How You Can Help Your Children Achieve Academic Goals

Bonjour lecteurs! Being an ex-teacher, I am quite passionate about education and always eager to do extra learning with Stanley. I often see on forums parents asking for tips and support with education. No wonder why our children’s success at school is une priorité. They spend so much time and it’s often like their second home. You kids’ education can sometimes feel like such an effort. But if you follow une liste of simple routines, you can help you children achieve their academic goals without a doubt! Here are a few idées to get started whatever their age group.

Help Your Children Achieve Academic Goals, Education, Back To School, How To help your kids' education, School and home, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, educational post

Practise Key Skills

I am a strong advocate that parents should work collectively with their teachers. They might give your children the base à l’école. But once the kids are back home, you need to take over and be part of their education too.

That’s why I regularly practise key skills with my son at home. One of my priorités is clearly reading as it’s such an important skill at school and beyond. Literacy skills will be the base of your children’s succés académique. And it will certainly help them too in the future.

So develop their love for reading as soon as possible and help them with their spelling too. For now, we do a lot of lines to mostly improve his hand-writing. But in the future, I am sure I will also get involved when he becomes a dissertation writer! If anything, it will remind me of my days at l’université myself!

All About Routines

There are so many ways for parents to support their kids’ studies.

Whatever road you decide to take, on your own or with a tutoring company, it’s all about routines.

Build some strong daily habits and it will not feel to the children like they are doing extra learning. Like anything else in life, progress is better than perfection.

Help Your Children Achieve Academic Goals, Education, Back To School, How To help your kids' education, School and home, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, educational post

Small habits are a powerful way to help and support your children with their learning. Basically, you set the example and by doing daily actions, you get them prepared to learn and succeed.

Teach Them Resilience

Another thing that will help them achieve their academic goals? Teach them le concept of resilience.

We learn by making mistakes. It’s one of the best ways to progress in life. So they must not be scared to give it a go, even if they might be failing.

Help Your Children Achieve Academic Goals, Education, Back To School, How To help your kids' education, School and home, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, educational post

Take it step by step. I feel it’s a skill that is mentioned a lot at school and I always remind him if we struggle at home. It is something that you can develop in everyday life and not only with education. Plus, it’s a key skill children will need in their adult life.

Make Learning Fun & Creative

Learning is way harder if it is seen as a chore. I said it encore et encore: learning through fun is the best. There are so many ways to learn, and tools to support parents. Be on hand, and make it lively and fun, especially at younger ages.

You can use apps, blogs, craftsvidéos and websites… It’s a bit like home schooling really. Stanley is an excellent reader because we read every single day. It also helped developing his vocabulary from a very young age.

En plus, children can also learn so much outside the classroom! Go out with your children, explore the world, go for a nature hunt in your neighbourhood, take them to the musée… Turn it into an adventure and it will not even feel like a chore!

Becoming A Critical Thinker

The current school system creates a lot of pressure on both children and parents and it can be sometimes difficile to know what parenting strategies will really help them with their studies.

A good education is not only about good reports. Idéalement, you want them to be independent and become critical thinkers.

Help Your Children Achieve Academic Goals, Education, Back To School, How To help your kids' education, School and home, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, educational post

I always think it’s a good sign when kids question what they are being taught. It shows they can think for themselves and it will definitely get them further in life! Initiate their curiosité et créativité! It’s not all about following rules. School is not supposed to be a straight path. There will be times when they will not do as they are told to. It’s ok to not always be good at everything. If anything, it shows they have a personnalité and some indépendance.

So give your children some slack if they don’t come home with a spotless report. They are learning how to live and nobody is parfait anyway…

Help Your Children Achieve Academic Goals, Education, Back To School, How To help your kids' education, School and home, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, educational post


You can help your children achieve academic goals: it’s all about daily habits and a lot of encouragement. At the end of the day, parents encouraging and supporting them whatever they do is the best way to go. You’ve got this mamans! Bonne chance!



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