5 Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025

Bonjour lecteurs! How is the new year going on for you so far? I am on fire, littéralement. Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve never felt so energised and ready to rock the day! Having thought about it, I reckon it’s because I am back to good routines and it never felt so good. I am more productive, but also more positive overall. Mon secret? I have a very strong regime that I follow every day. Fancy a bit of wow in your life too? Here are for you 5 Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025.

The Night Before

Surprise to see me talking about the night before when I promised to share with you my 5 healthy morning routines?

It’s not a secret that to start the day right, there is nothing better than having had a good night sleep before. Do you find yourself agitated or stressed out when you go to bed? If you have a lot on your mind, there is no way you will be able to relax and fall asleep.

Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025, Morning Routines, Start the Day Well, Well-Being, Having a Balance, the Frenchie Mummy, Wellness, Morning Rituals

So I have a very strict rule that I have been following for a few years now. As soon as I go to bed, I put my phone on air plane mode so that I am not tempted to look at it. Some people even go further and leave their mobile out of the bedroom altogether! Many studies have shown over the years that your device’s bright light can affect sleep and alertness. So it’s a  big non for me! I love snuggling into bed and read a good book instead.


This way, I fall asleep better so I am more rested when I get up the day after. At what time do you usually get up?

I would wake up half an hour before Stanley so that I can have some ‘me time’. I always start my morning with some hot water  with lemon. It cleanse your body and it also does wonders for your skin! Try it and let me know what you think.

I will then have un café and journal. Do you think it’s a silly habit? Free-writing journaling (where you just write what comes up to your mind without thinking about) is so good for you. C’est une bonne idée to get it all out for you to start fresh.

This way, I can put on paper any worries and leave them there! It’s very beneficial for mental health. Try it and see what it does for you. J’adore scribbling pages and pages; I find it very therapeutic. I’ve got many notebooks from over the years. Sometimes, I look back at them. It makes me realise how much I have progressed in my life. I still have my diaries from being a French assistant when I arrived into this country back in 2008. I would love to edit them and maybe publish them one day. Who knows…

Le Petit-Déjeuner

At 7.30 am, it’s time for him to wake up. I used to skip the breakfast but I would then be more tempted with biscuits or naughty food.

So this year, I decided to spice up a bit my diet with some healthy breakfast instead! I would usually try to get something with proteins in.

I am obsessed with Greek style yoghurt at the minute: on its own or with some fruit and Weetabix et voilà! J’adore aussi preparing a smoothie. Today was a mix or banana, fresh orange juice and pineapple. C’est délicieux.

Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025, Morning Routines, Start the Day Well, Well-Being, Having a Balance, the Frenchie Mummy, Wellness, Morning Rituals

C’est très important for me to have breakfast with Stanley instead of rushing and doing jobs in the house. So we eat together every day, talk about school or we read together. It’s a routine I established when he was a toddler and I love that moment just the 2 of us, even for just half an hour.

Meditation / Manifesting

After the school drop off,  I usually start work. But I take it slow in the morning if I need. Being a freelancer and content creator, it’s all about being inspired and having a good balance.

Working from home, you can easily get distracted. So to set up my mind right, I like doing a bit of meditation in the morning. Have you tried it before? I love it! I use Smiling Mind, which is a free app. It has so much resources; a great way to calibrate your mind for the day.

Sometimes, I even meditate with Stanley after school. We discovered Wee Meditate last year and we love it. It really helps him to find calm as well.

Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025, Morning Routines, Start the Day Well, Well-Being, Having a Balance, the Frenchie Mummy, Wellness, Morning Rituals

This year, I am also looking at manifestation and tapping. I find it so intriguing, so I have started it doing it too in the mornings if I have time. I truly believe that you can get good things happening to you if you throw good vibes into the universe. I am strong believer in Karma… And you?

Walk In The Morning

Last but not least, I also enjoy a walk in the morning. Even if it’s cold or just for 20 min, there is nothing better than being in Nature.

I come home rejuvenated and ready to tackle whatever the day has for me. Right now, it’s a bit miserable and grey, but it’s absolutely beautiful when I go out and the sun is out. The light in winter with the fumes from the country are just extraordinaires. There is no better feeling.

Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025, Morning Routines, Start the Day Well, Well-Being, Having a Balance, the Frenchie Mummy, Wellness, Morning Rituals

Nature has some magical power to help us feel happy and light. I have been very good and gone for 1 hour walk pretty much every day this week. It might sound like a waste of time, but I promise you that it can help you so much. Personnellement, I feel more productive, so it’s a win-win situation for me. I can’t wait for warmer days so that I can go more often on my bike and explore encore et encore the Kentish countryside.


Et voilà my 5 Healthy Morning Routines To Establish In 2025.

What’s your morning ritual at the minute? Do you already use some of those?






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