12 photos,12 histoires: one year with Baba!

Bonjour lecteurs!

I have not published a 1 Photo, 1 Histoire for ages! I decided that 2017 will be the perfect time to have some changes on the blog. I am starting a new series about baby and kids fashion. The first post of the series is still live with a giveaway, so make sure that you check it out! The prize is really nice so don’t miss it out! Also, I will try to post more pictures’ posts with Baba! Maybe I should try Living Arrows? To kick off the year and get prepared for it, today is a special photos post. Grumpy Boyfriend and I have created some personalised calendars to take back to France with us at Christmas. It was the perfect present for my family. I did not use any picture editor online. Those are 12 raw moments from 2016. Yeah! Baba is going to turn 1 year old later this month! I can’t believe it! So here are 12 photos, 12 histoires from the life of Baba in 2016! Hope you enjoy it!


This is one of the first ever photos of Baba. Grumpy Boyfriend took it at the hospital. It was literally taken minutes after his birth. The nurses had just washed him and my mum helped them dressing him up in a pair of blue PJs she brought from France. I was probably still under the shock and recovering from it all! Having said that, I would do it again tomorrow! Sorry if I am a bit sentimental! I can’t believe how small mon bébé looks on this pic…


This picture was taken while some family visited us. I could not resist but add it to our calendar. I just love his smile and his cheeky look! He definitely gets it from his dad! Everywhere I go, people always said that he is the spitting image of his papa. I would like to think that Baba has my mouth! He will have my bad mood for sure. Hurrah! I contributed towards something… J’adore aussi the outfit with stripes. So Frenchie! ?


This shot is just pure happiness! Yet, another Frenchie outfit! One of my favourite ones he used to wear all the times. Baba’s cousins came to the house and they brought this mat as a present. He loved it so much! He used to spend ages on his back kicking his legs to make some music! Now, there is no way he would stay still in this position. He is crawling everywhere, exploring the world, especially dangerous things such as plugs and the kitchen floor! And he is obsessed with standing up at the minute!


My mum and my niece came to London at the end of the month and I met them at Selfridges where we had some brunch. I remember the amazement in my niece’s eyes when she saw le bébé for the first time. Bien sûr, she wanted to hold Baba for a pic. He looks so big in here! I just love his expression! He already knew well the camera!


One Sunday when Grumpy Boyfriend and I took Baba for a walk around a local park. It’s a gorgeous place where you have so many things to see, especially for a baby! Baba looks very serious. Around that time, people were always saying that he looked like Churchill. Probably because he was bold and had a round face!


It’s rare that I like seeing a picture of myself. This one is l’exception parfaite! Just a simple moment captured at home. I have no makeup on, my hair is just done quickly and it’s cuddles’ time! Baba looks like he would not mind getting away! I think he will be very independent like his Papa but sometimes, he loves a cuddle too!


This photo was taken  during our holiday in Norfolk. We went for a low-key break this year. I didn’t want to stress out about taking a plane and travelling too far. Mais we had such a great time! Look at him having fun with Papa!


Another day at the park with us. It was taken just days before his heart operation. A very difficult time for us! But hopefully, it is all over now. He was so happy to look at other children playing around. Baba loves going out and discovering the world!


The Frenchie Mummy Blog really went up a gear that month and we published some great reviews. After having recovered from his operation, routines were back in place slowly! We selected this photo because it just shows so well the little person he is! I love the colour of this outfit too!


I caught him after a nap here. He was obviously half asleep! ? I love his face. ‘What on earth are you doing Maman?!’ After his nap, we normally have some food and I was just taking pictures! Another shot from that day was selected to be on the GroBaby Wall of Fame 2016. I could not have been happier!


We became a Nûby Brand Ambassador and it was l’excuse parfaite to get a great memory! We have two monkeys here! Not that Baba minds me saying that really! Weaning was not always easy but we are fine with it now!


I just love this outfit so much! Another time Baba was posing for me as I started a new series ‘Baba Fashionista’ with a giveaway! It was in our bedroom and I was just snapping while he was moving around like a crazy abeille! It is getting more and more difficult to take a photo as he can’t stay still! But it’s so nice to see how he is growing. Baba definitely looks more and more like me! He islike un ange in here! He is not!

Pardon if this post 12 photos, 12 histoires was a bit self-indulgent. I reckon I will love looking back at this post in some years. Just to remember all those amazing moments with Baba. You know, before he turns into a terrible toddler or moody teen! I also wrote a blogging reflection on 2016 and what the Frenchie Mummy Blog brought us but today is just a family post!

Did you write a summary post like that with your little ones? Did you share some important moments from 2016? Or are you planning on publishing more pictures of your child(ren)? I am looking forward to reading it all!



  1. January 6, 2017 / 3:53 pm

    I loved your indulgent post. Some beautiful photos, what a great year it’s been for you all. Hopefully this year is just as good, if not better!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 6, 2017 / 6:09 pm

      merci, you are so nice! Sometimes, it is just to indulge a bit ? xx

  2. January 7, 2017 / 6:10 pm

    I love seeing how much babies change! He has grown tonnes in 12 months and looks like a right character. My eldest now looks nothing like she did as a newborn, it’s funny. x #happydays

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 8, 2017 / 9:49 am

      Your eldest is a cutie! x

  3. Laura - Dear Bear and Beany
    January 7, 2017 / 7:59 pm

    So many gorgeous photos and happy memories. It’s lovely to look back and its then that you really see the changes in them x #happydays

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 8, 2017 / 9:49 am

      I know, I will be able to look back at this post and remember those moements x

  4. Carrie
    January 8, 2017 / 8:15 am

    He is precious! Mine aren’t babies anymore but they will always be my babies! They grow up so quickly.

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 8, 2017 / 9:46 am

      You are so right. Thanks for reading x

  5. Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons
    January 8, 2017 / 1:05 pm

    That first year is so special! So many gorgeous photos – I’m sure as he grows up over this year he’ll love looking back at them. My Mum does a similar calendar every year and Max just loves to look through it (such a vain little chap!) #happydays

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 8, 2017 / 1:43 pm

      He has all the rights to ba vain! He is gorgeous! ??

  6. stacey oakes
    January 9, 2017 / 12:12 pm

    This is cute, I’m going to do this next year. At the moment I am filming 1 second every day and will then create a montage at the end of the year. It’s a great way of remembering what you actually did during the year! #GlobalBlogging

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 9, 2017 / 3:03 pm

      omg fab idea! Love it x

  7. Jeannette
    January 9, 2017 / 12:25 pm

    They grow up so fast. Soon you will do a summary for years. #globalblogging

  8. January 9, 2017 / 2:51 pm

    So gorgeous and what a lovely recap. Poppy’s waiting for their date! #globalblogging

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 9, 2017 / 3:02 pm

      OMG! She is just gorgeous! One day it will have to happen!!! xxx

  9. Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom
    January 9, 2017 / 2:53 pm

    I loved this! It’s amazing how they grow. I feel like there is a family resemblance in that April photo for sure!


    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 9, 2017 / 3:01 pm

      merci! Everyone says that he looks like Grumpy Boyfriend so you are making my day! xxx

  10. January 9, 2017 / 6:29 pm

    What a lovely idea for a present and a great post to look back on. I have teenagers and I sometimes get the family albums out so I can remember what they looked like as babies, time just goes too fast! #globalblogging

  11. January 9, 2017 / 8:56 pm

    I like the monkey bib picture best, he looks so cheeky. You have had a very eventful year. I hope this next one is full of positive memories for you. #GlobalBlogging

  12. five little doves
    January 10, 2017 / 2:50 pm

    Oh I love this! How lovely to see him grow over the year! He is utterly gorgeous and always makes me super broody! #GlobalBlogging

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 10, 2017 / 8:38 pm

      haha, he makes me broody again some times! Or others, not really! LOL

  13. Twin Pickle
    January 10, 2017 / 4:39 pm

    Oh what a cutie!!! Love seeing how they change in their first year 🙂 #GlobalBlogging

  14. January 10, 2017 / 6:34 pm

    Je pense que c’est natural to be proud of our little ones and be surprised by how much they grow in those first years. #globalblogging

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 10, 2017 / 8:37 pm

      very good French! thanks for commenting x

  15. Alana - Burnished Chaos
    January 10, 2017 / 6:36 pm

    What a gorgeous collection of photos and memories of his first year. Love his cheeky look x

  16. Cecile Blaireau
    January 10, 2017 / 8:38 pm

    Merci x

  17. Mrs Mummy Harris
    January 10, 2017 / 9:20 pm

    The February photo is so adorable!!
    Ben has the same activity mat, which he now cant use the piano bit as he kicks it so hard it goes flying!!!
    July’s photo makes me want to grab his thighs. There is something so cute about baby’s thighs once the rolls start coming! Ben’s still a bit too skinny for my liking but he’s getting to a good handful!!
    He is so adorable and I love how you can see him growing throughout but you can still see the same features even in the first photo!!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 10, 2017 / 9:58 pm

      That’s true, we can see the sane features. Thanks for your lovely comment x

  18. Topfivemum
    January 11, 2017 / 12:14 am

    This is such a lovely idea! I so should have done it for my two little ones. I’ve joined Living Arrows for 2017 having only just discovered it. I love seeing how your beautiful Baba has changed. He’s the same, but different. You can definitely see the little boy he’s turning into. They need to stop growing up so fast! #globalblogging

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 11, 2017 / 8:12 pm

      I agree! I want him to be a baby again! thanks for your lovely comment xx

  19. January 11, 2017 / 2:40 am

    What a cute idea for a post! You will enjoy this indulgent post in years to come. Your photos are lovely – your little guy is getting so big! I look forward to watching your little man grow more over the next year. 😀

  20. January 11, 2017 / 1:34 pm

    What lovely pictures! It is quite scary to see how much they change over the first year x #GlobalBlogging

  21. January 11, 2017 / 4:49 pm

    Awww its always good to reflect… I did a ‘Farewell 2016: Bring on 2017’ post a few weeks ago with a reflection of what happened in our lil fam over the year. Cant believe were almost two weeks in already! #globalblogging

  22. Nige
    January 12, 2017 / 1:55 pm

    A lovely idea for a post they grow so quick fab photos thanks for hosting #globalblogging

  23. Brandi Puga
    January 12, 2017 / 3:43 pm

    I really love the idea of recapping your year with photos! I think i may have to jump on this bandwagon!

  24. Brandi Puga
    January 12, 2017 / 3:45 pm

    forgot this #globalblogging

  25. One Messy Mama
    January 12, 2017 / 5:58 pm

    What a lovely way to remember such a special year. One filled with many blessings. It goes by way too quickly. Frenchie Baba has the most captivating eyes!! Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for Co-Hosting #globalblogging this week!! xxxx

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 13, 2017 / 12:00 pm

      So happy to have helped, thanks for commenting x

  26. January 14, 2017 / 8:19 pm

    Oh goodness I bet it was so lovely putting this post together and it doesn’t seem a minute that you took the first photo!! Thank you so much for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky x

  27. absolutely prabulous
    January 15, 2017 / 2:26 pm

    Oh my God I really need to seek help. I saw the April photo and thought berLUDDY hell her mum looks young before realising it was your niece. Duh! The ‘Churchill’ pic made me laugh. Well done on the Nuby ambassadorship. Awesome. #GlobalBlogging

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 15, 2017 / 2:51 pm

      Merci x

  28. January 16, 2017 / 10:51 am

    What a wonderful way to look at a first year, I so wish I had a record like this for one or all or mine. #SharetheJoy

  29. January 16, 2017 / 11:23 am

    Absolutely adorable snaps of your little one and I love that you have documented it here for you to look back on and cherish! Yes, Living Arrows is a great one to link up with! Thank you for linking up to #sharethejoy

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 16, 2017 / 12:25 pm

      thank you for your nice comment x

  30. January 20, 2017 / 11:30 am

    I adore this post! I love seeing how he grew in his first year and my goodness, what a year that was with heart surgery. wow. My son had a hole that closed on it’s own in 2 years and that initially, made me really worried. I can’t imagine going through surgery. Thanks for joining the @weekendblogshare

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 20, 2017 / 12:14 pm

      It is such a worry when doctors tell you the news, right? I am happy that your son’s heart closed itself. Apparently it is quite common 1/100 babies have it x

  31. Becky @ Educating Roversi
    January 21, 2017 / 10:57 pm

    I did a ’16 of 2016′ post which featured 16 photos from last year. Baba is gorgeous! So cute! I particularly love August’s picture. #KCACOLS

  32. January 21, 2017 / 11:52 pm

    Such a beautiful post! I love looking at how he has changed month by month. Utterly gorgeous, by the way! #KCACOLS

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 22, 2017 / 9:31 am

      merci ? x

  33. January 22, 2017 / 8:18 am

    Lovely photos and a great archive to look back on! #KCACOLS

  34. January 22, 2017 / 9:21 am

    I love the half asleep face, Snappy has a similar one. Great post :0 #kcacols

  35. January 22, 2017 / 10:16 am

    Such a lovely post, and a gorgeous set of photos. It’s so nice to see how much he’s grown and changed over the year. I did Living Arrows for the first time last year and really loved it, it was so nice to look back at all the photos at the end of the year, so I’m planning on sticking with it again this year! x #KCACOLS

  36. Jenny (Accidental Hipster Mum)
    January 22, 2017 / 12:41 pm

    He’s absolutely gorgeous! Also how cute is your niece with him?


    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 22, 2017 / 12:54 pm

      merci ? x

  37. Ali Duke
    January 23, 2017 / 4:02 pm

    So many cute photos of Baba. Putting a calendar together like that is such a great idea, that way all your family get to see and enjoy that cute face.

  38. January 24, 2017 / 1:19 pm

    aw what an absolutely beautiful little bubba. love seeing him grow from tiny baby to handsome boy! he looks super cute in the Nuby moneky bib. congrats on brand ambassador!
    thanks for linking at #KCACOLS! Be sure to join in again 🙂

  39. Nicola
    January 24, 2017 / 8:36 pm

    Lovely to have such wonderful memories – I have so many photos of my daughter as a baby taken on digital camera and phone, but when my son was born 12 years ago we only had a film camera so everything had to be printed. We still have lots of photos but they’re not so accessible. I also wish I’d taken more video of both of my babies! #KCACOLS

  40. Becky Clark
    January 24, 2017 / 11:37 pm

    What a lovely selection of photos. It’s great to see how much your little man has changed over the year. My little dude turns one in February, doesn’t the time fly?
    One minute your cradling a newborn the next your chasing after a toddler! #KCACOLS

  41. Laura @ Dot Makes 4
    January 30, 2017 / 7:09 pm

    What a cutie! I love the idea of a personalised calendar. What a great way to look back at the lovely photos and memories 🙂

  42. Pen
    February 1, 2017 / 8:02 am

    Ah, isn’t he gorgeous! September is my favourite photo. Pen x #KCACOLS

  43. Silly Mummy
    February 3, 2017 / 11:18 am

    Lovely photos and a great idea! I didn’t know Baba had a heart operation – hope he’s okay. #KCACOLS

  44. Over the Hill Mom
    March 13, 2017 / 12:06 am

    Love seeing Baba’s first year in photos! He is a handsome little fellow. My favorite picture is the one Grumpy Boyfriend took at the hospital.

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