March 2022 – Hot & Cold But So Good!

Bonjour lecteurs! Time to reflect on last month and share with you my monthly highlights. Can you believe we’ve already done a quarter of the year? I did a mini-review to see how I am doing with my 2022 Goals. So this recap of March 2022 is l’excuse parfaite to establish what I will need to work on in the Spring.

Happy Mum Happy Baby

It’s not me who said it 😊 But truth being told, March 2022 started very well for Stanley and me.

He had a blast during World Book Day, dressed up as Peter Rabbit.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights,the Frenchie Mummy

Meanwhile, I was so happy to be featured in 365 Magazine for a special International Women’s Day feature.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights,the Frenchie Mummy

Quelle belle surprise!

London Baby!

To top it all up, I enjoyed an amazing day out in London.

Spring was in the air, magnolias were blooming and I had a lovely time with Marie & Lolas team for a lunch in Fulham.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights,the Frenchie Mummy

Before heading to a couple of Press Days with some of my fave brands, such as Chantelle.

I am soon to host a new giveaway with the trĂšs chic brand, so don’t forget to come back soon!

March 2022, Monthly Highlights,the Frenchie Mummy

And Filorga also invited me to a beautiful dinner event to celebrate the launch of its new Time Filler 5XP range.

I am a huge fan of the brand, so it was super exciting! A true Frenchie day or une belle journée française as we say.

Family Time

The following week might not have been so glamourous.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights,the Frenchie Mummy

But we enjoyed some time at the park and some yummy food at a local pub.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

And on top of it, I even got to wear my new fave summer dress.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

This number from Great Plains is so Frenchie! I love a style Vichy (gingham) and in this baby blue, it is truly parfait for the season!

Glamourous You Say?

And I might have said March 2022 carried on low-key, but now quite…

I teamed up with 1 People to do a giveaway on my Instagram.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

So pour l’occasion, we went to Eastwell Manor to shoot the photos. L’hĂŽtel est irresistible.

We have so many memories there.

The rest of the weekend involved lunch à la maison with my in-laws.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

What do you think of ma table?

Work, School, Weekends

The rest of March was trĂšs simple for us.

We spent a lot of time outdoors as the weather was turning glorious again.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

We played and read lots of books. But also some relaxing time at home with many people visiting us.

Work hard, play hard they say? Well, we certainly did in March.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

It is a rather busy month for me in terms of work as there are many Mother’s Day campaigns in March.

I must admit I was a bit breathless at times, trying to juggle it all!

Still Strong

Nevertheless, I have still been a big fan of the gym.

Even better, we spiced things a bit up in my training! J’adore la boxe!

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

I am truly in mon élément!

Deal & Walmer Castle

Then, Mother’s Day came around quickly and it was a week of celebrations for us.

Indeed, it was Grumpy Boyfriend’s birthday. So party time!

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

We usually love going out to London, but this year, we decided to have a family day out in Deal.

I can’t believe I have been living in Kent for over 14 years. And yet, I had never been there!

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

Deal is so charming. We walked along the pier and visited Walmer Castle. Such a stunning place!

We actually got an English Heritage annual Family membership, so be prepared to see more beautiful locations over spring and summer.

Baby, You’re A Firework!

…says Katy Perry. Well, the end of March 2022 clearly was!

Now looking back, I think the month has been a bit full-on for me.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

The last week was hard work and I was so cranky 😝 I was late for the open afternoon at school, snapped at Stanley during a birthday party…

I just felt horrible, like I was failing.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

But it happens to all of us and it does not mean anything. Truth is, I am so happy it is now the Easter holiday. I think we all needed it.

March 2022 – Hot & Cold But So Good!

And looking back at all our pics, we have done so much encore. I mean, I always give it 100% at this mama gig.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

And being the perfectionist I am (🙄 oh boy), it is never good enough.

If you asked me a couple of days ago how I felt about March 2022, I would have been very negative.

But I did a review of the first quarter of 2022 and I have achieved so much already!

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

And March 2022 was fabuleux! Ok, very hot and cold, litéralement! I mean the weather changed overnight with snow on the 1st of April!

But it was such un succés in so many aspects.

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

And now more than ever, I don’t even feel guilty to slow down a bit during the Easter holiday!

March 2022, Monthly Highlights, the Frenchie Mummy

It reminds me that you don’t have to please everyone or even tick all the boxes. Oh,  and it’s okay aussi if the house is a mess sometimes!

You are a firework, full of beauté et couleurs! Embrace it and slow down when you need to rest.


What have you learned over the last 3 months? What was your biggest lesson? Or your biggest achievement?


Disclosure: This post might feature some sponsored content I recently published but it is merely a list of my highlights of the month! A post where I share some reflections as a mum in the country. I hope it will inspire you to get on more family adventures.




  1. Jennifer Rhymer
    April 7, 2022 / 7:30 pm

    What a wonderful March you’ve had, I really love that dress from Marie & Lola

  2. lynn neal
    April 7, 2022 / 8:41 pm

    You have made a great start to 2022, a well earned rest now!

  3. Nina Motylinski-Davies
    April 7, 2022 / 9:29 pm

    I love to see the Magnolia’s in bloom!

  4. A.E. ADKINS
    April 7, 2022 / 10:15 pm

    You seem to have been having another interesting busy, busy time!

  5. Kirsty Connor
    April 7, 2022 / 10:16 pm

    Love the Peter Rabbit costume!

  6. Patricia Avery
    April 7, 2022 / 10:16 pm

    That the area I have lived in for over 50 years still has so much new for me to discover when out walking

  7. Margaret Gallagher
    April 8, 2022 / 8:18 am

    Super month for you – can’t wait to see what delights April brings Happy easter to you all

  8. Wendy Lam-Vechi
    April 8, 2022 / 9:49 am

    Wow you did a lot in March. How on earth did you fit all that in? It is very easy to remember. all the bad stuff sometimes but once you look back carefully, at all the photos and videos, you start to realise that it wasn’t all so bad at all. And even if it is bad, it is a good lesson learnt and things can get better if you let it 🙂

    My March was very up and down too. I somehow bumped into my mum who abandoned me years ago. She’s never seen my kids so that experience was very awkward. Suddenly she wanted to reconnect so she can see her grandchildren and that left me so depress for quite a while. But it took me a while to realise that the ball is in my court now and she doesn’t have same control over me like she did in the past. I have my own family. And I think once I realised that I realised that I am stronger than I used to be.

    And yes, my house is a mess too.

    • Cecile Blaireau
      April 10, 2022 / 12:34 pm

      wow, how emotional indeed! I hope you are ok. Yes, it is good to remember to not let others affect us.

  9. coldi
    April 8, 2022 / 9:53 am

    Yes! We are definitely ready for the easter holidays here too, and having a bit of time to slow down. It’s been a very busy march for us too, with lots of birthdays and other things, so glad to have a couple weeks off with the children 🙂

    April 8, 2022 / 10:24 am

    I love reading about all your exciting adventures with Stanley and Mr Grumpy! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  11. Priscilla Stubbs
    April 8, 2022 / 10:35 am

    That sounds like a pretty good month to me and I’m sure that the coming months will be good too

  12. Pam Gregory
    April 8, 2022 / 1:01 pm

    Some great times had in March!

  13. Beyond Comps
    April 8, 2022 / 2:21 pm

    Great photos!

  14. Jane Cann
    April 8, 2022 / 3:11 pm

    Fab read, happy Easter.🐰🐣

  15. Siobhan N
    April 8, 2022 / 3:22 pm

    Your dresses are beautiful! I need to be bolder and get out of my jeans!

  16. Nina Motylinski-Davies
    April 8, 2022 / 10:11 pm

    Gorgeous dresses!

  17. Jane Cann
    April 9, 2022 / 12:26 pm

    Love the Peter Rabbit costume. Great pictures. Happy Easter!

  18. Rebecca W
    April 9, 2022 / 3:48 pm

    You’ve been so busy – looks like lots of fun though and great photos.

  19. Nina Motylinski-Davies
    April 9, 2022 / 9:21 pm

    You have been busy!

  20. Nina Motylinski-Davies
    April 10, 2022 / 11:06 am

    I always feel like I’m failing, I hate mum guilt!

  21. Jacqueline Kelly
    April 10, 2022 / 2:57 pm

    I have fibromyalgia and it’s been quite bad lately. I know that I have to be careful not to do too much or I’ll be unable to move for days afterwards but this lesson has been hammered home over the last few months
’listen to your body’!

  22. Jeanette Leighton
    April 10, 2022 / 5:07 pm

    Some lovely pictures looks like you had lovely times

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