Bonjour lecteurs! How was your pregnancy? I was literally blooming back in 2015 and I am ever so nostalgique about that time… There seem to be so many people expecting around me at the moment! C’est un signe? If like my friends it’s a first for you, here are some early steps in pregnancy to consider. The more prepared you are, the easier pregnancy is going to be, so follow me with some idées and things to consider when you start your journey. I tell you all about the early steps that you may want to know about. So let’s take a look at what you might want to bear in mind here.
First Doctor Consultation
As soon as you find out your are pregnant, make an appointment to your GP. The first doctor consultation is an important early step, as it will help know what’s going on and what is about to happen.
Furthermore, it will forge the relationship with your doctor which is likely going to be important from here on out.
You will get an overview of the future steps. Book your doctor appointment as soon as possible and make sure that you attend it – this is vital.
Due Date
From a very early stage, the prenatal team will work out your due date. From that moment, everything is now going to revolve around it.
You can get help from your doctor or midwife with this, but you can easily work it out yourself. It’s really just basic math.
But you can also use a pregnancy calculator for more precision. Either way, you doctor will calculate it too as it will affect all your medical follows up from there.
Getting Supplies
Omg! I remember those days like it was yesterday! The excitement, but also the fear to miss anything…
There are so many supplies that you are going to need in order to care for your baby effectively and properly, so this is something that you really need to think about here too.
Ask your friends and family for support. But there are also lots of good blog or even videos online with some guidance.
Looking for your ultimate baby check list or new born baby essentials can be so much fun!
Baby Items
Be reassured , there is no need to overbuy. Personnellement, I was nothing without my muslins. They are so handy! You can find some good quality muslins anywhere but aden + anais are fabuleux!
As for the pushchair, think about what YOU need and don’t follow the trend! Do you live in the countryside? Then take a buggy with big wheels to go out and about. Are you a city girl? Then you should opt for a pushchair that will be easy to manoeuvre on the bus or on the tube! I wanted something that could easily fold with just one hand if I was carrying Stanley.
I would also suggest you get a baby carrier. It’s so handy and it was a great way for Grumpy Boyfriend to have Stanley and bond with him!
Birth Plan
As your pregnancy goes along, you can start thinking about your birth plan.
Look at options and go for what feels right for you. There is no right or wrong, just listen to your gut feelings.
And while you will want it to be as detailled as possible, bear in mind that it might not happen.
I wanted to have a water birth but due to pre-eccamplsia, I had to be induced on my due date. It was too risqué for the baby and my midwife made that décision because I had high blood pressure and she did not want me to be overdue. I did not realise that my birth plan could have gone out of the window in a few seconds and I was very upset. But it all went well in the end and I know it was the best option at the time.
Et voilà all the Early Steps In Pregnancy To Consider. Once more, huge congratulations on your big news! How exciting to be welcoming a bébé!
Disclosure: this is a collaborative post.