8 Helpful Tips To Split Up With Grace

Bonjour lecteurs. I just signed up to my FB page this morning to read a terrible post about a poor mum wanting to leave her husband after 20 years together. Only her other half sounded controlling and she seemed to be lost. She was seeking for tips from fellow mums who’d been through that and I felt so terrible for cette personne. There’s no fun in a break up, whatever your situation. But it needn’t be a shitshow or une catastrophe. If you are planning to split up with a relationship, marriage or stable partner, the way you handle the breakup can impact on your personal and romantic future tremendously. Plus, it can also affect your confidence. So here are 8 Helpful Tips To Split Up With Grace.

Tips To Split Up With Grace, Divorce, Relationships, How To post, Relationships Tips, Love Life, Relationships Tips, the Frenchie Mummy

1.  Communicate Openly & Honestly

Effective communication is the formula for a happy breakup. At the end of the day, tell it as you see fit without criticising yourself. Be alone and speak to one another and do not accuse or humiliate the other. Focus on “I” words (i.e., “I think our relationship isn’t working anymore”), which allows you to speak up and not get defensive.

2.  Set Clear Boundaries

In healing, the key is having clear boundaries after a breakup. This might involve blocking or disrupting communication, refusing to attend collectively agreed social events, or separating goods. Get what you need from l’autre personnne and respect their boundaries. These actions keep feelings from fermenting into tension and causing confusion.

3.  Practice Empathy

Breakups are stressful for everyone, so be kind. Let your partner know that he is going to be hurt, let down, frustré, and give him time to recover. Sympathy doesn’t mean you compromise on your decision, but it sets the tone for kind conversations during this difficult time without things turning ugly.

4.  Avoid Playing the Blame Game

It takes two to tango. So there will be some faults from both parties as to why this relationship ended. Blaming it all on the other party will only creates unnecessary drame and animosity. Instead, focus on the silver linings. Many relationships break apart and it’s part of life. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to remember the happy days you had together rather than less fortunate moments in your relationship. The sooner each party acknowledges it wasn’t their fault, the sooner they will be able to move on without bitterness.

5.  Seek Support

Divorce is emotionally exhausting and there are good people to support you. You can ask your best friends, family members or a therapist for guidance. If you fear that they might not be objective in the matter or if you would love a third-party opinions, you can always ask for advice online (you can post anonymously on FB par exemple). Many charities can also support you in this moment difficile: Family Lives or Women’s Aid can be a good start to look at.

6.  Focus on Self-Care

When you’re ending a relationship, it’s about finding yourself. Do what you want, think or meditate on it, and live healthy. If you’re nurturing yourself (physically and emotionally), you’ll have more strength to weather it and move on.

7.  Patience is Key to Healing.

Breakups can be hard to endure and you have to be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to mourn the loss of the relationship and process it. Don’t take the leap into a relationship or extreme action before you’ve tried it. Otherwise, you might make some mistake or end up with the wrong person because you rushed things.

8.  Learn from the Experience

Every aspect of a relationship reveals something about who we are, and what we want in a partner. Consider your relationship and divorce as a step towards something better. This will enable you to have happier, healthier relationships going forward.


A separation is never easy, but it doesn’t have to be life-threatening. If you speak up, listen and do things that make you happy, you can do it without too much animosité. Most of the times, it’s about taking the emotions off it, so that you can clearly see the path ahead of you. But either way, you will come out of it stronger for sure!


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