Bonjour lecteurs! Off to share with you a super cool campaign from Babease called #MyBabeaseSweetEnough where you can win a cute Babease Organic Baby Food worth £50 and more!
We loved Babease, I used to buy its pouches for Stanley when he was a baby! I am a true advocate that children should be introduced to good food at an early stage. And having read a lot about the food industry and its use of sugar in our everyday products, I had to share it with you mamans!
Weaning Time!
Calling all the new mums out there! Or if you are in the middle of the weaning stage with your bébé?
I must say I am so nostalgic about those days with Stanley! We had so much fun together when I was weaning him.
He was a true gourmet and always so eager to try new smells and tastes.
And I loved preparing him fresh food made of all sorts of ingredients.
Well, keep reading because you can win a cute prize for your baby!
Le concept est simple! Babease offers mamans organic baby food pouches that are healthy and yummy!
The food label only uses the best organic ingredients. So Babease makes real food for babies and not baby food.
And not only it is super colourful, but it is also so tasty.
Each recipe is concocted with veg but also so good grains for a balanced diet. And un peu d’herbes et d’épices.

We loved Babease when Stanley was little for so many reasons:
- the recipes are yummy
- Babease make proper food for babies with real tastes
- une grande variété of tastes and textures
- it uses only good ingredients
- so you can introduce good food habits with your children
- there is no added salt or sugar
And that’s what I am coming to with this post!
My Babease Sweet Enough Campaign
Last year, Action on Sugar shared the research into the sugar content of foods meant for babies and toddlers… with some scary results!
Basically, it turns out that many so said ‘green labels’ contain a big amount of sugar.
In other words, there is a lot of hidden sugar in baby food brands and parents are actually misled to think they are serving healthy food to their babies…

I am not even surprised. I discovered Sarah Wilson’s blog ‘I quit Sugar’ over 7 years ago and realised sugar is used everywhere in our food. Worth a look if you want to read more on the topic.
But brands like Babease are taking the pledge to say that babies’ food doesn’t need tonnes of sugar.
If anything, your baby is properly sweet enough, right? Cute play on words, but so true!
Even better, Babease thinks there is a need for the food industry in providing accurate and transparent messaging to parents. I agree!
It’s been a core value for the brand from the start and I am so happy and proud to promote this campaign. Like Babease, I think c’est important to expose babies to natural food as soon as possible.
It can improve the acceptance of new foods later on and provide a range of key nutrients your baby needs as they grow.
Win A Babease Bundle Worth £50! #MyBabeaseSweetEnough
Fancy winning a savoury Babease Food Bundle Worth £50?
Take part now in the #MyBabeaseSweetEnough Campaign. C’est super simple!
Take a snap of your super sweet little one and share it to Instagram with the hashtag #MyBabeaseSweetEnough.
You’ll be entered into a prize draw to win a weaning bundle worth £50 (full of low sugar, veggie goodness, of course!)
Even better! You’ll also have the chance to have your sweetie pie featured on the Babease Instagram to help spread the message that #MyBabeaseSweetEnough!
Let’s raise awareness about hidden sugars in baby food together! 🙌🙌
Take part yourself or share it with your fellow mamas to make a big wave in the food industry.
You can read more details about the#MyBabeaseSweetEnough Campaign on here with #Babease.
You can also use my discount code: ‘THEFRENCHIEMUMMY10’ to receive 10% off your next Babease order!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Babease.
ahhh so sweet! I remember those days, feeding the baby in fear they might sneeze and you get pebble dashed with baby food!
Amazing campaign – the perfect healthy start to life
These sound fabulous for the young ones.
A great campaign, natural, low sugar foods are the way forward
i gave these to my son he loved them
I don’t think many people realise that sugar is a reason for hyperactivity and a reason why kids throw more tantrums. Low sugar is always best
Looks like quality food and ingredients that you can trust for your baby wish this was available when my two were babies.
that would have been my girls a hundred years ago so cute
Fantastic campaign! xx
Looks like a high-quality baby food
sound great
They sound delicious 😋
I did try babease with my youngest he did eat it they are good quality baby food
Great campaign!
Great giveaway.
No babies in our house any more and no sign of any grandchildren either..(sigh)..wasn’t much choice organic wise when ours were babies so refreshing to see this
Some great sounding veggie options too
Great tasty sounding veggie options too
Thanks for the opportunity to enter all your brilliant competitions. Wishing you all the best and Happy St Patrick’s day ☘️
Lovely products for babies that aren’t too sweet. So important.
these look great
Sounds great, more quality baby food brands are needed.
This is brilliant! I think companies can put far too much sugar and salt in food nowadays.
This is brilliant. As an adult I’m so conscious of the amount of sugar I’m having. However I don’t think with kids items I as a parent ever have/ or do give it a second thought, especially if it’s marketed for babies and children. This is brilliant to know there is a brand like this about and something to be mindful about.
I cooked everything from scratch for my first born and when my twins came along most of what they made was made from scratch but there were times when I had to feed them Annabel Karmel meals as I just didn’t have the time that I had with my first.