I am a babe and I know it!

Hey guys,

Baba talking here. Now, you may have recently heard that Maman thinks of herself as a mummy blogger. She decided to share ma petite existence with the whole world (or at least whoever is happy to read her rants). She hasn’t even asked for my permission.

You see, I am quite a shy petit garçon. I am not an attention seeker, neither a diva (unlike Maman). This blogging stuff is really leaving me perplexed, to be honest… All I want is discovering the world around me and drinking as much milk as possible. End of story.


Seriously, Maman is impossible sometimes… The thing is, she thinks that I am one of the 7 merveilles du monde.

Here is an example of her being totally out of order last weekend. Nice family pub lunch. We are having a whale of a time with Papa. I am on her lap (I am very curious you see. And I really don’t like when I am not involved in the conversation). Suddenly, ‘Mwah!!!’ she kisses me. ‘Donne moi un bisou’. Trop tard! I don’t have the time to escape that she’s already kissed me.Screenshot_1

The truth is, she loves me so much, even when I start screaming without any good reason. She might explode sometimes ‘J’en ai marre! He would not stop crying…What is le problème?!’, but deep down she can’t have enough of me.

Anyway, I am exhausted so I am off now. Trying to escape les bisous de Maman is hard-work.


The Frenchie Babe, aka Baba.


Petite Pudding
Life Love and Dirty Dishes
A Cornish Mum
What Katy Said
Rhyming with Wine
Best of Worst
Domesticated Momster
Share the Joy linky at TheJoyChaser.com
Chelsea Mamma
You Baby Me Mummy
JENerally Informed



  1. David
    June 9, 2016 / 5:43 pm

    Il est tout mimi le neuveux avec son sourir ?

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 9, 2016 / 5:56 pm

      Yes merci d’avoir commenté mon chéri ? Babe, je peux pas résister… Neveu, c’est l’orthographe correct ? désolée c’est la prof frustrée qui est en moi ?? bizzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. Sarah@teammomlife
    June 10, 2016 / 4:51 pm

    Oh my goodness he is so adorable! I admit I often wonder what my little guy is thinking while we are running around. #puddingLove

  3. Claire
    June 10, 2016 / 11:08 pm

    Haha! This made me laugh out loud! I wish We could know what our babies are thinking. Claire xo

  4. June 12, 2016 / 5:31 pm

    Heehee! So cute!

    I love that your blog is written by him!


  5. June 13, 2016 / 9:14 am

    You’ve always got to wonder what the little ones are thinking! I bet you’re not far wrong!

  6. June 13, 2016 / 8:08 pm

    Your little man is clearly a superstar in the making! I think these babies really do have us sussed!
    Thanks for linking with #fartglitter x

  7. Mouse, Moo and Me Too
    June 14, 2016 / 6:13 am

    He’s so gorgeous! Un petit Bobby Dazzler! Mon cherie amore! Etc. #chucklemums

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 14, 2016 / 8:47 am

      merci for commenting and saying he is a babe x

  8. June 14, 2016 / 7:40 am

    Wha! He is too scrummy! What a beau petit chou! x x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 14, 2016 / 8:46 am

      No!!! Just read your post for ##chucklemums and I can’t comment ? I own my own domain with wordpress so it won’t recognise me when I try to sign in. I need to have the option ‘enter a URL’…. But the intention was their. Ps: don’t worry about the fat x

  9. islandliving365
    June 14, 2016 / 9:31 am

    Awww he is so cute and it was lovely to see what he was thinking inside of his head! Love the photo cartoon strip 🙂 #chucklemums

  10. Fran @ Whinge Whinge Wine
    June 14, 2016 / 10:08 am

    Aw bless he is a very cute baba! Thanks for sharing him with #chucklemums!

  11. acornishmum
    June 14, 2016 / 10:22 am

    Seriously cute! That little face, I would be constantly taking photos too ha 🙂 Thank you for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x

  12. laughing mum
    June 14, 2016 / 11:02 am

    haha… cute post! kiss away before he can run away because he will lol #chucklemums

  13. June 14, 2016 / 2:31 pm

    Always nice to meet a fellow baby. Those adults are perplexing aren’t they?!? We clearly are the voices of reason…if only they could hear us 😉 #chucklemums

  14. BloggerMummyLauren
    June 14, 2016 / 6:09 pm

    Haha, I love this! What a little cutie x

  15. Petite Pudding (@petite_pudding)
    June 15, 2016 / 6:05 pm

    Ah what a cutie – loving the French, keeps my brain working! Make sure you get all those kisses in, they grow far to fast! #PuddingLove

  16. June 15, 2016 / 11:44 pm

    Love this – made me chuckle! Also love the sleeping photo – adorable! No wonder Maman can’t resist! xx

  17. anywaytostayathome
    June 16, 2016 / 5:12 am

    It is too early in the morning for me to handle such cuteness! Love it. His perplexed face is awesome. #CoolMumClub

  18. June 16, 2016 / 5:40 am

    So cute, so kiss-able! #coolmumclub

  19. June 16, 2016 / 7:00 am

    Such a little cutie!it is very true, I doubt any us get our kids permission before we start posting every little detail of their lives! I love the French is this post, it seems I haven’t forgotten everything I learnt in school after all xx #coolmumclub

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 16, 2016 / 7:38 am

      ? I am sure your French is fine

  20. Over Heaven's Hill
    June 16, 2016 / 8:23 am

    I just love that little face 🙂 gosh so adorable #stayclassymama

  21. June 16, 2016 / 9:01 am

    He is sooo cute! Thanks for linking up, hopefully see you next week! #chucklemums

  22. June 16, 2016 / 12:26 pm

    Haha love this it really made me laugh! Love hearing things from a baba’s perspective but the whole French slant takes it to the next level! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub! x

  23. June 16, 2016 / 1:18 pm

    Haha very cute! And very perceptive about what is going on around him 😉

  24. June 16, 2016 / 5:05 pm

    Such a cutie. I often wonder what Ava is thinking it would be great if you knew wouldn’t it. Thanks for linking to #picknmix

  25. mummyhereandthere
    June 16, 2016 / 7:13 pm

    Haha, I Dare not imagine what my boys were thinking as a baby. X #stayclassymama

  26. beccaweatherall
    June 16, 2016 / 8:52 pm

    Hehe! I love this! It made me giggle. And, oh my goodness, how adorable is baba!!?? Aw! #momsterslink

  27. Julie S.
    June 16, 2016 / 9:40 pm

    Aww such a little cutie 🙂 I love how you did this post from his pov 🙂

  28. June 20, 2016 / 1:36 am

    Poor baby! My 10 month old can relate to this for sure. #momsterslink

  29. Sarah Aslett @ Admissions Of A Working Mother
    June 20, 2016 / 2:16 am

    Love your writing, really great with the added French education for me! Such a sweet baby, love the expressions on his little face ?? #stayclassymama

  30. nikkifrankhamilton
    June 20, 2016 / 4:36 pm

    First off, how adorable is your son! Such a cutie. And I love the idea behind the series, it’s so much fun to know what’s really going on in the photo, and babies have the darnedest facial expressions sometimes!

    They are just so cute and lovable how can we not give them a smooch every once in a while? LOL

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 20, 2016 / 4:43 pm

      thank you for stopping by! i think he starts knowing that he is cute as well, which is very dangerous, especially with women.

  31. June 26, 2016 / 7:58 am

    Such a cutie!!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 26, 2016 / 8:02 am

      Thanks for commenting, I could not access other pictures so I didn’t comment on anything myself.

  32. June 28, 2016 / 5:59 am

    Such a sweet post and cute little person! Lovely squishy photos xx popping over from #PointShoot xx

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 28, 2016 / 6:06 am

      thanks for reading x

  33. Lisa@IntoTheGlade
    June 28, 2016 / 10:38 am

    Oh he is little cutie, I love his ‘unimpressed face’ – very funny! I used to give my girl’s voices too and now that they are quite grown up, I do it to the dog ha! x #pointshoot

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 28, 2016 / 10:45 am

      The dog is a good idea too. He can’t complain if unhappy! thanks for reading us x

  34. June 29, 2016 / 7:23 am

    What a cutie
    Loving those shades

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 29, 2016 / 7:47 am

      Baba says thanks for reading x

  35. June 29, 2016 / 12:25 pm

    Cuteness, love it! Adorbs 🙂 #WickedWednesdays

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 29, 2016 / 12:33 pm

      Thank you for reading.

  36. June 29, 2016 / 1:25 pm

    Ah pauvre Baba #livingarrows

  37. DomesticatedMomster
    June 29, 2016 / 5:45 pm

    Love how you wrote this like it was coming from his perspective. Being a new mommy/mummy is such an exciting experience. Enjoy it! Thanks for linking with #momsterslink and hope to see you tomorrow!

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 29, 2016 / 7:21 pm

      Thanks for reading.

  38. June 29, 2016 / 6:56 pm

    Aw how adorable! Love your little speech bubble sketch too 🙂 #pointshoot x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 29, 2016 / 7:33 pm

      Thanks, I bet he was really thinking that!

  39. Katie Heels and Hooves
    June 29, 2016 / 9:33 pm

    Haha, they must get so tired of the constant paparazzi! 😉 x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 30, 2016 / 10:47 am

      I am sure he wouldn’t mind or maybe not… He is not always a fan of bisous. He has his moments. Thanks for reading.

  40. carolcliffe
    June 30, 2016 / 4:12 pm

    Aww such a cutie! I’m sure he adores all of your kisses really!! He is so kissable after all xx #WickedWednesdays

    • thefrenchiemummy
      June 30, 2016 / 5:18 pm

      I agree, he is very kissable. But sometimes he rolls his eyes up… Cheeky boy! Thanks for reading x

  41. July 2, 2016 / 9:40 am

    Hmmm i wonder what my little one will make of all mamma’s blogging when she realises! thanks for sharing x #Wickedwednesday

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 2, 2016 / 9:47 am


  42. July 2, 2016 / 11:20 am

    l’exploration et le lait est tout ce que vous avez besoin!

    Sadly mums just love too much….You’ll have to get used to it ? #wickedwednesday

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 2, 2016 / 4:12 pm

      Absolutely! Thanks for reading.

  43. You Baby Me Mummy
    July 3, 2016 / 12:03 pm

    Aw that last picture is super cute! He need to teach me French, as we move there in a year! Thanks for linking up to #PointShoot x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 3, 2016 / 1:46 pm

      How wonderful? Where about will you move to?

  44. yumfreeblog
    July 3, 2016 / 12:51 pm

    Absolutely love how its written. Would love to know what they really think.

  45. July 4, 2016 / 4:02 am

    Ah! What a cutie! Thanks so much for linking up to Wicked Wednesdays. I can’t wait to see what you have got line up for me next week! x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      July 4, 2016 / 6:30 am

      No pressure there ? I will have to find a funny pic. Need to get that prepared…thanks for reading x

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