Behind The Scenes Blogging Tag – 11 questions for you to know all my secrets!

I have been challenged by Mummy here and there to answer some daring questions about my blogging habits. Well, may I say my blogging addiction? It’s probably a bit more appropriate; let’s be honest. So here we go readers. All my darkest secrets for you, only you…

Before we start! Do you like reading this type of post? Why don’t you ask your husband / boyfriend / partner to complete #thedaddytag challenge? Check the rules out here and enjoy the fun ?.

  1. Where Do You Blog?

I have my little space in the living room. It’s a small desk, messy but it’s mine! In the evenings, I mainly work in our bedroom in bed on my laptop. I like it this way so that I can keep an eye on Baba while he is sleeping.

  1. Where Do You Find Inspiration For Your Blog Posts?

Very often, I write about something that I experience in my daily life. I can also come with genius ideas while I go for a walk with Baba. Frenchie Mummy is thinking a lot while le bébé is sleeping and snoring loudly in the buggy. Of course, I can also be inspired by other bloggers. For example, I wrote this post because Oliver’s story moved me so much. Other times, it’s just happy posts that I want to share with the bloggers’ community. I really enjoyed sharing the blog love with other people. Finally, I can also find inspiration in what I see in the news. Recently, I was just outraged by the reaction that Victoria Beckham kissing Harper on the lips had and I published a little rant about it. I had to react to that, being a maman.

  1. How Long Does It Take You To Write a Blog Post?

It depends on my mood. Sometimes, I am too busy playing with Soso la Giraffe. Or I might be occupied shopping so I don’t have time to write. Generally, I spend quite some time editing my posts as English is not my first language. And when I write, I can be a bit too enthusiastic. I must refrain myself so that I don’t scare too many people!

  1. Do You Plan Your Blog Posts? How?

Not really, I am very impulsive.

  1. What Kind of Camera Do You Use? What Editing Program?

I am not a photographer! I mainly use my phone to take pictures. The most stylish photos on my blog are mainly taken by Grumpy Boyfriend. He has one of those gorgeous cameras with a lot of gadgets. I don’t use it that much. I am not really allowed to use it; I could break it! I just do it when he is unaware of it! ? I don’t mind so much that Grumpy Boyfriend is in charge of les photographies. Plus someone needs to strike a pose and I am more than happy to do so! ?


  1. Do You Use a Notebook To Track Your Ideas?

Yep, it follows me everywhere. I hate nothing more than having a brilliant idea and forgetting it later on! I have a small brain so I sometimes need to make some space… I love my notebook because it’s very girly. It’s one from Aspinal of London in purple leather that I got as a present from DisneyLand Paris! I also have another carnet that I bought from Paperchase. It’s green with a picture of the Eiffel Tower on it. I thought it was very Frenchie when I bought it.

  1. How Do You Take Your Pictures?

Baba smiles (or not, depending on his mood) and I click on the button. C’est dans la boîte!

  1. What’s Your Favourite Type of Blog Post to Write?

The more personal posts like Am I only a stay at home mum? I also enjoy writing silly ones. I am not afraid of taking the mick of myself. I think it’s important to laugh at yourself and your stupidity sometimes!

  1. Who Knows About Your Blog?

First, there were my close friends, then my mum. Later on, I discovered linkies. The rest is history. My blog has already reached more than 5000 views within 2 months. I am very happy with that even if it might seem ridiculous to some people. I am no super blogger, just a chic mama who was a bit bored at home.

  1. Are You an Organised or a Messy Blogger?

 I am generally quite organised but I am a messy blogger in the sense that I don’t schedule  posts.

  1. Biggest Blogging Pet Peeve?

People who join linkies and don’t follow the rules. I have (by accident!) forgot to comment sometimes and I was mortified when I realised it later on. I emailed the person in charge and apologised. It was one of the first linkies I joined. I linked up my post, then Baba screamed for attention and I totally forgot about it. I am not perfect and I am sure sometimes, I don’t comment on all posts I am supposed to, but I don’t think I would ever organise a linky myself. I see people not playing the game every single week and the teacher in me would get really annoyed with that! I would even be tempted to give them a detention!

I am not challenging anyone in particular. I am not the kind of person who wants to put too much pressure on someone else. Mais if you liked it and want to take part, feel free to do so. Send me your link and I will RT your post as well.

Dear readers, if you are literally falling in love with our tribulations, there is one more thing you need to do. Vote for us for the Mumsnet Blogging Awards 2016 for the Best Comic Writer category. If you haven’t done it yet, you have until 31st July.  It’s very simple; just click on the link above. Merci from a crazy Frenchie Mummy x

Please, could you also vote for us in the category NEW BLOGGER ON THE BLOCK by clicking on the following link?

I know, what a demanding Frenchie Mummy, right? But I will love you forever ?.

Mummascribbles3 Little Buttons Brilliant blog posts on

Diary of an imperfect mumPost Comment LoveA Cornish Mum

My Random MusingsJENerally Informed

Proud Winner of:

Sandy's P.O.V.


  1. July 23, 2016 / 10:53 am

    I really enjoyed reading more about you and how you blog!! Thank you 🙂

  2. Char
    July 25, 2016 / 12:47 pm

    I love this tag this is for sure one I am going to have to do.

  3. Charlotte
    July 25, 2016 / 1:55 pm

    I love this tag this is for sure one I am going to have to do. I love seeing your responses.

  4. Mummy Muckups (Anna)
    July 26, 2016 / 5:56 am

    For a new blogger you are flying. I have seen some of your great work around and it is even more impressive that English is your second language. You go, girl!!! #TwinklyTuesday

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 26, 2016 / 6:26 am

      Merci for stopping by and putting such a lovely comment ?

  5. July 26, 2016 / 6:29 am

    I’m much the same as you. I don’t have any schedule of great plan of posts, just a few ideas floating round in my head! #twinklytuesday

  6. July 26, 2016 / 6:42 am

    I like this tag – so interesting to read about other people’s blogging styles and approach to blogging. Your blogging space sounds very similar to mine. Good idea to have a notebook for ideas too. 🙂 #twinklytuesday

  7. Over Heaven's Hill
    July 26, 2016 / 6:59 am

    Ohhh so great to find out more about you and your blogging style Frenchie #dreamteam

  8. My Petit Canard
    July 26, 2016 / 9:16 am

    So lovely to find out a bit more about you and why and how you blog. I love posts like these, and personally I love your enthusiam! It definitely comes across in your posts and always makes me smile 🙂 Emily #TwinklyTuesday

  9. July 26, 2016 / 1:16 pm

    Well done on having so many views in the last 2 months! Also I need notice any errors in your posts. Unlike mine, and English is my first language!
    I share that pet peeve! 😉

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 26, 2016 / 6:10 pm

      Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment xx

  10. July 26, 2016 / 3:16 pm

    It’s interesting to hear what happens behind the scenes for you. #mmbc

  11. mummyhereandthere
    July 26, 2016 / 7:02 pm

    Awww, so lovely to read abd find more about you. I love the sound of that notepad and know what you mean about the small brain. I admire how you can translate into another language I just about manage with English and that is my mother tongue! I love intense posts and French honesty and I read book about raising French children it was rather interesting learning about different styles of raising children X

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 26, 2016 / 10:39 pm

      What is the book you were reading? I might know it? Thanks for reading and challenging me to do it in the first place x

      • mummyhereandthere
        July 27, 2016 / 7:18 pm

        Your welcome 🙂 The book is called French Children Don’t Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman, I found it a really good read X

        • thefrenchiemummy
          July 27, 2016 / 7:35 pm

          Never heard of it. Should have a look x

          • mummyhereandthere
            July 27, 2016 / 7:52 pm

            I got it from my local library but really fascinating stuff X

  12. July 26, 2016 / 7:06 pm

    Aw this is lovely – well, you know how much I love your blog and loved getting to know you better! I have a bit of a notebook addiction and yours sound super fancy 🙂 One thing I must say: your English is amazing, I was so shocked to read that you have to read back quite a bit. I love your writing through and through. Thanks so much for linking up to #dreamteam xx

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 26, 2016 / 10:39 pm

      Merci!!!! You are always so positive! I so want to meet you for real one day xxx

  13. July 27, 2016 / 8:50 am

    Sometimes I plan my blog posts sometimes I write on impulse too. 🙂
    Good to know you through these fun questions.

  14. Lucy
    July 27, 2016 / 9:18 am

    I am very impressed that you write this when English isnt your first language – I am awful at languages 🙁

    Well done on 5000 views, thats really good 🙂 Clearly keep up what you have been doing! x

  15. Squirmy Popple
    July 28, 2016 / 11:13 am

    It’s always interesting to read about other people’s blogging processes. I never schedule anything either – I write when I have ideas, and don’t when I don’t. I really should use a notebook for ideas – I’m currently just relying on my ‘brain bank’ which sometimes works…sometimes not. #ablogginggoodtime

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 28, 2016 / 11:52 am

      Wow, I would never rely on my brain! Too much things going on in it and then I would lose of my great posts’ ideas! Thanks for stopping by x

  16. July 28, 2016 / 3:32 pm

    wow, I’m impressed in so many ways, not writing in your first language is super cool. I love this tag, do I have to sit in a corner and wait to be picked???? 5000 views is wonderful, your writing is darn good so its lovely to see such credit for it.

    mainy x


  17. July 28, 2016 / 11:28 pm

    That was a great tag 🙂 I enjoyed reading it
    Good luck on the blogging award #brilliantblogposts

  18. Kaye
    July 29, 2016 / 6:15 am

    Love finding out more about other bloggers! My notebook follows me everywhere too, I remember the days I had nothing to fill a notebook with haha. #pocolo

  19. July 29, 2016 / 7:17 am

    I enjoyed this! I’d also be mortified to think I hadn’t followed the linky rules. I’m only a few weeks in but I love the linky community!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 29, 2016 / 7:21 am

      Thanks for your lovely comment. I can’t find you on twitter! Where are you? xx

      • July 30, 2016 / 4:12 pm

        I think you’ve found me now ? Thank you for the follow! xx

        • thefrenchiemummy
          July 30, 2016 / 4:19 pm

          love your blog! and your new series. xx

  20. July 29, 2016 / 7:28 am

    Wow – I was surprised when I read that English wasn’t your first language. Your impeccable English is a whole load better than my rubbish French!

  21. July 29, 2016 / 7:38 am

    Wow 5000 visits in the first 2 months?! That’s impressive! You deserve it, though – I have noticed how hard you work and how many different linkies you join, etc. I love posts where you get to find out about the blogger – so interesting! #PoCoLo

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 29, 2016 / 8:03 am

      I am just addicted I think LOL xx

  22. July 29, 2016 / 9:48 am

    I love this, it’s great to get to know the person behind the blog! I need to invest in a notepad, you have inspired me!


  23. acornishmum
    July 29, 2016 / 1:15 pm

    Most of my blogging is done from the sofa, I dream of a gorgeous little office and I am eyeing up the spare room for the future for this hopefully 😉 Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x

  24. Cheryl @ Tea or Wine
    July 30, 2016 / 7:00 am

    Good to find out more about you Frenchie! And I’m always intrigued by how other people blog – you sound like me – unplanned and writing whatever stirs you! #TwinklyTuesday X

  25. Mess and merlot
    July 30, 2016 / 2:51 pm

    Ooh I like this series!! Sounds like you are very similar to me with your blogging style 🙂 Lovely to know a bit more about you and your blogging habits! #PicknMix

  26. July 30, 2016 / 8:36 pm

    Love this! I am a messy blogger too and all of my photos are from my phone! I feel like a bit of a blagger blogger haha! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  27. organisedjo
    July 30, 2016 / 9:11 pm

    This tag is great, it’s lovely to learn a bit more about you. I love reading your posts, keep up the good work! ? #PicknMix

  28. August 1, 2016 / 9:44 am

    always good to see what goes on behind the scenes…. helpful for a new blogger like me,thx 🙂

  29. alisonlonghurst
    August 1, 2016 / 6:01 pm

    You have a very upbeat writing style, that makes your posts really easy and enjoyable to read – almost lyrical sometimes. I think that perhaps it’s the occasional french phrase! I always admire linguists. Lovely to learn more about you and your blog. Alison x #AnythingGoes

  30. jermbarnes
    August 2, 2016 / 12:33 pm

    Nice to hear that there are other people just snapping pics on their phones and just hoping for the best #anythinggoes

  31. August 3, 2016 / 10:00 am

    It is so good to get to know you better – it’s also nice to hear I am not the only one blogging from bed ha ha

    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime

  32. August 3, 2016 / 3:18 pm

    I loved the behind the scenes look into your blog with all of your answers. How fun! Makes me thankful that I’m not the only slightly disorganised blogger since I hardly plan any posts either. 🙂

  33. Caryn
    August 4, 2016 / 9:21 pm

    I enjoy your voice…I can hear you talking through your words. You seem funny, a little sarcastic and sweet. Good luck with everything.

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 4, 2016 / 9:23 pm

      You are describing me perfectly well! Thanks for reading. Hope to see you back ?

  34. Jakijellz
    August 5, 2016 / 9:34 am

    Love tag posts. I will be doing this one soon I think! #pocolo

  35. August 5, 2016 / 12:40 pm

    I love these kinds of posts as it’s a good way to find out more about the blogger behind the blog. I often – quite often – use my iPhone for my blog photos too it’s just so much easier! Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo and I love linkers that make linkys work 🙂

  36. August 5, 2016 / 1:56 pm

    Great post. Love your openness and sincerity. You have done exceptionally well even though English is not your first language.
    Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon,

  37. Rambles, Rants, Writings
    August 5, 2016 / 10:37 pm

    Great post! This is a very sincere post – thank you for being so truthful and honest. I have a small desk that is messy too that I work from, although I’m sort of laid across the couch currently lol 🙂

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 5, 2016 / 10:48 pm

      I do that sometimes too ?

  38. Rambles, Rants, Writings
    August 5, 2016 / 10:38 pm

    Sorry, I meant to say #AnythingGoes – Janet

  39. August 7, 2016 / 5:46 pm

    I enjoy reading about how other bloggers operate their blog. Congratulations on being one of the most viewed features on #overthemoon!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 7, 2016 / 5:52 pm

      I am so happy my post has been seen many time! Thank you so much for hosting a great linky! I will be abck next week xx

  40. Jen
    August 8, 2016 / 5:05 am

    I love behind the scenes like this. It helps me to get to know my fellow bloggers in a different way. I am quite the impulsive blogger as well, pre-planning makes blogging a chore and unless I am getting paid for a post I would rather have fun 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your behind the scenes look over at the Happy Now Link-Up. I hoe you can join in again this week!

  41. Mary Job
    August 8, 2016 / 11:49 pm

    Thanks for the wonderful tag inspiration. I sure enjoyed reading your answers. Nice blog too.

  42. October 6, 2016 / 9:44 pm

    I love your blog and I try to stay updated with your articles. Being a new mummy blogger, it really helps to see how other struggle blogging 😉

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