The Daddy Tag Challenge with Oli from Naptime Natter – Guest Post #4

Bonjour lecteurs!

I am sorry we didn’t publish any #daddytag post last week but I was at the hospital for a week so that Baba could get his ticker all fixed!

I need to say a massive thank you for all your messages during that difficult time. But we made it and we are now both home. Without any further ado, here is our new guest post from Oli. He is Wendy’s husband. If you don’t know her yet, she is blogging at Naptime Natter. Enjoy!

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will probably know all about me by now. I talk about myself as a blogger, the day to day me, my thoughts, my feelings and, of course, I talk about myself as a mother a lot too. I do chat about my husband Oli quite a bit on here too but my blog is mine, my space, so you can’t blame me for banging on about myself a lot of the time, can you? So when Stef from Blabber Mama nominated Oli to take part in The Daddy Tag, I managed to coax him into the blogging hot seat so you can all find out a bit more about my lovely husband and Leo’s fabulous Daddy.  You have all heard of the Mummy tag, right? Well, the amazing Frenchie Mummy has decided to mix things up a bit and has created The Daddy Tag, it’s fun and a great way to find out about all Dads out there. That’s enough rambling from me, it is now time for Oli to take centre stage. Enjoy.

Are you a Stay at Home Daddy or a Working Daddy?

I’m a working Daddy

Would you have it any other way?

Yes definitely! I’d love to be at home with Wend and Leo but I’m happy that I have a job that provides so well for my family

Do you co-change dirty nappies? Even the very smelly ones?

Haha! Yes, I have done a few nappies in his little life, not as many as Wend but even the really stinky ones I’m not afraid of!

A little fairy gives you the possibility of breastfeeding? Are you going for it or do you run away?

Run away! I totally admire women that do and I’m a big fan of ‘Breast is best’ but it just seems weird to me!

What is the one must-have item for a daddy?

A strong back! Leo is constantly climbing on me, expecting me to lift him and chuck him around and get on all fours for a donkey ride, a strong back is essential.

How many kids do you plan on having?

2 all together and baby number 2 is on the way so I am happy that we’ll have the full set of little ones that we both want with a small age gap between them.

Lads’ nights? How often do you have them?

Not very often but there are a lot of reasons why not, being able to chill on the sofa is just as good as a night out although Wend does lose me to golf every now and again!

Your children’s favourite achievement?

Watching him use his imagination to play the first time was very special, it was simply him picking up a car I think and pretending to drive it around on the furniture but that was exciting, his world and mind had just opened up to him and now we can play games much better, me pretending to be a teddy that talks and running around or him being the superman to my batman, playing games is a very special bonding time that I love.

What is your best memory with your kid(s)?

Seeing him look up at Wend from under the water when he was first born and Wend looking back, they probably only held each other’s eyes for a couple of seconds but it’s like a picture burnt onto my brain now and I can always go back to it to make me feel happy.

Name one thing you miss since being a daddy?

I can’t think of one thing I miss really, I find it hard to remember what it was like before him, I guess I miss the ease of little things like leaving the house or eating a meal in peace but nothing that big…….going to the cinema regularly, that’s what I miss really.

Weight gain, before pregnancy, during, after and now? And we mean YOU DADDY, not the mummy!

Haha, I’ve gained weight since Leo, nice and gradually I have grown the perfect dady body and I’m very happy with it!

Dream holiday with your kids?

Disney World Florida is I’m sure everyone’s dream holiday with the kids and it’s mine too!

Dream holiday without your kids or even without the other half? (You’re allowed to dream)

Road trip across Europe in a car stopping at little villages and towns sipping wine and enjoying the food.

How has your life changed since having kids?

Everything has changed, you can’t be selfish anymore everything is about the boy and the family in general, it’s a good change and the most valuable change I’ve ever had to make in my life.

Finish the sentence “It makes my heart melt when…”

It makes my heart melt when…….Leo says he loves me unprompted, it happens so rarely but it does make my heart smile.

Favourite beers brands and football team?

1664 or a nice glass of red wine, I’m more rugby than football ?

Huggies or Pampers?

Neither, we used the Aldi Mamia make and it worked well for the boy.

Have you always wanted kids?

Yes, I didn’t know when or how many but I always knew I’d have kids if everything went right and it did!

Best part of being a dad?

Watching Leo learn and grow up and knowing that although we have a huge hand in it really, like all of us, he’s doing it by himself. It’s a very proud moment to see him achieve little goals but just hanging back and watching him in general and then being invited in to play with him is the best part for me.


Thanks for the nomination Stef, I really enjoyed reading Oli’s answers (trying not to be annoyed that he wouldn’t breastfeed if it was possible!). If you want to take part in #TheDaddyTag , just hop over to Frenchie Mummy blog to find out more.

Along with her blog Naptime Natter, you can also find Wendy and her family over on TwitterInstagram, Pinterest and Youtube.

If you loved reading this post, please feel free to join the party and complete #thedaddytag challenge. You can find all the exciting details in our post The Daddy Tag Challenge, bien sûr! 

Tweet: Come and read our Frenchie posts at #pbloggers #MummyBloggers via @FrenchieMummy

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Petite Pudding
Over the Moon Link Party


  1. September 5, 2016 / 1:31 pm

    Thanks for featuring Oli’s post. I love this tag and really enjoy reading all the different Daddies answers. So glad you and your little man are out of hospital now and that all is well 🙂 xx

  2. September 5, 2016 / 7:51 pm

    Glad all is well! I did think of you guys last week x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      September 5, 2016 / 8:27 pm

      Thank you so much xx

  3. September 5, 2016 / 8:09 pm

    So glad all went well with the hospital last week, you were in our thoughts. Fab interview, I love to read things from a dads perspective and Oli sounds like such an amazing daddy, thanks for sharing with #MMBC

  4. mummyhereandthere
    September 6, 2016 / 8:01 am

    awww lovely interview and definitely agree about the strong back, ouchie X #MMBC

  5. September 6, 2016 / 8:14 am

    Glad to hear all is ok now lovely. Sending big hugs to little man.
    What a lovely interview! Oli sounds an awesome Daddy.
    Fab series 🙂 xx #MMBC

    • thefrenchiemummy
      September 11, 2016 / 9:06 pm

      Feel free to ask you other half to do it! ? Thanks for stopping by x

  6. Kat
    September 12, 2016 / 5:34 pm

    So nice to get to know other Dad’s behind the blogs! #eatsleepblogrt

  7. September 13, 2016 / 3:17 pm

    I hope everything is ok with baba. I love reading tag posts, brings out my nosey side! xx

    Thanks for linking up with #EatSleepBlogRT

    • thefrenchiemummy
      September 13, 2016 / 3:32 pm

      He is all good thanks for asking and your loving comments x

  8. September 14, 2016 / 12:27 pm

    Ahh this is lovely – love your daddy tag series! I agree about the strong back-100%! #eatsleepblogrt

  9. Petite Pudding (@petite_pudding)
    September 15, 2016 / 6:27 pm

    I love this series – its so nice to hear from the Dads! I love the bit about growing his Daddy Body – Mr Pud has one of those too. 5 years on and he still hasn’t shed the baby weight from our first born! #EatSleepBlogRT

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