My top 5 bloggers who know what the blog love means!

I am back for the fantastic Inspire & Flourish linky. If you don’t know what it’s all about, just click on the badge at the end of the post!


Now, like any other linky, you have some rules to follow. Frenchie Mummy is usually a good girl when it’s about following instructions. I  swear! Mais aujourd’hui, I feel a bit daring and naughty. Kate would like us to share posts we read with the #inspireflourish linky. But I would like to do something a bit different. I am not going to share specific posts. Instead, I am going to share with your some fantastic blogs and talk a bit about the bloggers behind them. Then it’s up to you to click and read the post(s) of your choice!

After all, the Inspire & Flourish linky is all about the blog love. And I have to share those fabulous bloggers with you. I chose them for different reasons. But they all have something en commun. They are great people who helped me in my blogging journey.

Now, without further ado, here they are:

  1. Nigel blogging over at DIY DADDY. I decided to mention Nigel because he has been very supportive over the last few days. As you may know, I set up the Daddy Tag Challenge 3 weeks ago. It’s basically an adaptation of the Mummy Tag Challenge. He has been very encouraging, while some other bloggers not only refused to complete it but also told me it was a stupid idea. I want to blog and have fun. Nigel reminded me about it when I was very much doubting that was the case.
  1. Another person I think you should be aware of is Jayne from Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs. Isn’t a cute name for a blog? Now, what I love about this blog is the linky Monday Morning Blog Club (#MMBC if you search on Twitter) she runs every Monday, bien sûr! It’s not a traditional linky where you share a post. The idea here is that you link up your blog URL. Then it’s for other bloggers to check it out and read any post they want on your website. I love the freedom it gives you and I discovered so many nice bloggers through it.
  1. One of the newbie bloggers I discovered with #MMBC and I really liked is Now my Name is Mummy written by Claire. I have a soft spot for this blog because she is a first-time maman like me and she is running a very interesting series called It’s ok… #mumguilt. I mean, hello! We all can surely fit in this series. I am feeling guilty about so many things while I am trying my best with Baba! I know that she is thinking about having guests on this series. So if you are interested, come along and contact her. I am sure she would love to have you on board. Watch out for this new mummy!
  1. The next person I would like to name here is the fantastic Rebecca at Taylor-Made-Rambling. She is always so nice and supportive when she comments on my posts. The most touching moment just happened two days ago when she read Am I still a cool cat? In this post, I explained how left out and a bit perdue I felt at a work party now that I am not wearing my teacher cap anymore. Well, it’s temporary, but it was still weird when I met up with my colleagues for the first time since I left work. Rebecca wrote the loveliest comment ever. It made me feel so much better and less worried about going back to work next January. And I needed it after a long day. I was just feeling exhausted. When I read what Rebecca said, it just gave me the new boost I needed! Not only she reassured me that it was normal to feel that way, but she also certified that I was still a super cool cat for sure!


  1. Last but not least is a special mention of Zoe at Petite Pudding. Remember when I nudged you to vote for me in the category Comic Writer for the ‪#‎MNBlogAwards? Not only Zoe shared my tweet, but she also wished me good luck with it. When we exchanged emails where I declared I had no chance, she was very encouraging. Little fish in the blogosphere like me (and you?) are allowed to dream!

Here we go! These people are 5 fantastic, generous, helpful and human bloggers that you MUST visit at some point! Of course, I know I forgot some other bloggers here. But they are the ones who marked my journey this week. They are the ones who supported me, even if they didn’t realise it. They made me remember that while I am not perfect, I am actually ok at blogging. They reassured me that we all have our doubts at some point. Whether it’s about our blog or us being parents. So a massive MERCI to you all, Nigel, Jayne, Claire, Rebecca and Zoe. It’s because of people like you that Frenchie Mummy (and many other bloggers I am sure!) keep up with it!

And don’t forget when you feel low that everyone feels this way at some point. Just knock at someone’s door and ask for a little bit of help or comfort! There are a lot of people out there willing to give you a shoulder to cry on!


But not mine, right? It’s already busy with un petit vampire called Baba who is actively dribbling on it at the moment. Yep, Frenchie Mummy is going to start a new journey called the pleasure of teething! ??. Wish me Bonne Chance… More seriously. If you think that I can be of any help, feel free to contact me.

Tweet: Come and read our Frenchie posts at #pbloggers #MummyBloggers via @FrenchieMummy


And one more thing! Frenchie Mummy is running her first competition for you to win a cake from Baker Days. Having a little piece of cake is always nice, so don’t be shy and have a look over here.

Inspire FlourishKeep Calm and Carry On Linking SundayPetite Pudding


Proud Winner of :

JENerally Informed


  1. The Unsung Mum
    August 6, 2016 / 5:31 pm

    Love this! I saw the daddy tag the other day and thought it was a fab idea! I’m def going to check out these other blogs you mentioned too!!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 6, 2016 / 5:34 pm

      If you want hubby to complete the daddy tag, that would be great! But if you prefer making it up for him as well, we are not fuss lol xx

  2. August 6, 2016 / 6:09 pm

    I think the daddy tag is a brilliant idea. Can’t believe bloggers have been rude to you about it! We’ll be completing our tag soon ?

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 6, 2016 / 7:17 pm

      thank you so much! I am so happy you like it and you want to be part of it. I look forward to your other half’s answers.

  3. August 7, 2016 / 7:48 am

    Frenchie Mummy! I was just scrolling through and saw my name on there! Thank you so much, I’m very touched! I also love this feature, it’s great! xx

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 7, 2016 / 8:14 am

      No problem. my pleasure. Thanks for reading xx

  4. August 7, 2016 / 7:49 am

    I also love the daddy tag idea, I’d never refuse anything that’s just a bit of fun! X

  5. Muma on the Edge
    August 7, 2016 / 7:51 am

    This is a Lovely idea- sharing the blog love!
    I adore your posts: you crack me up.
    Bon chance with the teething… See you on The other side!! Hehe.

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 7, 2016 / 8:14 am

      At least he had a full night sleep last night hurrah! Thanks for reading xx

  6. August 7, 2016 / 9:54 am

    This is a lovely idea to share the blog love. I love all of those bloggers and agree, Nige is wonderfully supportive. His comments always make me smile. #KCACOLS

  7. August 7, 2016 / 9:59 am

    I’ve just noticed the daddy tag, great idea x #KCACOLS

  8. beccaweatherall
    August 7, 2016 / 12:40 pm

    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog! Made my day!
    I’m so pleased the comment made you smile!
    I will check out the other blogs too!
    Daddy Tag sounds great! X #inspireandflourish #kcacols

  9. August 7, 2016 / 1:42 pm

    sounds like some good link ups in here that i haven’t come across before, i need to check them out. I didn’t read your post about not feeling cool anymore but it is certainly a feeling i can relate to – especially since leaving teaching to have Arthur. Love that you have given a shout out to some great bloggers – I think it is really important to share the love, it can be a lonely old business sometimes and im sure your lovely blog post put some smiles on some faces 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 7, 2016 / 3:22 pm

      Thanks for the RT and you lovely comment. xx

  10. August 7, 2016 / 3:18 pm

    Love finding new blogs so posts like these are great to read. Like the sound of the Mmbc linky too, linking up blog rather than specific post. Thanks for sharing that. It’s great when people comment on a supportive way too. Good luck with the awards thing too!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 7, 2016 / 3:23 pm

      Thanks for stopping by and your lovely comment xx

    • August 13, 2016 / 9:29 pm

      Reading again for #fabfridaypost I love the inspire flourish linky!

  11. August 7, 2016 / 3:26 pm

    I haven’t read all of those blogs, but I shall take a look! I love reading Nige’s blog.

  12. aliduke79hotmailcom
    August 7, 2016 / 4:37 pm

    What a great way of sharing the blog love. Good luck with the teething!

  13. August 7, 2016 / 5:14 pm

    Love a bit of linky love and helping everyone out! That’s what I’ve been so surprised at with the family blogger community- it’s so friendly! Having only been blogging a few months, I’m still finding my feet and will definitely be checking out the #inspireflourish linky and join in soon. Xx #KCACOLS

  14. Nige
    August 7, 2016 / 7:26 pm

    Thank you so much for including I feel really honoured and humbled. I remember the early days so well and it can be very hard. I wasn’t confident and it didn’t take much to knock me down which is why I’m such a believer in blog love and especially supporting new bloggers
    Thank you again xx

  15. August 7, 2016 / 8:14 pm

    What a great post, its always good to share the love. i wrote a post all about my linky love over on my blog, check it out. ps: thanks i found 1 new blog through reading this….i can feel the love! Thanks for sharing g #EatSleepBlogRT

  16. August 7, 2016 / 8:51 pm

    Ah lovely idea to give praise to bloggers who have supported you. I have to say, I happened to see some of that rudeness you referred to on twitter and I was shocked – It actually really annoyed me to the point that I had to show my partner and ask what he thought about it. He thought your tag seemed fun and that people take things far too seriously these days 😉 #KCACOLS

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 7, 2016 / 8:54 pm

      Exactly! Never mind, some people don’t get it! Thank you so much for your lovely comment x

      • August 18, 2016 / 10:57 pm

        Back from #SundayBest – thanks for joining us! xx

  17. Liane
    August 8, 2016 / 6:03 am

    I love it when bloggers share their favourite bloggers! I’ve found so many great blogs to follow that way! #MarvMondays

  18. islandliving365
    August 8, 2016 / 6:08 am

    Oh lovely choices! I am a big fan of petite pudding too. She is a fab 🙂 #MarvMondays

  19. August 8, 2016 / 8:37 am

    Love finding new blogs so thanks for sharing your top 5!

  20. August 8, 2016 / 11:35 am

    aww lovely to give recognition 🙂 there are some fab people out there that’s for sure 🙂 #KCACOLS

  21. Amy @ Mum's The Law
    August 8, 2016 / 11:52 am

    I love this post – we’ve totally hopped on board with the Daddy Tag Challenge too, so we’ll be posting that up in the next couple of days. Thanks so much for starting it! #MarvMondays

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 8, 2016 / 2:54 pm

      Great, looking forward to it! x

  22. organisedjo
    August 8, 2016 / 8:05 pm

    What a lovely post and a lovely thing to do. The blogging community can be such a supportive place to be and this is a great way to show thanks. I love your posts every week, good luck with the nomination. #MarvMondays

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 8, 2016 / 8:34 pm

      Thank you so muvh for your lovely comment and your support xx

  23. August 8, 2016 / 8:13 pm

    Aw ‘Merci beaucoup’ You are too kind 🙂
    So happy to have discovered you through our fab group #MMBC.
    And I am so glad you went with your heart and started #thedaddytag challenge. Whoever said it was a rubbish idea has obviously been proven wrong.
    Unfortunately you have to just let things like this just go over your head.

    Keep writing on that lovely blog of yours, always here if you need any help xx


    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 8, 2016 / 8:35 pm

      Thank you so much! I thought about writing a ranting post about this bad comment about #thedaddytag at first. And then I thought it was not worth it… Thanks for reading and remindiing me about #MMBC today!

  24. OddHogg
    August 8, 2016 / 8:27 pm

    Lovely post! I don’t know all of those blogs so I’m off to check them out – thanks for sharing! #kcacols

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 8, 2016 / 8:36 pm

      Great, happy to have helped a bit x

  25. August 9, 2016 / 6:14 am

    I can’t believe that people have been rude to you – if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything!! I love these posts sharing the blogger love, I’m definitely due to write one. Ooh you’ve given me an idea ? #TwinklyTuesday

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 9, 2016 / 6:20 am

      Yeah! Happy to have helped and if you decide to creat a challenge, let me know. I would love to do it I am sure xx

  26. August 9, 2016 / 8:06 am

    A great way to find new bloggers, we hadn’t heard of this tag and some of the blogs on your list we haven’t heard of either. Will go and check them out popping over from #TwinklyTuesday to share the blog love x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 9, 2016 / 8:10 am

      So happy you discovered new blogs today. Thanks for reading xx

  27. Over Heaven's Hill
    August 9, 2016 / 4:16 pm

    Fab choices in here! And the Daddy Tag is great. B had so much fun doing it! #KCACOLS

  28. Petite Pudding (@petite_pudding)
    August 9, 2016 / 6:38 pm

    Yay thanks for the mention! Am sure you are going to be a fantastic addition to the blogging community 🙂 Love your writing style and good luck with the MN Blog awards xx #EatSleepBlogRT

  29. August 10, 2016 / 1:07 pm

    I love the community that surrounds blogging! I don’t know how any of us could do it without the others 🙂

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 10, 2016 / 5:04 pm

      So true, thanks for reading. Hope to see you again soon x

  30. August 10, 2016 / 2:16 pm

    Aww I love the idea of the daddy tag, I’m shocked some bloggers have been negative about it. This a lovely post and it is clear you really know what the blog love means too! I seriously need to check out Kates Inspire and Flourish linky xx #bestandworst

  31. Jen
    August 10, 2016 / 6:38 pm

    I know none of these bloggers, but how fun is this. I love discovering and reading new blogs. Thanks for sharing your list at the Happy Now link Up!

  32. Rachel (Lifeofmyfamilyandme)
    August 10, 2016 / 7:09 pm

    There are several bloggers there i’ve not heard of so i’ve noted them down to have a look! Thanks for sharing oh and good luck with the teething! #EatSleepBlogRt

  33. thesingleswan
    August 10, 2016 / 7:19 pm

    some great blog recommendations here, a couple of which I haven’t even heard of. I am going to go and check them out. thanks Pen x

  34. thesingleswan
    August 10, 2016 / 7:19 pm

    Sorry! #KCACOLS Pen x

  35. Alana - Burnished Chaos
    August 10, 2016 / 8:16 pm

    Thank you for introducing me to some really great blogs and a great new linky I hadn’t heard of. I have to say, I absolutely love your blog, you crack me up, and everything always sounds better in a French accent!

  36. August 10, 2016 / 8:33 pm

    Will have to check out the blogs you have featured! Thanks for linking up #bestandworst

  37. August 11, 2016 / 8:02 am

    What a lovely post, sharing the blog love around! There are one or two blogs in there that I’ve not read before too, so I’m off to check them out – thank you! x #KCACOLS

  38. August 11, 2016 / 7:30 pm

    This is so great! I have been trying to hard to find great linkys to work with as I dont cook or craft or do cute things…well I think they are cute but then I look at these sights and think NOPE!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 11, 2016 / 9:19 pm

      Hahaha, I am the same. Very bad 0housewife (well, not married anyway…) and I can’t imagine having to do craft … I might have to! when baby is older oh god… Thanks for joining my blog xxx

  39. twotinyhands
    August 12, 2016 / 6:02 am

    I’m sure you’ll be forgiven for ‘breaking the rules’! You are so lovely too! Hope the teething is t too bad? I love Zoe in the Pud household too, lovely lady x

  40. twotinyhands
    August 12, 2016 / 6:03 am

    Found on #the list!! Oops ?

  41. Mummydoyle2beventually
    August 12, 2016 / 6:41 am

    Seems easy enough, I’m new my heads a bit pickled with all this blogging, urs is fab X

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 12, 2016 / 6:44 am

      Oh Thank you so much for saying that! I am losing a bit the blogging mojo at the moment so you make me very happy! And thanks for joining the blog xxx

      • Mummydoyle2beventually
        August 12, 2016 / 6:48 am

        Ahh I think u just go all for it at first but it’s bound to slow down at times, it’s hard work and I’m only a novice novice, your well on ur way ? X

  42. August 12, 2016 / 7:37 am

    There are some very lovely supportive bloggers out there. Thanks so much for sharing more I will have to check a few more out. Sarah #FabFridayPost

  43. August 12, 2016 / 8:04 am

    Wow! There are so many linkys out there – it is sometime can be overwhelming. I really like the sound of it all though. It sounds very exciting. I think I will have to join some. Thank you for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

  44. August 12, 2016 / 7:55 pm

    Oh I totally meant to take part in the inspire and flourish linky but it came out when I was snowed under at work and I just didn’t have the time – but I’ve quit now! Going to investigate when I can next take part… Some great bloggers in your choices 🙂 #KCACOLS

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 12, 2016 / 9:29 pm

      It’s a monthly linky. Check out the next one in September. I love it! It really makes me think about other bloggers and who I want to feature. XX

  45. anywaytostayathome
    August 13, 2016 / 7:20 am

    I love this post. Some new bloggers and link ups for me to check out. I cannot believe other bloggers have been so rude about the daddy tag. I think it’s a fab idea. Boo to them! #fortheloveofBLOG

  46. August 13, 2016 / 7:51 am

    You’re too cute! I love how much you embrace blogging and shout from the rooftops when you find a blog you love! Xxx #fortheloveofblog

  47. August 13, 2016 / 8:51 am

    Oh what a lovely idea – I don’t know all of these so will go check them out – lots of blog love xx #fortheloveofBLOG

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 13, 2016 / 8:59 am

      I am so happy you don’t know any of them. That is what the blog love is all about to me xx

  48. Megan Bidmead (@whispertoroar)
    August 13, 2016 / 10:36 am

    Going to check out all these blogs later tonight when the toddler is in bed! Great post x #picknmix

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 13, 2016 / 10:52 am

      Merci. Hope to see you again xx

  49. August 13, 2016 / 6:39 pm

    I love the fact that you have showcased these blogs, and dishing out so much blog love bisons! TMx #FabFridayPost

  50. Double the Monkey Business
    August 14, 2016 / 8:56 am

    Great idea to showcase blogs, I will check these out as always looking for new blogs to follow xxx #FabFridayPost

  51. You Baby Me Mummy (@YouBabyMeMummy)
    August 17, 2016 / 7:15 pm

    I love posts like this! Always good to share the love. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  52. August 18, 2016 / 7:03 pm

    What a lovely post, great to share the love. Good luck with the teething. Thanks for linking to #picknmix

  53. August 20, 2016 / 7:27 pm

    It’s so lovely to read posts like this, as a reminder of how lovely bloggers are and to discover new blogs I’ve not read before. Thanks for linking up to #SundayBest x

  54. My Petit Canard
    August 27, 2016 / 8:35 pm

    I love posts like these becuase you get to discover other fab bloggers. A few here that I know and others that are new to me so Ill definitely be having a look at their blogs 🙂 Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays Emily

  55. ohmummymia
    August 29, 2016 / 9:30 am

    I started blogging in this month and still doesn’t know exactly what I can do to more viewers (is always nice when someone is reading what you writing) so it’s good to know that we have some other bloggers more experience who are supportive

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