Culinary School Games Review – Playing With Him

Bonjour lecteurs! Like many parents, I always try to reduce Stanley’s screentime. When the weather is nice, it’s always easier as we can just run to the park for hours et voilà! But when it’s cold and rainy, it’s not always easy to entertain kids indoors. There is so much craft and other activités we can do together. So instead, I found a good alternative. I decided to play games online with him. I recently came across Culinary and we tried some of its educational games. Nice way to bond with your children and learn together!

Games For Children

The main Culinary Schools website makes une collection intéressante of links and educational resources about cooking and more.

But to start our new experience, I set up Stanley on the games section and he browsed the website on his own. There are many web games (so no need to download an app) suitable for all age groups, including adults.

Culinary School Games Review, Games, Online Games, Gaming, Play with your children, Online Free Games, Games Review, the Frenchie Mummy

After a few days or so, he picked his top 3 games so that you can try them too with your children.

His first choice was the Burger Maker. I know how satisfying it is to build a burger, making sure you answer all the demands of your clients etc. It’s quite an easy one and really pleasant one to play.

He also liked the Crossy Cat and the Idle Mole Empire. It’s basically a business simulator. Pretty good to practise some important skills! You never know, my son might end up being an entrepreneur…

What We Played Together

To have fun together, we also played a version of Find The Difference. J’adore this game! I actually used to play this with my dad when I was a little girl, It was our weekend routine with the newspaper supplement. It would be a competition between us to see who found the most diffrences.

So I did the same with Stanley. It might look easy at first, but don’t be fooled! There were some tricky parts where I struggled myself! Thank god, I had my partner in crime to help me and spot any différence I was missing.

Culinary School Games Review, Games, Online Games, Gaming, Play with your children, Online Free Games, Games Review, the Frenchie Mummy

So it’s une bonne activité to practise teamwork! Plus, this kind of puzzles is also beneficial for enhancing observation skills, attention to detail, and cognitive abilities. So it’s definitely worth a try with younger kids! Personnellement, I just indulged in a bit of nostalgie and we also really liked the cute background with animals in all the levels.

Games for Adults

If you really get into it, there are also many Culinary School Games for adults. I actually got hooked over the Christmas break and played many levels of Mahjong.

Culinary School Games Review, Games, Online Games, Gaming, Play with your children, Online Free Games, Games Review, the Frenchie Mummy

It’s such a great game to relax and unwind. Plus, it might not look like it, but Mahjong improves cognitive function. Did you know? Recent studies even showed that it is actually recommended to the elderly to help maintain good brain health and improve memory skills! Oui, that’s right, another one to add to your list!

Culinary School Games Review, Games, Online Games, Gaming, Play with your children, Online Free Games, Games Review, the Frenchie Mummy

We used to have a physical set of Mahjong at home and we often played with my parents. But what I liked about this online version is that it’s in 3D and you have some cute seasonal games too. Par exemple, this special Valentine’s Day version is now online and it’s such a lovely way to relax (and use your brain!) if you need a short break. Plus, if you are already feeling the January blues, have a look. You might be surprise of the results.

Culinary School Games Review – Le Verdict

Culinary School Games provide a fun and interactive way to explore the world of food where you can learn about cooking and more.

Whatever puzzles you are into, there is something for all the famille. Check out now its user-friendly interface and engaging games. Exit the boring days at home! Take a break from your daily routine and develop many skills while bonding with your children.





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