Baba Takes the Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge

Bonjour lecteurs! Feeding children can be hard work. Generally speaking, Baba is a good eater. So much indeed we have often been told that he was trying to eat the lunch of other children at the nursery… Like moi, he has un bon appétit. Well he can’t only have his dad’s flaws, right? But Frenchie Mummy is far from being experimental in the cuisine. Well, she cooks her bébé some amazing dishes every day and the Frenchiest ones possible: Bœuf Bourguignon, Coq Au VinEscargots de Bourgogne, Tartiflette… La maman is a real chef in the kitchen. She feels obliged when she is not blogging nor shopping! But this week was busy as we moved house and it was l’occasion parfaite to take the Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge!

We Had An Empty Fridge!

Au Secours! We just arrived at our new house last Saturday and we barely had any food in the house! Plus la maman was très fatiguée after having carried (too) many boxes all day long. She was not in the mood to cook one of her famous Frenchie meals!

And when a toddler happens to be hungry, many dangerous things can happen!

  • they will become moody
  • the toddler will make weird noises 
  • 2 minutes later, he will grab your hand and point out at the fridge saying ‘more?’
  • you will feel like a terrible mum but clearly, you are too busy blogging, dreaming, drinking wine or anything else way more exciting!
  • the child will then become more impatient and start throwing themselves on the floor with big tears in their eyes
  • exhausted, you will decide it is time to intervene and cook (isn’t it what you do most of the time these days?! The joys of being a mummy at home!)

Thank god, Frenchie Mummy happened to have some Rustlers Chicken Burgers in the house as well as some fromage! There was also a good bottle of Merlot but that was it really! Without thinking twice, la maman popped those burgers in the ovens and added a bit of cheese.

Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge, Britmums, Chicken Burgers
We made it with what we had in the house! Hurrah!

Et voilà! Le déjeuner est prêt!

Rustlers burgers saved the day! Baba got some yummy food and la maman could carry on her day (she had one too!)

Baba Takes the Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge

Ultimately, it was a good way to take the Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge. Frenchie Mummy likes nothing more than a good challenge! Especially un défi involving some good food. Not the sporty ones! Those are way too boring! Unless it is something related to shopping? She might consider it 🙂

But what did Baba think of the burgers would you say? Well, he had it all so I say ‘C’est un succès!‘ And yes my burgers were not super fancy but we had so little food in the house! But if you decide to take the Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge too with your family, it can be a fun way to create some healthy meals.

Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge, Britmums, Chicken Burgers
Testing carefully the product and eating it the Baba way with the bread upside down. Why not?

Plus really, Rustlers Burgers make a quick and easy meal to cook with some affordable meat! You can make it to your taste with any toppings of your choice and create something really delicious.

If you too want to have a go and try it, follow these simple steps:

  • drive to your local Tesco
  • get some packs of Rustlers Chicken Burgers
  • buy any other ingredients you may desire and you don’t have in the house
  • go home, help yourself with a good glass of wine
  • put those little things to cook
  • then let the little ones have fun and create the burger of their dreams
  • if your other half has been good enough this week, allow him to take part and have a burger too
  • sit down (with your second glass of Merlot!) and enjoy the picture of a happy family eating a healthy meal in an empty house (if like moi, you just moved into a new place)
Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge, Britmums, Chicken Burgers
The first bite is a success!

Et voilà! Everybody is happy and you feel like you are winning the Mummy of the Year Award. Well, it is not 100% true but it is nice to have such a feeling at the weekend!

Some Delicious Chicken Burgers Recipes

Maintenant, I know what you are going to say. I did not go far with my toppings this time. But I was too exhausted to get creative and I literally had nothing else in the house!

Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge, Britmums, Chicken Burgers
The baby was tired too after the move so Maman helped him a bit

Not to worry, I have here some delicious chicken burgers recipes that we can try later on with another pack of Rustlers Chicken Burgers:

Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge, Britmums, Chicken Burgers
Let’s drink up to make sure we stay fresh. Already thinking about his dessert, that’s for sure!

Inspired? Go now to your local Tesco and tell us all about your Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge! You are welcome for giving you some stress-free meal ideas! We know how difficile la vie de maman can be so we are happy to help!

Disclosure: This post is an entry for BritMums ‘Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge’, sponsored by Rustlers. 


  1. Ondo Lady
    February 10, 2018 / 7:21 pm

    I do love a good burger – cheeseburgers are my guilty pleasure, so it’s good to know that there are some alternatives out there.

  2. February 10, 2018 / 8:29 pm

    Sometimes simple is better! The merlot sounds like a good plan!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      February 11, 2018 / 5:32 pm

      haha yes always! Love the Merlot 🙂

  3. February 11, 2018 / 7:24 am

    It certainly looks as if Baba enjoyed his meal. Glad you found a solution to the empty fridge.

  4. Talya
    February 11, 2018 / 12:43 pm

    PHEW! There are some days when you just really need stuff like this up and our sleeve – he looks very happy with his burger!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      February 11, 2018 / 5:29 pm

      always happy with cheese 🙂

  5. Alex
    February 11, 2018 / 4:52 pm

    Some days you just need quick and easy meals – especially when moving house! I think we ate nothing but chinese and leftovers when we moved!

  6. February 11, 2018 / 6:04 pm

    Always good to have a back-up dinner plan! I always have burgers in the freezer but no buns – so this would be an ideal solution ; )

  7. Beth @
    February 11, 2018 / 9:00 pm

    Oooh, quick and easy for the win! Especially when moving house. It’s so stressful that cooking is the last thing you want to do isn’t it? Baba seemed to enjoy the burgers.

  8. Rebecca Smith
    February 12, 2018 / 6:07 pm

    Sometimes you need something simple like this for tea, if only to ease the stress. Baba really seems to enjoy the burger – it looks delicious!

  9. Lisa
    February 12, 2018 / 9:27 pm

    Sometimes you’ve just got to have a back up plan. Well done x

  10. February 13, 2018 / 11:54 am

    There’s definitely a time and a place for ready meals like this, and busy mid-week dinners, when there is no other food in the house, is definitely a time! My teenage son loves these.

  11. Debbie Nicholas
    February 13, 2018 / 2:40 pm

    I love have a quick and easy solution as a back up plan!

  12. Jen
    February 13, 2018 / 8:07 pm

    You can’t beat a quick and easy tea. Your little one certainly looks like he’s enjoying it!

  13. February 14, 2018 / 8:28 am

    hahahaha I laughed all the way through this post. Especially at letting your other half have one if he’s been good this week. I hope your house move went really smoothy. Oh I wish I could cook like you, some of the meals you traditionally make sound so gorgeous. I’ve never heard of rustlers before, but this sounds like a fun challenge and it looks like your little one loved it too. x

  14. Mudpie Fridays
    February 16, 2018 / 1:47 pm

    Sounds like a great challenge and Baba really enjoyed his burger. I will have to remember these as we are always throwing meals together when we get home from school so they would be perfect.

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