Bonjour lecteurs! Enjoying the last day of half-term? Today we went to the park and Baba was able to show off his skills at riding his tricycle! Well almost! As you are about to see in Living Arrows 44/52, Baba was looking super cool on his tricycle, once again!
Living Arrows 44/52 – The perfect Day to go to the park
When the day is dry, there is nothing better than going to the park. The leaves are all over the place at the minute, so we made the most of it yesterday and today.
Baba loves playing with the leaves. He runs around our local park and he is for sure having a blast every time!
Living Arrows 44/52 – Looking cool on his tricycle!
Today was a bit different. We went to the park again. Mais this time, Frenchie Mummy did the hard work. She pushed le Baba around in his tricycle and he loved it!
Yeah, le bébé can sometimes be a bit lazy!

He was enjoying it, but at some point, I decided it was time for him to do some exercise. It seemed like he was not agreeing with moi…
And as soon as I put him back on the tricycle, he was begging to go on the grass and run around like crazy!

The terrible twos you call it? I say ‘give me more wine!’
Hope you are making the most of the last day off! For now, we are going to watch a movie and snuggle on the sofa! Hold on, Baba is currently at Grumpy Boyfriend’s mum! So that means it is just the two of us! Let’s get the wine out!!!! We are in for a date night but a bit early!
Merci for reading Living Arrows 44/52 and good luck with the return to school tomorrow! If it makes you super sad, why not cheer up with one of our giveaways?
Awwww..he is so cute. Looking cool on the tricycle, but can’t round up the day witbout some tantrums..hehehe…
he had to do it lol. thanks for reading
I remember the terrible twos only too well lol. But he is super-cute and the tricycle is fab 🙂 Hope you had a great date night!
He looks so cute and his bike is very cool too. No wonder he wanted to get back on it so fast!
That is one seriously swish trike! I remember these days well, I would end up having to carry the bicycle home while the toddler walked, lol!
that was us too! LOL
We are on half term this week so making the of it. My son loves running after leaves too.
Haha, what a cutie! Ah the terrible twos…it only gets worse, so they say! I found three to be quite challenging.
oh non! really? What will I do?! Lol
Looks like he is having so much fun. No matter what the age, the tantrums just change depending on what you ask them todo.
Thanks for Sharing
John M
He’s awfully cute , despite the wobbler? there is nothing better than the fresh air ,leaves and a trike ! Love the little jump suit. PS the terrible twos ain’t nothing on the threes or the fours ?? but ,and it’s a big but they do grow out of it ,for the most part !!!
Right there with you in the need for more wine!
He’s loving the trike! We had one of those for my little boy. I forgot how much they enjoy them! He’s a cutie!
We had a smart trike but it barely got used as our daughter hated being confined. Such fun though and such lovely pictures x
Oh what a sweetheart! Why walk when you have a great trike like that! 🙂
I love his little face when he had to get off the bike. I know the wine feeling, I’ve drunk a few toddler tantrum fuelled ones of those myself
haha well described lol
Those little trikes you can push are so good, but oh dear he did look quite cross with you for getting him out of his trike! At least we’ve all been there so we all understand/sympathise/send you virtual wine!
I say yes to the virtual wine 🙂 Merci!
OMG I Love that onsie/all in one!!! Haha that cute little angry face, I love little angry faces!!
We are going through the terrible twos at the mo! We love our trike. They are fab aren’t they
I had forgotten all about the terrible twos! Hope you had a good date night, I am loving the all in one baba is wearing .
He looks so spirited – LOVE the trike and his outfit is awesome! x
I love this outfit! we are currently going through the threenager stage which is also great!
Aww he is such a cute little boy! Love the trike!
I have got a trike for my Mollie for Christmas, she will be 9 & a half months old so I’ve got the 9 months – 4 years little tikes, your baba doesn’t look happy to be getting off his, I would love to be able to tell you the terrible twos get better but they don’t, my son is 13 now and only outgrew it 2-3 years ago haha, my girls are 5 and 9 months, my 5 year old has the attitude of a 15 year old, I’m dreading when she is 15 xxx