I know that I haven’t been blogging for long; only three months now. But there are definitely some things I learnt along the way as a busy first-time mum that I would love to share. So here are a few things that would help you to survive blogging if you have a baby to take care of or if you have really very little time. These tips could also apply to anyone super busy, mummy back at work etc.
- Get started as soon as you can
I see many people saying that they wish they started their blog earlier. Many reasons stopped them: fear of being judged, not having the time, scared of not being inspired…Part of me agrees with it, even if I don’t think I would have written a good blog before having my baby. After all, Baba is the main inspiration, the star of the Frenchie Mummy blog.
But I say it loud and clear: get started before the baby arrives. Enjoy these amazing moments of freedom when you wonder what to do with yourself. You will have plenty of time to think about your theme, your content and more. Maybe write a few posts that you will publish in the first place. Do it before you have to take care of le bébé, because when he/she is here, say goodbye to a lot of your free time!
- Take any opportunity to develop your social networks
I hate it when I see people stuck on their phone all day long. For example, when I see a couple in a restaurant not talking to each other, typing like mad bees on their phones. I know, it’s none of my business and people do whatever they want, but vraiment?! When you start blogging, it’s very tempting to be glued to your device and not look at the world. I have a 6 months old son and I want to be able to see him growing up. When we go for a walk, I don’t look at my phone; I talk to him and make him discovering things.
Having said that, I take any opportunity to tweet and post photos on the Frenchie Instagram with my phone if I am in a ‘boring moment’. I am off to my blogging persona as soon as I have a free moment where I don’t need to interact with anyone. On a bus, on a train, in the toilet even?! Grab your phone and do it now! Feeding baby (especially at night when bébé is half asleep)? Vite! Grab your device and throw yourself into the social world!
- Don’t worry too much about social networks though
As we say in French, chaque chose en son temps – Everything in its own time. Do you know the French fable The Tortoise and the Hare by La Fontaine? It was originally written by Aesop a Greek philosopher. The moral of its story is simple. Slow and steady wins the race. So no need to rush and create a Facebook page, a Linked In and a Twitter profile within your first week of blogging. I am not saying you should not use as many social networks as possible.
They are indeed useful to help to promote your posts. However, do it at your own pace and choose carefully the right ones for you. I am not on Linked In and it’s no big deal! Pinterest? I started later on as I had never used it before. Instagram? It took me a couple of days to crack on with it.
You will see many bloggers using them all. Don’t compare yourself with their blog. They might be more confident with using new technologies. Or they’ve simply been longer in the blogosphere!
- Don’t compare yourself to other bloggers
It will only get you thinking that maybe you are not good enough for blogging. Absolument pas! Everyone is different. Most importantly, you are blogging for yourself. They are so many people out there. It’s obvious some of them will be more popular or successful than you. Use their knowledge instead! Have a nose at their posts to get inspired. Lots of great bloggers publish fantastic tips on any topic related to blogging. Why not even ask them for help if you feel the need?
The blogging community is very supportive. I, myself asked for help many times. Just because I wasn’t sure and it’s my first time. Nothing to be ashamed of. And the blogger you are asking will be flattered and more than happy to help for sure.
- Bookmark everything you need on your laptop
You will come across so many posts. I reckon I read at least 3 posts a day that I want to look at again later to inform my own practice. The simplest way to do so? Create folders in your bookmarks tab. It’s so easy to refer to it. For example, I have a folder ‘linkies I love’ so that I can grab a linky badge easily when I need to.
- Organise yourself with a calendar or a diary
Whatever works best for you. Some people like to schedule their posts so they feel in control. I am not there yet, but maybe un jour?
Personally, I have two things that I can’t live without since blogging: a notebook and a diary.
I divided my notebook into different parts such as linkies, ideas of posts, things to do, usernames and passwords’ list… It’s all in there so that I can refer to it anytime I want or need.
I also recently purchased a diary, just for my blog. I am a member of different communities like Meetothermums.com and write for them. I also take part in guest posts with other fabulous bloggers.
Therefore, I have different commitments that I need to stick to. I don’t want to let anyone down. So I know exactly what I need to do and when.
And I don’t know about you, but post-it notes are a blogger’s best friend. I would like to say diamonds as Marilyn, but it would be a bit exaggerated ?.
- Set certain periods in the day to write
I generally do all the linkies in the morning. Starting from 6am after Baba has a biberon gives me some time to do it all before le petit monstre gets up at 8am. Sometimes I am still in my pyjamas by 9.30am. But that’s ok, I am on my own at home and I am not running for Miss England contest! Anyway, I am a natural beauty, fresh as a daisy straight away in the mornings. I want to spend as much time with mon fils in the daytime, so it’s a sacrifice I make. Evenings are for writing and answer emails. I try to get back to people within 24 hours. It could be seen as unprofessional if you take too long to reply to someone.
Regarding writing, I just start a draft as soon as an idea is in my mind. Thanks to my wonderful notebook mentioned earlier, I don’t forget good ideas. I also have 5 or 6 posts on the go in a ‘drafts’ folder. I might not fully write them the same week. But I have something in mind if I have no idea one day.
- Don’t worry too much about housework or the state of your house generally speaking
You will be too hooked with blogging and having fun with les enfants to really care about it. Personally, I believe that my house is made to be lived in, not being spotless. It’s impossible with children, so I don’t want to get worked up about it. If it’s a big issue for you then, maybe get a cleaner to do the boring stuff?
Looking after a baby is a 24/7 job. This is how I am surviving with my blog while facing the joy of being a first-time mum. I hope you will have found these tips useful, even if you don’t have a baby to take care of. I know you are all super mamans and you will rock ?!
Very useful post. I was thinking to start a blog since I pregnant and it was a very difficuty pregnancy and now my baby going to be 10 months and still I didn’t start blogging. Time to act I think. Thank you for the tips.
Blogging with a baby is hard work but it can be very rewarding! x
I have just read your previous post about your hospital trip. I hope all is ok. I don’t have any babies, and I still find it hard to keep up with everything ! I salute all you young mums out there !
Thank you so much for your nice comment. I am sure a lot of my readers will find themselves in your comment. My baby is fine and recovering very well indeed x
Well done on doing so much in such a short period of time!! I decided to start a blog about the same time as you but have only managed a handful of posts so far. Then again, I’d just had a newborn and an 18 month old at the time I decided to start (what was I thinking?!) so I’ve had to put it on the backburner for a few months. I’ve been using my time wisely though – spending time reading fab blogs like yours, understands all about linkis and the whole social aspect, not to mention becoming a bit addicted to Instagram! Such an amazing network of mums out there and that’s been the best part of it for me so far. Now I’m over the thick of it and getting both kids to sleep at a relatively reasonable hour finally, I’m looking forward to getting back to what I originally planned.
The one thing holding me back is knowing my website functionality isn’t that great, there’s no comments plugin other than Facebook, which I think just doesn’t cut it! I need to find solutions and get cracking! That’s the downside of spending time on other people’s blogs – I realise by jumping in too fast, I didn’t spend the time properly understanding what good looked like.
What’s the biggest setback you’ve overcome with your blog?
I would say the same as you. I probably miss a lot of technical skills. Having said that I don’t want to spend much money with super plugins and stuff as it’s not my job. I just feel so happy when people laugh at my blabbla and companies ask me to collaborate with me. I am just amazed that they are even interested in me!
Another thing that stops me is time. But I am adamant that day time is for my baby. I took the year off work for him so it would be stupid wo spend it in front of my computer. Maybe one day, it will get all serious, but not for now. Thank you so much for your great comment. You are one of my fans and I really appreciate the time you spend reading my stuff xxx
Thank you so much for sayiing that. I hope to see you again soon ? xxx
Great tips and not only for someone with a baby. Best of luck to you. Visiting from Over the Moon Link Party #39 🙂
I can’t believe you are only 3 months into blogging – you’re doing a fabulous job! And I love your style of writing, you definitely have a unique voice! 🙂 These are great tips – I started my blog after having my second baby and time is really really hard to come by! But it’s so satisfying when you do write a post you’re really proud of, or receive a nice comment. 🙂 Keep on blogging, you’re doing great! 🙂
-Erin of stay at home yogi.com
You are doing fab if you are blogging with 2 babies! I can barely do it sometimes with only one LOL. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Hope to see you again soon xx
I definitely wished I had started mine earlier! Just as I wish I had documented this second pregnancy a bit more!! I’m just super lazy hehe!! #MMBC
I really wished I had started my blog years ago when my girls were younger…
Great advice x
So true! You woudl have regretted it. Well done for keeping up especially at the end of pregnancy when it’s super tiring. Thanks for stopping by and the follow on twitter x
I definitely agree on getting started early! It can take months to set up a blog (or is that just me?). I think Pinterest was the death of my bookmarks section. I use private boards for lots of blogging information, from blogging tips and tricks to posts that I’m working on, I use secret boards all the time! It’s also a great way to remember to go re-pin a few things each day.
Sounds good, I am not using pinterest much but I will sort it out later on. Thanks for stopping by x
Yeah- I picked the WORST TIME TO START A BLOG- four kids home in the middle of summer ages 8,6, 2 and 2.
Way to go Kristin…way to go.
But you are still managing very well! Thanks for reading x
love the housework point! My house is a tip but I can’t do all 3 things all the time. Something has to slip and its not the kids or the blog! Also agree that you shouldn’t compare yourself to other bloggers although this is hard I know! Thanks for linking up to #FamilyFun. Hope you can come back next week!
These are fabulous points, and I found so many I could relate to! #SharingtheBlogLove
This is a great post. I definitely wish I had started my blog sooner but glad I started before bub arrived! #SharingTheBlogLove
sometimes I wish I had started earlier just for all the great post ideas that come with having a baby. Not sure how I would have found the time though. That’s the biggest thing about blogging, it takes a ton of time if you are looking for even moderate success
Great post and great advice as always. I’ve only been blogging 7 weeks and definitely wish I had started years ago (my kids are 7 and 2). I’m taking social media one at a time. I’m fine with Twitter now and slowly getting there with Instagram, next up is Pinterest. I’ve used it personally for years but not for my blog yet.
#SharingtheBlogLove #FamilyFun
Great tips! You have already learnt and observed so much. I would definitely agree with these, especially the point on not comparing which can become very difficult to do! Emily #FamilyFun
SO true, I happened to do it sometimes and it was depressing! I must stop! Thanks for reading and your nice words x
Loads of fab tips here! You have got it so covered in only three months! Amazing #stayclassymama
Merci ? I am obsessed. When I start something, I am 300% into it and then I get bored qucikly and want another project. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen with blogging… Thanks for stopping by xx
Fantastic tips. Love the housework one! Who haas time for that when blooging to be done! xx
exactly! LOL xx
are amazing tips. Being a newbie is hard and it’s posts like these that are so helpful! Thank you!! #momsterlink
no problem, I am a newbie too really so I feel like you sometimes. Thanks for reading x
This is brilliant, I so wish I had started sooner, before the babies in fact. Like many though took a while to get the courage. I love the bookmark idea I have neve thought about that before but it’s such a good tip. As is the organisation point, I have been looking for a good blogging planner for ages but not yet found one. I definetly need to get better organised. And for housework, what’s that? I’m sure my OH does not like me blogging all that much as one thing that has certainly fell by the wayside – the home. Ah well its wasnt ever perfect before, the babies see to that. Thanks again for linking up at #familyfun. Hopefully see you next week xx
Argh I just wrote a huge comment and it didn’t post. Annoying. Anyway it was along the lines of – I so wish I had started earlier, like before babies so I had got into the swing of things when they arrived. That and I was a bit unsure about publishing publically but I’ve got over that now. I need to be better organised too, I have been after a good planner for ages but am yet to get one. I do think it would really help though. I love the bookmarking idea, never thought about that before but it’s great. And as for housework. Pffft I’m sure the OH doesn’t like me blogging as the house is oh so neglected now. But oh well it was never perfect before – the babies saw to that. Thanks again for linking to #familyfun hope to see you again next week xx
I too have a notebook in sections and a diary, I couldn’t be without them. I definitely agree about putting your phone down, we can all be guilty of this at times and its important to remember! Great advice. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove x
I agree it is easy to spend to much time on our phones and miss our kids growing up. Funnily enough I had never hear of a blog and had no idea what it was, as soon as I found out I looked up how to start one and did. So I had no one to compare myself too which was probably a good and bad thing lol. I wasn’t even on Facebook before I started blogging and had no idea what twitter or Instagram were and now my days are filled with social media You are doing amazing and I always love pics of your beautiful baby #sharingthebloglove
I love this post! Thank you SO much! I especially need to do point 5! You have achieved so much – I am in awe as I am approaching 6 months! Thank you for all of the advice. Which I could get better at leaving the housework. I am working on it! xx #momsterslink
This a great reminder even for veteran bloggers. I started a brand new blog that is only a few months old. I also homeschool my three kids. I have to make sure we keep a system rolling to be able to fit it all in.
I have been blogging for a couple of months now and trying to organise my week around my 2 kids. It’s a bit like juggling fireballs. The housework became an issue so i have a cleaner come every 2 weeks to ‘assist’ me. I go back to work next week so another ball to juggle . #sharingthebloglove
Good luck, I am sure you will be fine xx
So much great advice here. I remember starting out and being really intimidated by looking at other blogger’s social media stats, but the reality is that they build naturally over time, and, for me anyway, there is always one that tends to be my focus at any one time – there’s not enough time in the day to really focus on them all! I also have a blog notebook where I jot all my ideas down in – I’d be lost without it! Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove
Wonderful advice! I really need a calendar and have started my own organisation in excel so far but a blogging calendar would be amazing. I wish I had started blogging more before the baby arrived! I started it very casually and then really started writing AFTER he was born, probably because I really needed to let it all out. Thanks for the tips and sharing with #StayClassyMama!
I love a good top tip post!!! I’m also looking into the meet other mums site, would you mind if I message you with a few questions please?! #stayclassymama
yes fine x
I just love your approach to blogging! You seem to have found your love and you are just throwing yourself right in. You seem so confident – guest posting and running competitions already! Go you.
I started my blog a year ago, but actually only started writing regular posts sine jan and social media stuff / linkys a few months ago! I definitely identify with the tortoise and the hare story!
Thanks for these tips, its good to be reminded that messy houses don’t matter, our babies are paramount and blogging a a close 2nd… hehe.
Big Love hun,
Yeah! Let’s not worry about the housework! I am just addicted to blogging. Enjoying now until I go back to work ?? Thanks for your lovely comments and the Frenchie bit as well xx
I SO wish I had started blogging earlier but in truth, I didn’t need to until the beginning of 2015 when I needed to do something for me. As you say, everything in its own time. #bigpinklink
Great tips blogging if you are not careful can be so obsessive it’s difficult to find the balance wonderful post personally I have had enough of blogging it takes too much time up on the verge of jacking it in #bigpinklink
Hi Cecile, I take my hat off to any bloggers with a young family. I have often wondered how you all manage blogging and babies! I know I wouldn’t have, there were too many days when I didn’t know my arse from my elbow…. No improvement there then!
The best advice is is not compare ourselves to other bloggers – ever. That just creates needless stress.
It’s now almost 13.00 and I am still in my running kit. I’ve been back for hours, but personal hygiene goes out the window when you have a blog and the WiFi signal is good!
so true! ☺ thanks for coming back xx
There are some lovely tips in here. I have recently worked out a good schedule for the links I do and writing more posts which works around my family commitments. I also had to remind myself that I do this solely for me a couple of weeks ago. It’s important to remember that, making the mistake of thinking I was writing for anyone else made it less enjoyable.
Some really wonderful and great tips here, I definitely need to get more organised with my writing as at the moment I don’t really have much of a schedule. I’m going to go away and try to find myself a decent planner/ diary 🙂 Thank you for sharing with #bigpinklink x
Such great advice. I had never even thought of blogging until we moved and I was in the middle of nowhere without a single person I knew except my husband and kids, and one day my husband told me to find a hobby and boom “Domesticated Momster” was born. Now I wish I would have started in years ago but I am just happy to be doing it. And yes it’s the house that usually suffers to my blogging. I have come up with a schedule that I blog for about an hour then I clean for an hour …sometimes it works…sometimes I get lost in blogging and the house only gets 30 minutes lol. Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink.
The same here and I hate housework! But we are getting a cleaner next week! Victory, my whinging paid off. GB had enough lol
thanks for reading x
I’ve just had a read through these and found them really useful! Haha to using the phone in the bathroom… we all do it! 🙂 xx
I know… terrible like junkies! LOL thanks for your comment x