Bonjour lecteurs! I am such a naughty girl! I have not published a photography post over the last two weeks. We have been so busy looking for a house. And once I managed to have some time, I had to write reviews or other posts that I planned a long time ago. Basically, we don’t have enough hours in the day! But this weekend, the weather is gorgeous so I must make the most of it and go out with Baba. So Living Arrows 33/52 will be a short one. I will share some photos from our weekend away in Tunbridge Wells. And we have been up to so much!
Baba went swimming
As the hotel we stayed at had a swimming-pool, we made the most of it. Baba got into his little baby boat and Frenchie Mummy took him for a ride.

I am not a very good swimmer and I prefer when Grumpy Boyfriend does this. Le bébé liked it for a bit but he was keen to have a go at it properly on his own. He is quite heavy and I am not strong enough to hold him. But Papa was doing a great job and Maman had some time in the steam room while her two favourite men were splashing around.
Our Cuddledry Cuddleroar Toddler Bath Towel came in handy to make sure le petit singe was dry after so much entertainment! Check out our full review & giveaway here if you want to win one 🙂
He also played a lot in the hotel room!
La piscine was not enough fun for him and as soon as he was bathed, he had a bundle on the bed… Full of energy!

At first, he was very good, posing for the camera. But it was not to last!

La tornade Baba was quickly on the move and we had some play time in the room! Proudly wearing his top from Pregnant Then Screwed, he was in good form! If you like his top, you can win the same here with our last Baba Fashionista!
Living Arrows 33/52 is also about discovering nature!
Pour finir, our escapade to Tunbridge Wells was also the occasion to go to a local park.
Le bébé was eager to run around and go on the swing! With his cap on to make sure he was protected from the sun, he had a good look around. He finally played in the kids’ area and made a lot of friends.

Le problème? We still need to practise the concept of queuing and sharing toys with others. He can sometimes be a bit dominant! I will blame it on Grumpy Boyfriend. Another weakness coming from his side of the family!
That’s it for our Living Arrows 33/52 folks! I hope you had your dose of Frenchie Baba for the weekend! Let’s go to the park!
Your hotel break looks lovely, he really seems to have enjoyed it! x
Hope you had a great time in RTW! My hometown 🙂 x
Is it? It’s so nice. We really enjoyed it x
Glad you enjoyed your time in Tunbridge Wells – I’m very close to there, it’s a lovely part of the world! First time visitor one here though! #livingarrows
Looks like he had a great time floating around the pool! And I’m impressed you managed to get that first photo of him sitting still on the bed! x #LivingArrows
I am quick to snap LOL. Thanks for reading
You certainly have packed in a lot of fun lately ! You have taken some lovely photo’s too. #LivingArrows
Oh my gosh he is SO sweet! Glad you were able to take some time for you in the steam room. 🙂
Looks like alot of fun
Love Tunbridge Wells – don’t live far either being in Brighton – bus ride away 🙂