Supporting Your Children Education With Performance Learning

Bonjour lecteurs! Are your children happy at school? Are you satisfied with their education and the way your school teaches them? Being an ex-teacher myself, it’s always been an area that matters to me. I believe I have a strong insight into what it is like in English schools. However, I sometimes feel that there is a lot of pressure from schools on both kids and parents these days. The system is lacking in so many aspects simply because of the lack of budget… But this is a conversation for another day. For now, la question est ‘How can you help your children to be successful learners’? So here is how you can support our Children’s Education With Performance Learning.

The British Educational System

I am a strong advocate that parents should work collaboratively with their school. You and only are responsible for your children’s education. It’s not down to the teachers only.

Nowadays, teachers have big groups of children. So they might not always have l’opportunité to give your child one-to-one attention.

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

On top of it, the curriculum proves to be bigger and more complex each year and sadly, teachers have a lot to go through with our kids.

Furthermore, many people also feel that schools are not teaching valuable skills that our children will need in their adult lives.

So, I am not surprise why so many families go for l’option to homeschool.

Our Experience With State School

We have actually considered it ourselves but very briefly. I feel it’s important for kids to be at school so that they can develop their social skills with other children around them.

And pour être honnête, I am not 100% sure I would have been up to the task of homeschooling. It would have been another thing on top of my busy schedule, and I am not sure I wanted this pressure.

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

So, we opted for a lovely country school a few years ago. Stanley is very happy there and he has made some excellent progrés over the last 3 years or so.

Having said that, it’s been very hard at first, especially when he started school right during the lockdown and he had to be remotely taught, etc.

It was horrible and absolutely not the way I wanted his education to start.

Why I Decided To Use Performance Learning

Being an ex-teacher myself, I am always on the lookout for ways to help Stanley with his education. Both Grumpy Boyfriend and I were high achievers at school and I would expect the same from my son.

Extra learning is part of our life, we read every day together, and we take him to all sorts of places, musées, galleries, and so much more.

We also do maths and extra writing at home. Teachers simply don’t have time to cover it all and I feel it’s part of my duty as a parent to educate him and carry on whatever he does at school.

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

That’s why I am always interested in new approaches and educational resources to use with my son.

As soon as Performance Learning got in touch to collaborate with us, I was all ears.

Performance Learning – Le Concept

Le concept est simple. Performance Learning is a coaching program that is specifically designed to help you understand how your children feel about school and their performances.

It’s a valuable insight into how your children perceive their education and based on the results, you get des ressources on how to help them depending on their learning profile.


Basically, Performance Learning will support your little ones in becoming more independent learners and will give you a personalised plan that will include all the aspects of successful learners. So they take into account your child’s skills, their behaviour towards learning, and also the way they feel about it.

This virtual coaching has been used by hundreds of schools in the UK over the last 12 years and now they want more parents to be able to access the program at home.

Online Assessment

So, last month, we started our experience with Performance Learning. Stanley took a mini questionnaire at home about his attitude to learning at school and how he felt about his education en général.

Now that’s such an insightful and powerful vision!

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

The assessment was a series of questions such as the following:

  • do you find yourself getting tired as the day progresses?
  • when do you feel you have the most energy at school?
  • how often do you feel at your best in school?
  • pick one feeling you feel on a regular basis (with a selection of answers to choose from)

So, the whole système is based on your kids’ feelings and emotions about school, which makes total sense as after all, we are emotional animals!

Such an interesting angle! Nowadays, I feel that still many parents and teachers take priorité on the final outcomes but how much do we actually take into account our children’s feelings and emotions? After all, it has such a huge impact on their education.

Stanley’s Results

Within a week, I got the results from the assessment with Tej, the founder of Performance Learning.

It was so interesting to see how passionate he was about the whole thing. Over the last decade, both as a mum and a teacher, I have seen so many parents desperate for help, not knowing how to really support their children’s education. So, I can see how much impact Performance Learning can have!

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

More importantly, Tej did not put Stanley in a box. I usually get the same comments from school ‘ he is very bright and has an amazing imagination, but he gets easily distracted’. Boring! And quite irrelevant because frankly, they don’t give me tools to use at home to prevent this…

However, the results were very insightful and not surprising. Stanley has a naturally stronger left-brain ability.

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

He is very good at recalling facts and information, and he is confident and eager to learn. But he can lack motivation, especially in subjects he is not strong at. And he also sometimes struggles to deal with the pressure of school.

I reckon this is quite common with children today: there is so much to do and even younger generations are always pressured to succeed more. So we need to work on his stress and strain as well as his focus and motivation.

The reports also included a set of questions for us to reflect on. We discussed them together, especially talking about how Stanley could be more creative to support his learning. We both feel he is already actively seeking help from his teachers and now is the time to find new ways to help him do so.

En plus, having discussed those questions with him, I feel that he is more aware of ways to learn, and hopefully, he will become a more active and independent learner in class. Now that’s a plan of action!

Performance Learning – Le Verdict So Far

Over the next few weeks, we are going to take some coaching sessions with Tej and his team.

En plus, I am going to use the resources online to help and support Stanley so that he becomes an active and independent learner.

Performance Learning, Support Your children at school, Education, Parents & School, Educational Help, Learning, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Educator, Performance Learning Review

Both Stanley and I are very excited to work on this together. We are going to actively help him so that he remains focused and motivated.

We are also going to help him build skills to handle better pressure.

Not only this will support my child’s education, but it will also give him skills for life!

Try Performance Learning Too

How do you honestly feel about the British Education system? What is lacking in your opinion?

Are you ready to give your children habits to become successful learners and improve their well-being?

But for now, check out Performance Learning and book a FREE call for parents to get you started.

I can’t wait to get started and share with you our experience within the next few weeks!


Disclosure: This is a collaborative post with Performance Learning. All views are my own.





    November 16, 2023 / 3:55 pm

    my four year old grandson started school in September and he absolutely blossomed, he is like a sponge just soaking up every morsel of info, and loves learning, it is amazing how much he has changed in just a few months

    • Cecile Blaireau
      November 16, 2023 / 4:42 pm

      It sounds amazing, so happy he likes school 🙂

  2. Margaret Gallagher
    November 16, 2023 / 4:58 pm

    Not impressed with the British system – needs a lot of money to be made available ! So sad for future generations

    • Cecile Blaireau
      November 16, 2023 / 5:17 pm

      yes it is so scary for our kids… I don’t know what it will be like in the future…

  3. Siobhan N
    November 16, 2023 / 5:54 pm

    I think the current education system fails children that are not stereotypical learners, particualry those that struggle with the first few years at school

    • Cecile Blaireau
      November 16, 2023 / 6:46 pm

      Yes that is so true! I think they are trying to do things but there is never enough budget for this…

  4. ashleigh
    November 16, 2023 / 7:39 pm

    Really interesting!

  5. Wendy Lam-Vechi
    November 16, 2023 / 11:49 pm

    This is amazing. It’s so true. We all learn things differently to others so why classify us all in the same way with such generic report cards. After reading Stanley’s report card I can see my son being a left brain user too whilst my daughter is definitely more creative and struggles a lot with things that requires logical thinking and problem solving. What a great app to take account in all these things.

    • Cecile Blaireau
      November 17, 2023 / 9:17 am

      It’s not an app but like a coaching program with a website and teachers helping you with live lessons. Really excited to see what is coming up next with stanley 🙂

  6. Priscilla Stubbs
    November 17, 2023 / 11:24 am

    This sounds like a great idea. Arlo has come on in leaps and bounds with his reading and maths. He has autism and is not too confident of his own abilities but he is in a small class which seems to be right for him.

  7. coldi
    November 18, 2023 / 9:25 pm

    Sadly schools are so underfunded nowadays and it’s starting to affect children, especially ones that need extra support. Class sizes are so big now, my son had 37 children in his class at one point!

    • Cecile Blaireau
      November 20, 2023 / 9:18 am

      omg that is so bad! Yes, sadly it is going down hill and they put so much pressure on teachers. Many of my fiends quit and I am glad I left 5 years ago…So sad because it was always more than a job to me, a real vocation…

  8. A.E. ADKINS
    November 18, 2023 / 11:07 pm

    This looks an excellent addition to enhance learning at home & at school

    • Cecile Blaireau
      November 20, 2023 / 9:17 am

      it’s fab, really excited about what is next

  9. November 18, 2023 / 11:10 pm

    My grandson has learning difficulties and his primary school have been brilliant with him. This sounds great and would help my grandson with his education

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