Bonjour chers lecteurs!
Back with the 30 Days Blogging Challenge! Today it’s all about a habit I wish I didn’t have. Ooh la la, this challenge is becoming increasingly difficult and personal.
Well, I know that I have a couple of bad habits and they can be quite annoying. When I asked Grumpy Boyfriend for his opinion (you see, even if he was very negative about the blogging thing, he is indirectly part of it!), he first laughed. How can I ask him that!? To him, it was obvious that my worst habit was my mood swings.

I can be very good at complaining and moaning. Being a perfectionist, I want it all and I want it now.
So it’s true to say that when I don’t have what I want, I can literally throw my toys out of the pram. Grumpy Boyfriend loves using this expression and in honesty, he has a point. I can be very demanding at times. I still wonder sometimes how he is still with me after more than 6 years together. I can be very argumentative and moody when I don’t have what I want. Spoilt, moi!? Never!
I would blame it on Grumpy Boyfriend. It’s totally sa faute! When we met back in 2010, he instantly treated me like a princess. Within a couple of weeks dating each other, we went on a romantic trip to Paris where he bought me a very nice (and expensive!) Longchamp handbag.

It’s my favourite Frenchie handbags’ brand. Ok, one of my favourites as I also like Karen Millen, Kate Spade, LK Bennett and Louis Vuitton…
So basically, I am a bit of diva and when I don’t have it my way, I can become your worst enemy. Literally, I transform myself into Mumzilla!
De plus, I am very bad at hiding my feelings. My face says it all when I am not contente about something. I sigh, I roll my eyes up and I ‘throw away my rolling pin across the room’. Another expression from Grumpy Boyfriend, aka my very mean and naughty boyfriend. I then happily mutter under my breath ‘Merde! Putain! That’s boring!’ And when Grumpy Boyfriend tries to talk to me through the problem (like any normal adult would do in this kind of circumstances), I just ignore him and barely manage to whisper (no, I actually shout!) a vibrant ‘je m’en fous!’ If you really want to know, it means ‘I don’t care’. Well, it’s more like ‘I don’t give a damn!’
When I am in one of the moments described above, I am a real monster. I shout, I bang things. I broke a couple of objects in the house. Once back in the days we were sharing our first little flat with mon homme, I got annoyed about something. Probably a very trivial thing as I can’t even remember what it was now!
Anyway, I slammed the door so badly that I broke the small mirror that was on it! I had to get it repaired and I think it cost me a whopping £200! A fortune at the time, as I was a student… Writing about it today, I am far from being impressed with myself.
I am getting better (or I think so), but we still have some of these moments sometimes. And you want to know the best? I think that Baba has the same temper as maman…It’s so funny. One moment, he is happy and suddenly, he has his moody face on. He looks at you and you can just read his thoughts: ‘What on earth is going on? I am not content!!’ He screams and throws away whatever he has in his hands. 2 minutes of cries and shouting (no real tears, though…) and then, a happy Baba is back. He smiles at you, he giggles. Oops, we might have a Babyzilla in the house! Get prepared for more mood swings!

Done and dusted! See you soon for some new adventures in the 30 Days Blogging Challenge. And in the meantime, don’t forget to share with us your worst habit. Surely, Frenchie Mummy is not the only one to have a dark side ?.
I think if we are unhappy about something it’s best to just get it out there and be done with it! Your baby is so cute, no way is he Babyzilla!!! #StayClassyMama
Well done for revealing your dark side. I’m not sure that I could be that brave…! Alison x #StayClassyMama
I was told I was being a spoilt person today..I say I was telling my hub what I wanted to do! It’s all about the perspective isn’t it?
I also am very easy to read but I’m not sure that’s a bad habit… at least NW knows what he’s in for as soon as he walks through the door! And your baby is a poppet!! #EatSleepBlogRT
I am with you Frenchie Mummy, I’m generally fine and will take so much but the boom Colleyswobbles loses her shit, has a blub and a rant then gets over it, tomorrow is a new day. It’s best to get it out there than to let it linger. Babyzilla is gorgeous!! #EatSleepBlogRT
My Mrs., she is a bit of a diva too. grumpy BF and I must have some things in common? Who knows…Keep up the challenge! Baba is so darned cute! #stayclassymama
I vent haha. That keeps me from having a dark side. Let out bunches of swears and insult people and I feel better lol. Never online, just at home.
Oh gosh I can so sympathize with the Momzilla. Sometimes I blame it on hormones but most of the time it’s just me. Lol.
Nothing wrong with being a bit of a diva! Got to make your voice heard I say! #stayclassymama
Brilliant idea for a feature. And hmmm bad habits… my gigantic lack of patience, just with adults though…with kids I have the patience of a a saint, luckily! #EatSleepBlogRT
My mood swings get me so pissed off. It’s a vicious cycle. 🙂
I did the 30 day blogging challenge a few months ago and it was such fun – my worst habit is procrastination! Which coming from a PA is pretty ha. Good luck with the rest of your challenge, I look forward to reading them #bestandworst
Haha I think a good strop is needed now and then. I’m quite bad for it but hubby just laughs and ignores me. He never takes it that seriously and I think I have got a bit better. I like the idea of the name Babyzilla!! haha. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
Good for you to be honest about your feelings. Babies are change their moods so quickly but each one is so adorable.
Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon Party,
Oh dear i was seeing myself when reading your post lol! I tend to keep my problems to myself and throw strops when i don’t get my own way. I am getting better though 🙂 Thanks for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRt
haha, I am happy to see that I am not the only one! Thanks for reading xx
Ha ha I too can get a little firey – usually over nothing. My other half calls me the puffer fish. One minute I am happily swimming through life then poof! All spikey for not reason! #EatSleepBlogRT
Like me lol. I love your nickname xx
Haha! I could never keep up with doing these challenges! Well, I’m not moody or demanding. But I am neurotic, anxious, and an avoider when I feel worried or overwhelmed. Those are my worst habits I think. #bestandworst
Haha, yes I was very like you when I was younger. Now having reached my mid forties, I am becoming so laid back I barely recognise myself sometimes. Well done for sharing x
Love these blogs <3