How to Help Your Kid Develop Creativity And Writing Skills

Bonjour lecteurs! As you may know, I love doing extra reading and writing with Stanley. For me, it is très important to support him with communication skills and our story time is a sacred routine. From a very young age, we had nice bedtime routines with a book. Nowadays, we also enjoy a story every morning during breakfast. Struggling to make reading and writing a habit in your day? Here are a few simple steps on How to Help Your Kid Develop Creativity And Writing Skills.

Read Every Day!

Before moving on to créativité and writing, reading is the first step to making our children confident writers.

Make it part of your daily routines, whenever it works better for you.

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

It will develop their language and vocabulary. Every time you come across a new word, teach them the definition and try to incorporate them in another context.

Start With The Basics

From a very young age, I used a lot of resources for Stanley to practise writing. The connect-the-dots game was one of the first ones we used.

Later on, we moved on lines of letters to practice.

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

I am not sure about you, but our school decided to teach them cursive writing. It was a bit hard at first, especially when he started in reception. But I can see now that Stanley is plus confiant at forming letters.

Practise Makes Everything Better

From forming letters to short words, move it up to longer words and short sentences.

To practise spelling, it is good to use drilling: do it again and again in different formats.

We used a lot of apps like Reading Eggs where he would form letters and words with his fingers before moving onto paper.

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

It’s all about the input before they can reproduce independently words.

Nowadays, we are using a good old lined book. I write a word and he copies them again and again.

Make It Fun & Varied

There are so many ways to practise spelling. We love using all sorts to write: from les classiques pens and pencils, we also love paint brushes, magic pens or chalks.

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

I try to get every opportunités to get him to write and we try to make it fun. It does not have to be compliqué. We don’t need to ask them to write full essays as in mypaperwriter reviews par exemple. He is only 7 after all and we want to take it step by step.

Use a Fun Context To Them

Another way to develop their creativity and writing is to tune in to what they like.

Make it relevant to what they are into. We had Bing Writing Books when he was little.

Now Stanley is a Minecraft fan (who is not at this age…) so when we do our weekly spelling practise, I try to incorporate it.

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

He will use the words to describe something about his favourite video games or TV shows.

Sometimes, he plays online with his friend and it’s so sweet when he asks me how to spell more complex words to use in the chat. It’s still learning at the end of the day!

Encourage Journalling & Other Projects

Nowadays, it is all about new technologies. I am always so surprise to see how often he uses tablets to learn at school.

But I suppose teachers are preparing them for the modern world. In the future, students will use resources such as review to write essays and more complex text. Everyone will be using mypaperwriter and have an essaypro login. Who knows?

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

But I encourage him to write as much as he can. He has a small notebook that he uses as a journal. It might be simple sentences describing his day, but it definitely helps develop his creative writing.

Creative Writing in Everyday Life

There are so many other ways to incorporate creative writing into you everyday life:

  • free writing for older children
  • create lists (asking them to write your shopping list is always fun for younger children)
  • write a card to a loved one
  • postcards when on holidays
  • create their own birthday invitations
  • making posters for school or home rules
  • use pictures prompts for them to write a short story

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

There are so many ways you can incorporate creative writing for children.

Par exemple, we have a nature collection book where we collect all sorts like leaves and other treasures we found during our walks. He would often write a short sentence about what it is, where we find the item etc.

Invest Time & Praise Them

Like any other communication skill, it is all about patience and practice. Spend time each day to do some writing in one way or another.

Help your child and support them with spelling and proofreading.

Develop Creativity And Writing Skills, Writing Tips, Kids Writing tips, Education, School And Kids, the Frenchie Mummy, Ex-teacher, Communication skills

Show interest in their stories by asking questions about the plot, the characters…

And if they bring a good piece from school, praise them.

Practicing writing every day will go a long way to improving kids’ creativity and writing skills. It is all about making it enjoyable and part of your day. So that it doesn’t sound like a task or something boring.

Et voilà! It will be the first and most important part to support them to become successful learners!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.





  1. Danika Lloyd
    September 26, 2023 / 4:53 pm

    It looks like you do a wonderful job with Stanley! My just turned 6 year old struggles at the moment with not being able to write as well as he can “see” the words in his head so finds it tricky to get started

  2. Priscilla Stubbs
    September 27, 2023 / 6:53 am

    Yes making writing and reading fun, not making it a chore, is sure to help your child become confident and creative

  3. Siobhan N
    September 27, 2023 / 7:29 am

    I used to get my children to create a scrap book diary over the summer holidays, writing about what they had done each day, and adding photos or other momentos

  4. Wendy Lam-Vechi
    September 27, 2023 / 8:49 am

    Thank you so much for this article. Coincidence or not, this answered everything I was asking you the other day. We read to our son every day and although the teacher said spelling is not important at the moment if they’re still trying to sound the word, I still would like him to spell it right. So we’re trying different ways to practise his spelling, Doodlespell does cost but the download itself is free. Will definitely look into Spelling Egg. At the moment we found that BBC Bitesize games are pretty good and it’s just on their website

    • Cecile Blaireau
      September 29, 2023 / 9:55 am

      We used to love BBC Bitesize, there are so many good resources there. We also loved Alphablocks 🙂

  5. Margaret Gallagher
    September 27, 2023 / 9:13 am

    So important to encourage – thanks for your review

    September 27, 2023 / 10:43 am

    It is such an important way for them to express themselves, use their imagination, have fun, and learn all at the same time

  7. lynn neal
    September 27, 2023 / 11:04 am

    There are an amazing range of great books and other aids to help children to read and these really help to make learning fun!

  8. ashleigh
    September 27, 2023 / 2:54 pm

    Lots of great ideas

  9. Kay
    September 27, 2023 / 9:47 pm

    Great tips! I’m such a massive advocate for reading and listening to books. It widens our vocabulary, understanding of the world around us and teaches so, so much. It’s also an endless source of creativity that can greatly enhance writing.

  10. Margaret Gallagher
    September 28, 2023 / 8:27 am

    Investing time praise and encouragement goes a long long way

  11. Laura Corrall
    September 28, 2023 / 8:56 pm

    My eldest has DCD so learning to co-ordinate her hand to make the shapes and letters was really tough. However I totally agree more practice and making it fun is so important as it helped her improve her letter forming so much. She’s 12 now her writing isn’t the neatest. However because of all the practice she has a love of reading and creative writing. She’s even the English lead for showing prospective new high school students the English department.

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