to think you have to make big changes but the little things really matter and can help make a house feel like home! Thanks for the tips!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      April 7, 2024 / 9:03 am

      Yes I could not agree more! There are still some big things like the floor we want to change in our house but I added some pieces of furniture and frames and it makes such a difference already.

  2. Rich Tyler
    April 7, 2024 / 6:57 pm

    Great tips

  3. AndiG
    April 7, 2024 / 11:07 pm

    I think living in it helps to realise whats needed

    • Cecile Blaireau
      April 8, 2024 / 7:43 am

      Yes, that’s a very fair point.

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