Early Steps In Pregnancy To Consider

Early Steps In Pregnancy To Consider

Bonjour lecteurs! How was your pregnancy? I was literally blooming back in 2015 and I am ever so nostalgique about that time… There seem to be so many people expecting around me at the moment!…

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3 Simple Ways To Reinvent Your Look

3 Simple Ways To Reinvent Your Look

Bonjour lecteurs! How often have you felt a little bored or indifferent about your look? Sometimes, we just fancy a little bit of a change, but we don’t really know where to start. However, it…

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June 2024 – A Life In Between The Country & The City

June 2024 – A Life In Between The Country & The City

Bonjour lecteurs! It’s time to reflect and see what June 2024 has been for us. In my last monthly highlights, I share all our days out in the country, but also a couple of escapades…

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How to Extend the Life of Your Gutters With Regular Cleaning

How to Extend the Life of Your Gutters With Regular Cleaning

Bonjour lecteurs! Gutters play a critical role in the overall health and longevity of your home. Without them, rainwater would cascade directly off the roof, leading to potential damage to your house’s foundation, walls, and…

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Should You Soundproof Your Home Office Space?

Should You Soundproof Your Home Office Space?

Bonjour lecteurs! Do you work from home or hybrid? I have been doing so for over 6 years now, but since 2020, remote working has really developed. It may have lots a bit of its…

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Why Regular Dental Check-ups for Kids Are Important

Why Regular Dental Check-ups for Kids Are Important

Bonjour lecteurs! How good are your little ones with brushing their teeth? It’s twice a day for us on top of regular dental check-ups. C’est très important for a kid’s long-term dental health after all.…

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