Should You Soundproof Your Home Office Space?

Bonjour lecteurs! Do you work from home or hybrid? I have been doing so for over 6 years now, but since 2020, remote working has really developed. It may have lots a bit of its novelty this year, but it’s clearly a commonplace way to work. So c’est important to maintain a peaceful atmosphere that creates good productivity, especially for parents during school holidays. Should You Soundproof Your Home Office Space?

Remote working is here to stay, so it might be time to make some changes to your work space to make sure you’re getting the most out of your day. If like moi, you work from home and are looking into it, check out now this guide in collaboration with wall soundproofing specialists Acoustic Shop. I will explore the importance of soundproofing your office space, as well as offering some advice on how you can reduce noise, turning your workspace into a haven for productivity.

Soundproof Your Home Office Space, Home Office, Work space, Home working space, Working from home, Working Parent, the Frenchie Mummy, Home Improvements

The Importance of Soundproofing

Noise, distractions and general disturbances can be detrimental to your concentration. Tell me about it! Past 3pm, it can sometimes be hard to concentrate with Stanley in the house.

Soundproof Your Home Office Space, Home Office, Work space, Home working space, Working from home, Working Parent, the Frenchie Mummy, Home Improvements, Interiors,

Frequent interruptions can break up your workflow and some recent studies suggest that background noise can reduce productivity by as much as 66%. It then leads to higher stress levels and lower job satisfaction.

Whereas a quieter work environment can lead to improved focus, better communication, and a more harmonious work day.

So why not take the plunge and see the possibilités to prevent noise from getting into your home?

Effective Soundproofing Techniques

There are many soundproofing techniques. Acoustic panels make une bonne option as they absorb sound waves, preventing them from bouncing off walls and ceilings.

Available in various designs and colours, c’est simple to install them. Simply place them strategically on walls and ceilings where sound tends to reflect the most.

Soundproof Your Home Office Space, Home Office, Work space, Home working space, Working from home, Working Parent, the Frenchie Mummy, Home Improvements, Interiors,

You can also opt for some soundproof curtains and blinds. They littéralement block out external noises but also provide thermal insulation. So you can also maintain a comfortable temperature! Personnellement, I would look for thick, multi-layered fabrics. Install them as normal curtains et voilà!

Other Options

You can also soundproof your working space with carpets and underlays. Thanks to their dense fibres, this technique absorbs sound and provides you with an extra layer of insulation. When installing carpets, ensure they cover as much floor area as possible, including “high-traffic” zones.

Finalement, doors and windows can also be une option. They are indeed the most common “zones” for noise to bleed into (and out of) a room. Solid core doors make the great choice and for windows, consider double-glazing.

Soundproof Your Home Office Space, Home Office, Work space, Home working space, Working from home, Working Parent, the Frenchie Mummy, Home Improvements, Interiors,

Did you know? White noise machines can also be a cost-effective way to mask background noise. They basically emit a consistent sound that can help drown out distracting noises. So other noises are less noticeable!

DIY Soundproofing Tips

I you are looking for simple, cost-effective solutions, several DIY soundproofing methods can help. Par exemple, you can use bookshelves as barriers. They would block noise and add a decorative touch to your office.

Adding rugs and wall hangings can also help absorb sound.

Even your choice of furniture can help la situation! Did you know that items of furniture covered in soft materials (like upholstered seating) can absorb sound waves, contributing to a quieter environment?

Plus, large potted plants also help diffuse noise. Simply strategically place them near noisy equipment or between workspaces to enhance sound absorption. Now who is off to their garden centre to get more of those…

Soundproof Your Home Office Space, Home Office, Work space, Home working space, Working from home, Working Parent, the Frenchie Mummy, Home Improvements, Interiors,

Working from home as never been easier! Do you do so too? Do you fancy a quieter home office environment for better concentration and productivity? C’est très simple to soundproof Your Home Office Space plus it’s such a beneficial way to improve your living space!

Which one of the idées above will you try?

Disclosure: collaborative post.

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