Bonjour lecteurs! I hope you had a good week? Ours was not wow. Work was full on and Baba didn’t sleep well so I was really tired. Once the weekend came around, I thought we would be in for a little treat. Friday is my day off, but it was a long one. Baba was not in the right mood and testing me all day, being silly and acting naughty in the kitchen. I was far from being happy! I could not do anything without having to tell him off. And there was no wine in the house! But let’s forget about it and share with you in Living Arrows 25/52 what we did this weekend.
Saturday with friends in West London
After a long journey of more than 2 hours (hello terrible traffic of London! You really slowed us down…), we arrived in West London where we spent the afternoon with some friends of ours.

It was nice to be out of the house and be the guest. You know me and my culinary skills, so I was super contente to be well fed 🙂
After a lovely BBQ, we went for a walk in the local park and had a drink in a pub.

We all had a great afternoon:
- Baba loved teasing our friends’ dogs. God knows how patient one of the poor creatures was as Baba was trying to grab its ears, nose or just slapping the poor animal
- Frenchie Mummy adored the burgers
- Grumpy Boyfriend enjoyed some good beers and a nice chat with friends

What we liked less: the journey back that was as horrendous as the way in! Should we say it’s the last time we drive through London? Next time, we will ride there…
Sunday on the seaside for Father’s Day
Today, we went down to Hastings and got sunburnt on a (quite) packed beach. Baba had a blast in the water. Pardon, I don’t have a decent picture to share with you but I was still getting over the idea of walking on a burning hot pebble beach… I was too busy trying to find a comfortable position while Grumpy Boyfriend played in the water with le bĂ©bĂ©.

Baba loved:
- playing in his granddad’s garden
- licking pebbles on the beach (as you do, especially when Maman brought some nice food with her and you actually refused to have any before leaving)
- eating peach yoghurt and spread some all over Granddad’s carpet once we were back there…
Frenchie Mummy liked:
- going out in the countryside
- sunbathing a bit
But she liked less:
- pebbles! What about sandy beach? That’s more my stuff, or a nice private pool. Peut-ĂŞtre we will do so for next Father’s Day?
- the journey back with some accident or roadworks on the A21 so it only took us about 2 hours and a half to go home. I don’t think Baba was much impressed either…
Living Arrows 25/52 – on the roads!
What a weekend! It was nice to see people, but I reckon we actually spent more time on the road than with our family and friends! Doh! Maybe I should not have called this post Living Arrows 25/52 – Visiting family & friends? What about a title like Living Arrows 25/52 – How to rock on the road with a Frenchie baby?
Next weekend, we are not seeing anyone or going anywhere! I am planning on lazing around in the garden and finish off the tan I started today 🙂
I hope you had some rest and you had a lovely time out and about with your family and friends? Did you too get stuck in traffic jams?
Sounds like you’ve had a fantastic weekend. Hope you can enjoy lots of time together this week.
It sounds like you’ve had a lovely weekend – it’s been SO hot!
Oh it sounds like lots of fun and going to the seaside for father’s day is great. I love the photos!
I could not drive through London, you were very brave doing it. I bet Hastings was so busy! I’m going to Bournemouth in a few weeks and I bet the beach will be rammed x
Sounds like you had a good weekend, if you don’t include London’s horrific traffic! I agree with you on the pebbles, too – beaches should be sandy! haha
Sounds like a lovely weekend overall. Shame about the traffic jam.
Except for all the travelling, that sounds wonderful! Baba is adorable.x
merci x
Sounds like a good weekend once you got go where you were going. Traffic is terrible to deal with, especially at the weekends x
It sounds like a busy and fun weekend xx
Oh it looks like you had such a lovely weekend – the time at your friend’s house sounds like such a nice afternoon x
it was lovely, thanks for reading x
Oh it drives me bonkers when you have lovely plans and the traffic gets in the way. I have been there. I am loving the red dungarees so cute! #LivingArrows