May 2024 – Life Is Meant To Be An Adventure

Bonjour lecteurs! I am yet again late for my monthly highlights where I share everything we’ve been up to in May 2024. But I have been so busy, going on sunny days out all the time! I am just kidding! Like you, I am wondering what the heck is going on with the weather and the constant rain, while thinking about putting the heating on. And now more than ever, I am so glad that we went away to Crete last month on top of many days out. Life Is Meant To Be An Adventure and May was the perfect reminder of it!

Weald Of Kent Country Craft Show

We started May 2024 with some adventures in Kent.

First, we stopped by the beautiful Weald Of Kent Country Craft Show where we explored and discovered many country brands.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Weald Of Kent Country Craft Show, Day Out in Kent, Life in Kent, Family Life

En plus, we made it for the first time to Penshurst Place near Tonbridge and I literally fell in love with the area.

I might have been living in Kent for over 15 years now, but I am still discovering beautiful locations every year!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Weald Of Kent Country Craft Show, Day Out in Kent, Life in Kent, Family Life

Bank Holiday Weekend

We carried on the Bank Holiday Weekend with more outdoors adventures.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, Family Life, the Frenchie Mummy, Giggling Squid

Indeed, after checking out the new selection of cocktails at Giggling Squid, we drove to another National Trust site, Stoneacre.

The medieval yeoman’s house is such a beauté! En plus, we walked around its beautiful garden, playing hide and seek.

It’s always so beautiful to be out in nature. The weather might not have always been parfait.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, Family Life, the Frenchie Mummy, Stoneacre, National Trust

But last month, I made a conscious effort to go out more for long walks or even on my bike and it never felt so good!

Last year, while I was working 3 différents jobs, I was rushing around and I don’t think I was being mindful enough.

You Sisterhood Is Your Best Ally

While Stanley was back to l’école in the weekdays, I also made it ma mission to catch up with my friends.

I have been saying it for years and years! Your sisterhood can have such a positive impact on you.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, Family Life, the Frenchie Mummy, Stoneacre, National Trust

Plus, both my friends A and R were full of idées to help with my new job.

I am now working in outreach for a media analysis company and I must admit that it is totalement différent to teaching or retail!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, Family Life, the Frenchie Mummy, London Food, London Restaurant

At first, I was a bit unsure and lost, you know when you find your marks with a new job? But it was so good to bounce ideas with my girlfriends. I came home energised and ready to do it! Nothing is better than your sisterhood to support you and keep you on track.

Our Cretan Holiday

But it was time to switch off already!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Crete Holiday, Chania

Indeed, I was very lucky to get l’opportunité to go to Crete with the Kalyves Beach Hotel thanks to my blog.

I could not believe they wanted us to go there for me to take some photos of their beautiful hotel!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Crete Holiday, Chania

In all honesty, I don’t think I am such a great photographer, but I am amazed of the beautiful adventures we get to experience thanks to my outlet!

And what a blast! We LOVE Crete! We discovered the island back in 2020 and we came back to Heraklion last Easter too.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Crete Holiday, Chania

But it was the first time we made it to Chania and it’s so beautiful! L’hôtel, the beach, the people… Everything was fantastique! We made some new friends and a French penpal for Stanley! I can’t tell you how delighted I am with this new project!

More Adventures in Kent

I won’t lie, it was hard to get back to work and routines after such a beautiful adventure abroad!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Day Out, Kent Life

The following week was packed, catching up with my deadlines, working, editing all my content etc.

Thank god we have 2 Bank Holiday Weekends in May. And we were off to a little adventure in the heart of Kent.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Day Out, Kent Life, Hayne Barn Estate

Have you ever been to Saltwood? We stopped by as we stayed at the beautiful Hayne Barn Estate.

It’s such a gem! J’adore its castle but also seeing peacocks wandering about in le village! England is magical and I will never stop being under its charm!

Half-Term Fun!

The Bank Holiday Weekend also marked the start of half-term and oh joy! We got to entertain our dear little son for 2 weeks.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Day Out, Kent Life, Hayne Barn Estate

Oui, I know, most schools probably had only one week off… Aren’t we the lucky ones? She says, remembering how hectic it was to juggle work, house and making sure he was not watching cartoons all day. LOL!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Day Out, Tylney Hall

Luckily, we went to Tylney Hall where I dreamed of being une princesse and he loved splashing me in the pool… And we certainly LOVED the Vyne too.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Day Out, Tylney Hall

I know I am ever SO lucky to work form home, be my own boss, so that I can work around ma famille.

Nobody’s Life Is Perfect

But things are not as simple as they sometimes look on my channels.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Day Out, Tylney Hall

I share most of the good things… because let’s be honnête, who would like to read what goes wrong? I am sure you already have enough struggles in your own life!

What I am trying to say is that what you see here is just a small part of my life. Most of the days, I wear a pair of leggings and I do my hair up, with no make up. I don’t look glam, I just go for walks and work hard back home, looking for projects and pay my bills.

I argue with my partner, I wonder what I am going to cook tonight… I clean the house, but it looks like a constant mess…

May 2024, Monthly Highlights,

Freelancing has been a very hard gig since Covid and took another turn with the recession.

Oui, I get some amazing experiences with my job, but it’s not all fab and glam all the time!

Sharing Our Life Online

I’ve never meant to offend anyone by sharing our adventures and our travels online.

Yet, some of my followers shared with me that they did not necessarily approve. Apparently, some people got upset because I won a competition for an Afternoon Tea earlier this year. They thought it was unfair given that we go out a lot with my work already.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, Crete Holiday

I was shocked when I saw  such réaction on my Instagram. I have never ever meant to brag. It was such a charming hotel in Sussex, I thought it was only  fair enough to share a few pics and give them a shout out. Well, you can’t please everyone.

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, the Vyne, National Trust

Some people from my entourage already disapprove of my job. I even lost some friends because of it. But the truth is, this is what makes me happy and what I truly love. And it’s totally out of my control if it makes others feel unhappy or inadequate.

Life Is Meant To Be An Adventure

Life is Meant To Be An Adventure and I will live by this always, whatever it means: a beautiful trip abroad, a local walk to the park or even just admiring the sunset…

May it be your motto and your way of life! Go for it!

May 2024, Monthly Highlights, the Vyne, National Trust

If you like reading the life of a French maman who’s always looking for the next adventure for her tribe, this is your place. And if ever one day, you feel you want to see something différent on my page, I am only an email or a message on Instagram away.

Summer is going to be busy for me with my blog and Instagram and I appreciate every single one of you supporting my work. I know it’s not idéal when I post ads, but I also need to make a living and pay my bills.

As always, I want to be transparent and let my readers know when it’s the case, unlike so many others content creators (another conversation for another day!).

So voilà 🙂

Disclosure: This post might feature some sponsored content I recently published but it is merely a list of my highlights of the month! This a post where I share some reflections as a mum in the country and London. I hope it will inspire you to get on more family adventures.







  1. Priscilla Stubbs
    June 15, 2024 / 12:58 pm

    Another very varied month, a new job and some lovely breaks and a great holiday. I can’t believe that you were criticised for winning an afternoon tea, some jealous people out there

    • Cecile Blaireau
      June 17, 2024 / 11:00 am

      I was very sad because I never ever meant to brag. But I think any feedback, even negative is welcome. And I have actually seen compers who use to follow and comment on my posts who suddenly stopped after this post. I don’t enter comps much these days as IG blocked me once but I will not share anymore if I win…

  2. ashleigh
    June 15, 2024 / 4:17 pm

    You certainly live the adventure!

  3. Siobhan N
    June 16, 2024 / 9:32 am

    After so much rain in May and June, I am desperately hoping for a sunny school holidays this year!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      June 17, 2024 / 10:58 am

      we all are : come on sunshine :)4

  4. maria rogers
    June 16, 2024 / 11:41 am

    Honestly Cecile, your blog as the most ad friendly website I visit, some of them you are bombarded with constant pop ups, and it is like a video game constantly trying to keep up pressing the crosses to get rid of the ad attacks, it becomes quite tedious, and some of them are sneaky when you try and delete them it takes you away from the blog. Honestly your blog is an absolute pleasure to read , as always, and the ads are negligible.

    • Cecile Blaireau
      June 17, 2024 / 10:58 am

      Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! I only had one negative comment but I did question myself a lot and it was on my mind. I was not sure how this post will be taken, but I needed to get it out of my chest 🙁 I suppose we are all allowed to have an opinion 🙂

  5. Margaret Ms. Gallagher
    June 16, 2024 / 1:38 pm

    So many wonderful memories to cherish for eternity

  6. Pam Gregory
    June 24, 2024 / 7:27 pm

    Some great adventures this month!

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