Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast For Halloween

Bonjour lecteurs! If you are in Kent, stop by the gorgeous Hever Castle & Gardens. The famous place always has some cool events for families to enjoy and the Halloween season did not disappoint. We were kindly invited to stay at the sumptuous Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast for Halloween last week and we had a lovely time.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Stay at Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast

Anne Boleyn’s childhood home offers more than a stunning castle and beautiful grounds you can enjoy with your family. Did you know that you could also stay at Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast?

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Situated in the Astor Wing and Anne Boleyn Wing of Hever Castle, Hever Castle’s B&B offers 28 luxury bedrooms.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Whatever you are up to (romantic weekend with the hubby or family fun with the kids), there is something for you!

En plus, rooms start from £145 during the November Flash Sale! So you would be silly not to make the most of it!

Arrival at the Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast

It was very easy to find the entrance to the B&B. It is on the side of the castle and you can use the secure car park for your stay.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

As soon as we arrived, we had a look at the Astor Wing with its beautiful panelled lounge.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

It has a lovely relaxing atmosphere with books and magazines for you to enjoy.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

And if you fancy, you can also book an Afternoon Tea in the gorgeous premises.

Our Tydeman’s Room

We then discovered our room. With its en-suite bathroom facilities, the bedroom was truly unique.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

With a view on the park, it was rather luminous and very elegantly decorated. We had so much space for us all.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Baba absolutely loved our bed and tested it personally as soon as he arrived. But a room had also been prepared for him with a sofa-bed.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

I can tell you that Baba was well chuffed to have his own room and his very own TV!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

When you book a room, you automatically get complimentary access to the Castle and Gardens.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

So we decided to enjoy a stroll as soon as we arrived.

Tudor Towers Adventure Playground

The famous Tudor Towers Adventure Playground was obviously a top priorité for Baba so we headed over there.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Once you get out of the Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, you follow a quiet path next to a local river and you can directly enter the gardens by the side.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Surrounded by all the autumnal colours, the entire place was truly beautiful.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

We had a blast at the playground.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Halloween Fun at Hever Castle

But the place had it all sorted with fun activities during Half-Term:

  • fancy dress competition
  • face painting
  • lots of Halloween decorations all over the park
  • even spooky storytelling!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

There was something for everyone.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent
Hever Castle & Gardens always has a lovely programme according to the season. You can even go and enjoy a show that is on.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

The team did a remarkable job with the decorations. It was spooky everywhere!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Pumpkins, spiders and witches were all over the place.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

You could even go on a scarecrow scavenger hunt. So fun for kids!

Enjoying The Wildlife

But it is not only about games!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

I love the way kids can interact so naturally with animals there.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Bien sûr, you must make sure that they are careful but ducks and swans walk around the park freely so that kids can have a true feeling of nature.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

And when we went back to our room, we made the most of the back garden.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Baba helped out a bit restructuring the local pumpkins and we were off to bed!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent


After enjoying a (so!) peaceful night in my bed made for a queen, it was lovely to wake up with such a view.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

It was time to have our petit-déjeuner.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

And that time around again, Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast totally wowed us!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

You literally eat your food at a table looking out across the orchard to the Castle!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

It is so luminous and the food is delicious.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

You have a great choice with the buffet, but you can order some hot food if you fancy.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

I went for Eggs Royale as a treat while Baba enjoyed some pain au chocolat and other treats.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

It was truly beautiful to eat our breakfast with a view of the castle. We could see the gardeners at work before the castle was opened to the public. This kind of VIP treatment is totally up to my taste!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

The staff was very nice and the service was fast. A lady at another table was actually celebrating her birthday and the entire team came up with a cake to sing ‘Joyeux Anniversaire’! How sweet!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Rediscovering the Castle

We then went straight away to the castle.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

I have already visited it in the past, but I forgot how big it actually was.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Greeted by its beautiful red wall, we came in and I got dreaming about a drawing-room like this…

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Baba loved following the tour with another family present at the time and I reckon he dreamed about being a little prince too!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

The Gardens & Fun Outdoors

Once over, we made the most of the outdoors and all the fun that Hever Castle & Gardens’ offers for kids.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

He proudly worked out the puzzle of the maze

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

We carried on our adventures surrounded by many beautiful couleurs.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Walking around and splashing in the puddles was so much fun, especially in such beautiful surroundings!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Hever Castle & Gardens is so big you can enjoy a full day out without the kids being bored a second!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

And despite some rain, we had so much fun discovering nature.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Other Little Things You Don’t Want To Miss Out

We decided to stop by the café for a little Halloween cupcake before heading to the shop.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

You can there start your Christmas shopping and don’t miss out the mini-exhibition at the back of the magasin.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

You can see castles over the years.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

I must admit that some of the models got me inspired for our own house 🙂

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast – Le Verdict

But it was time to head back home!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Once more, we spent some enchanté family time at Hever Castle & Gardens!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Our stay at Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast was truly magical! Our beautiful room was very spacious and furnished with style.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

If you fancy some glorious night sleep in a historical place with the children, book a room now.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

It is truly stunning with some fabulous service and you can actually enjoy some days out too as a family.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

It is a great option for half-terms or weekends. You can have a mini-break and learn some elements of British history while having fun!

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Fancy a tour? Book your room now with some fabulous offers in November.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

And get ready to take a stroll through the stunning gardens.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

If you fancy some footage in action, have a look at my ‘Hever Castle’ Stories folder on Instagram.

Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast, Hotels Review, Halloween, Days Out, Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, Things to Do in Kent

Disclosure: With thanks to Hever Castle Luxury Bed And Breakfast for inviting us free of charge. We had a tremendous time as always. We will be back for sure!




  1. Lynn Neal
    November 1, 2019 / 10:11 pm

    This looks a fantastic place to visit with so much to do and see!

  2. Julia Kerr
    November 1, 2019 / 10:41 pm

    Wow, this looks so special and truly stunning

  3. Pam Francis Gregory
    November 2, 2019 / 1:03 pm

    Looks like a great day out

  4. Andrea Fletcher
    November 2, 2019 / 5:32 pm

    This looks amazing, lovely photo’s.

  5. Margaret Gallagher
    November 2, 2019 / 7:04 pm

    Always planned on staying here – after seeing your great review ill have to book soon

  6. Nadia Josephine
    November 3, 2019 / 5:39 pm

    Can’t wait to visit it looks very lovely! thanks for your post!

  7. Fiona jk42
    November 3, 2019 / 11:04 pm

    I’ve visited Hever Castle but had no idea that you could actually stay there.

  8. November 4, 2019 / 6:30 pm

    Oh my goodness this looks absolutely incredible. I mean I would love to just visit and look around, never mind staying a night – that would be such a bonus.

  9. Samantha O'D
    November 5, 2019 / 9:53 am

    Lovely photos, stunning place

  10. charlotte isobelle
    November 5, 2019 / 3:39 pm

    the b and b looks beautiful

  11. Terrie-Ann Wright
    November 6, 2019 / 7:56 am

    Looks beautiful! My husband would love it here, hes a big kid and loves anywhere that resembles a castle.

  12. Susan B
    November 6, 2019 / 9:32 am

    Wow! Such magnificent buildings and gardens. That’s what I call a treat.

  13. Jeanette Leighton
    November 6, 2019 / 10:50 am

    A beautiful castle looks great wouldn’t mind visiting one day

  14. paula cheadle
    November 6, 2019 / 11:21 am

    What a luxurious looking place

  15. Helen Sherpa
    November 6, 2019 / 5:55 pm

    looks awesome

  16. Joanne dawkins
    November 6, 2019 / 8:38 pm

    I live in Kent but haven’t been here since I was a kid! I will definitely give it a go again!

  17. AndiG
    November 6, 2019 / 11:40 pm

    lovely place

  18. Mingyu Lin
    November 7, 2019 / 12:37 am

    This looks like a lovely day out!

  19. Rich Tyler
    November 8, 2019 / 1:39 pm

    What a wonderful trip

  20. Tracy Nixon
    November 10, 2019 / 6:45 pm

    Looks like a great day out!

  21. Ruth Harwood
    November 11, 2019 / 7:54 am

    wow, looks amazing! We’ve always wanted to visit here because of it’s history and connections to Anne Boleyn, one of the founders of the Church of England xx

  22. Annabel Greaves
    November 11, 2019 / 2:39 pm

    Looks like you had a lot of fun

  23. Nikki Easton
    November 12, 2019 / 10:32 am

    Looks absolutely gorgeous, what a lovely time you’ve had.

  24. Hannah Rowley
    November 21, 2019 / 7:26 pm

    Looks like you had a fab time x

  25. Justine Meyer
    November 26, 2019 / 7:17 pm

    This looks like you had a fab time and gorgeous as well

  26. Susanne Galley
    November 27, 2019 / 4:29 pm

    looks like a fabulous place to stay

    November 27, 2019 / 9:01 pm

    I haven’t been to Hever Castle since I was a kid, but I’d love to go back, and sooner rather than later.

  28. Sheree
    November 28, 2019 / 5:50 am

    How enchanting and the breakfast looks amazing! The rooms looked perfect and looked like your son had a ball with so much around him to do. A lovely getaway.

  29. Kelly Wheelhouse
    November 28, 2019 / 8:13 am

    Wow I’ve never heard of this place but it looks so beautiful!

  30. Kelly leigh
    November 28, 2019 / 1:30 pm

    Beautiful photos. Def a place of interest.

  31. Sharon Freemantle
    November 28, 2019 / 2:11 pm

    Looks an amazing place. Absolutely stunning never been there.

  32. Emma Betts
    November 28, 2019 / 3:54 pm

    Looks like a beautiful place x

  33. Megan Kinsey
    November 28, 2019 / 6:28 pm

    Such a lovely place to visit, I’ve put it on our list for next year!

  34. Emma G
    November 28, 2019 / 6:45 pm

    This place looks fab

  35. Allan McRae
    November 28, 2019 / 7:56 pm

    Never been here before looks good

  36. Sheena Batey
    November 28, 2019 / 10:01 pm

    Bit too far away for me to visit but looks good fun

  37. November 28, 2019 / 10:31 pm

    Oh wow what an amazing looking place to go and stay. It really offers an interesting BnB and what a great place to explore too!

  38. Shelley Jessup
    November 29, 2019 / 5:54 pm

    There’s so much to see there, looks brilliant I would love it!

  39. Sean Eccles
    November 29, 2019 / 6:20 pm

    This looks absolutely amazing place to visit

  40. lynn savage
    November 29, 2019 / 6:59 pm

    That red wall is so beautiful, I love the colours of autumn.

  41. Jeanette Leighton
    November 29, 2019 / 7:12 pm

    Beautiful place to stay looks very picturesque would love to visit one day

  42. clair downham
    November 29, 2019 / 7:23 pm

    would love to stay here it looks awesome

  43. Gerri Tennant
    November 29, 2019 / 7:39 pm

    Wow, what a treat, must look up the details. It would make a great surprise for my other half – and of course I would have to go with him!

  44. Ellen Stafford
    November 29, 2019 / 7:51 pm

    Wow it looks amazing!

  45. Sharon Freemantle
    November 29, 2019 / 8:15 pm

    A truly lovely place. The photos are amazing.
    The food looks Yummylicous

  46. Rich Tyler
    November 29, 2019 / 9:47 pm

    Beautiful pics, looks so lovely

  47. Gemma Hendry
    November 29, 2019 / 9:47 pm

    wow looks beautiful and seems a lot more to do than i thought

  48. Katie
    November 30, 2019 / 9:04 am

    I’ve heard about this place but never been. It looks amazing! Love your photos x

  49. Sally Collingwood
    November 30, 2019 / 12:46 pm

    Wow, fabulous day out

  50. Lynda W
    November 30, 2019 / 3:25 pm

    A lovely place to stay

  51. Dion Petrie
    November 30, 2019 / 6:48 pm

    Sounds like a nice place to stay

  52. Amber Goddard
    November 30, 2019 / 7:07 pm

    The grounds look so lovely! Perfect photos capturing the Autumnal majesty. Awesome write up! I was born in Kent and remember this place in the recesses of my memory.

  53. T Brailey
    November 30, 2019 / 7:57 pm

    I am always looking for new places to visit and stay. This looks like somewhere to add to my list.

  54. Shelley Jessup
    November 30, 2019 / 10:03 pm

    it is a place with such character that shows in your photos

  55. Shelley Jessup
    December 1, 2019 / 4:16 am

    That spider on top of the pumpkins really freaks me out every time I see it!

  56. Lynda W
    December 1, 2019 / 11:09 am

    Looks a wonderful place to stay

  57. Natalie Burgess
    December 1, 2019 / 11:23 am

    This looks amazing and such a brilliant review! Xx

  58. Julia Bradshaw
    December 1, 2019 / 2:26 pm

    Looks great! Shame it’s not dogoing friendly….or is it? !

    • Cecile Blaireau
      December 3, 2019 / 10:17 am

      it is actually 🙂

  59. Sean Eccles
    December 1, 2019 / 2:40 pm

    Wow looks like something out of a fairytale amazing

  60. Tina clegg
    December 1, 2019 / 6:23 pm

    This looks such fun for all ages , it’s on my list

  61. Shelley Jessup
    December 2, 2019 / 4:17 am

    even the sofa bed looks comfortable!

  62. Andrew Ricketts
    December 2, 2019 / 10:45 am

    Beautiful photos!

  63. Jeanette Leighton
    December 3, 2019 / 6:09 pm

    Looks like a great place to visit I would love to stay somewhere like this

  64. Megan Kinsey
    December 3, 2019 / 8:41 pm

    Wow the flowers on the castle really look stunning this time of year!

  65. Lynda W
    December 4, 2019 / 12:35 pm

    Super luxury

  66. Emma Walton
    December 5, 2019 / 10:31 pm

    My husband and I started dating after a day out at Hever Castle 32 years ago. I would love to stay over.

  67. Alex Telford
    December 5, 2019 / 10:47 pm

    Looks stunning, what a gorgeous place to stay!

  68. Kelly Morgan
    December 6, 2019 / 10:40 am

    Looks lovely

  69. T Brailey
    December 6, 2019 / 4:48 pm

    This looks amazing and somewhere that I would love to visit.

  70. Kellie Faggle mcintyre
    December 6, 2019 / 6:13 pm

    Looks like a fantastic place to visit-very family friendly!

  71. Gerri Tennant
    December 6, 2019 / 9:00 pm

    This looks like a wonderful place to, stay and so beautifully portrayed.

  72. Ailsa Sheldon
    December 7, 2019 / 6:21 am

    Your son is such a cutie. The gardens looks spectacular

  73. Shannon Williams
    December 7, 2019 / 7:29 am

    what a fantastic review of a great adventure we would love to explore there x

  74. Annaloa Hilmarsdottir
    December 7, 2019 / 12:29 pm

    The pictures are amazing – they make me want to book right away!

  75. Rachel Butterworth
    December 7, 2019 / 11:25 pm

    Looks like fun.

  76. Amber Goddard
    December 8, 2019 / 9:28 am

    You captured some really stunning photography here.

  77. ashleigh allan
    December 8, 2019 / 3:51 pm

    Looks a fantastic place

  78. Amelia Avossa
    December 8, 2019 / 9:48 pm

    loooks like a dream! pure luxury

  79. Gerri Tennant
    December 9, 2019 / 10:45 pm

    A beautiful 0lace. I have not visited here but would love to, it combines comfort with history and tells myriad stories. Thanks for a very informative write up.

  80. Amanda Walsh
    December 10, 2019 / 2:51 pm

    What a stunning venue for an overnight stay

  81. Sarah Blake
    December 11, 2019 / 4:34 pm

    This place looks simply stunning

  82. Amanda Walsh
    December 11, 2019 / 8:51 pm

    Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year

  83. Susan B
    December 12, 2019 / 4:00 pm

    A fantastic treat for anyone but especially for visitors from abroad.

  84. Kelly Hemmings
    December 12, 2019 / 4:24 pm

    Looks & sounds wonderful… would be a lovely treat to visit

  85. Rebecca Heminway
    December 12, 2019 / 6:59 pm

    I didn’t know Hever Castle did a Bed & Breakfast too! I’m a bit obsessed with the Tudors so would love this 😀

  86. Sonia Cash
    December 13, 2019 / 12:42 am

    Wow what an amazing and beautiful historical place So much for the kids to do too

  87. Michelle Lewis-Robertson
    December 13, 2019 / 8:25 am

    Wow this was awesome, I love history and Anne Boleyn so win-win

  88. Imogen eve
    December 13, 2019 / 9:55 am

    I would love to go here and my little Kingston would definitely love this

  89. Lindsey Stuart
    December 13, 2019 / 10:33 am

    Wow Hever castle looks absolutely stunning, I love the decor, It looks like you had a wonderful time.

  90. December 13, 2019 / 10:37 am

    I’ve never been but it looks lovely! Will definitely put it on my itinerary next time I am Kent way!

  91. Bethany teasdale
    December 13, 2019 / 8:58 pm

    Awe looks like you had lots of fun and adventure. ❤️

  92. Claire Ginn
    December 14, 2019 / 9:00 am

    This looks an amazing place to stay

  93. Alica
    December 15, 2019 / 2:44 am

    Looks like a fab place to visit!

  94. Allegria
    December 15, 2019 / 4:56 pm

    Sure looks like a great place for a family trip !

  95. Joanie S
    December 19, 2019 / 8:00 pm

    Looks like you had lots of fun, thanks for sharing this

  96. Emma England
    December 22, 2019 / 9:18 am

    It looks great. This is the type of place I would usually visit during the warmer months, but I love the pretty autumn colours and it looks like you all had a great time.

  97. Sue Carter
    December 22, 2019 / 11:14 am

    Looks like a great place to visit

  98. Kirsteen Mackay
    December 24, 2019 / 9:27 am

    This looks very posh and the ultimate in regal escapism. I’d love to go with my children!

  99. claire woods
    December 26, 2019 / 9:20 am

    Looks like a nice place.

  100. natalie s
    December 26, 2019 / 12:50 pm

    This place looks so beautiful and looks like you had a great time 🙂

  101. Eve H Ogden
    December 26, 2019 / 4:15 pm

    Looks like a fab time was had by all

  102. Gemma Hendry
    December 26, 2019 / 7:25 pm

    This is quite close to where i stay and ive never visited but im deffo going to

  103. Nicki Simpson
    December 26, 2019 / 10:50 pm

    This looks ace, we go to either lowther castle or Muncaster castle which are totes spooky too

  104. Mel Pennie
    December 27, 2019 / 10:32 am

    What an amazingly beautiful place, full of history and gorgeous architecture. If I’m ever in Kent this would certainly be on my lists of places to visit!

  105. James Travis
    December 27, 2019 / 3:29 pm

    Looks a great place to stay, hope you all had a great time

  106. Anthea Holloway
    December 27, 2019 / 6:49 pm

    What a super place and you obviously had a very enjoyable time.

  107. Susan B
    December 27, 2019 / 6:58 pm

    Maybe one day I will get to stay here or somewhere just as beautiful and historic. Really fabulous.

  108. Terrie-Ann Wright
    December 27, 2019 / 11:42 pm

    Looks like a fantastic weekend away! Really gorgeous bed and breakfast!

  109. Janine Houghton
    December 28, 2019 / 11:50 am

    Wow, this looks amazing

  110. Amy Jo McLellan
    December 28, 2019 / 2:37 pm

    What a beautiful looking castle! I love the fact there are areas to play on for kids too.

  111. Elaine Shaw
    December 28, 2019 / 3:25 pm

    I love historic places, exploring the ancient, and soaking up the wonderful atmospheres. Hever Castle has been on my Bucket/Visit List for quite some time, so to stay there would be a dream come true, and seeing the beautiful interiors from your Blog article has now elevated it to a 2020 goal!

  112. Sian Buckingham
    December 28, 2019 / 5:22 pm

    This looks like it was an absolutely amazing experience!

  113. Ali Fanstone
    December 29, 2019 / 10:56 am

    what a stunning place to visit, I love historic building, so interesting

  114. Rebecca Heminway
    December 29, 2019 / 3:09 pm

    All the autumnal colours are so beautiful! What a lovely time of year to visit 🙂

  115. Janis McAlinden
    December 30, 2019 / 11:11 pm

    What an amazing castle

  116. Susan B
    January 1, 2020 / 6:42 am

    I don’t do New Year resolutions but I do New Year wishes. One of them is to stay at Hever Castle sometime soon.

  117. January 1, 2020 / 8:48 pm

    Wow looks great love to stay there in 2020

  118. January 1, 2020 / 8:48 pm

    Fab pics, Wow looks great love to stay there in 2020

  119. sharon p
    January 1, 2020 / 9:07 pm

    What a beautiful place.

  120. natalie s
    January 1, 2020 / 9:15 pm

    looks beautiful! I must take my 5 year old daughter sometime 🙂

  121. Theresa THomas
    January 1, 2020 / 10:14 pm

    What an amazing castle. This looks a fantastic place to visit with so much to do and see!

  122. Lisa Mcalley
    January 1, 2020 / 10:16 pm

    Oh wow I have never considered this a place to visit until now

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