May 2023 – Life Has Its Ups & Downs

Bonjour lecteurs! Don’t you feel like this time of the year can sometimes feel a bit ‘meh’? Life goes on, busy as always with lots of challenges and you may have not achieved the things you were hoping for. I am a huge believer in dreaming big and sometimes, I can be quite hard on myself. As I was reflecting on May 2023, I felt like I was missing the tricks on so many aspects of my life. We had 2 weeks off over half-term and as usual, it’s not easy to juggle it at home and I found myself less productive. So May 2023 didn’t look like a successful month. Indeed, Life Has Its Ups & Downs and last month was l’exemple parfait!

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger

The Coronation Week

The start of May 2023 was all about Coronation Day. The weather was rather dull and cold.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger

It seemed like Summer was taking forever to come! But it did not stop us from having some local adventures the first week.

We looked for some flowers and the wildlife outdoors.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger

En plus, Stanley had a blast at his school party for the Coronation. But once we got home, we found out that one of our rabbits Coco was dead.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger. Coronation Weekend

It was so sad. The rest of the weekend was misérable. I did not feel like doing anything and I worked all weekend. So the boys were on their own at home and I missed spending such a historical moment with them…

Questioning My Future

The second week of May 2023 was just dull and unexpected. I was still weighing up the pros and cons of my working life.

Still questioning if I should go back to teaching. I was frustrated… But bonne nouvelle! I made une décision.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Thanet, visit Thanet

It will be without me teaching for now. I don’t think it’s really what I want.

Having less on my mind about my future, it was just perfect timing for a family trip.

Our Trip To West Sussex

Et quelle magnifique adventure!  We had what I would call un parfait Family Seaside Break At The Beachcroft Beach Hut Suites!

Things were perking up with two days of looking at sunsets and sunrises on the beach.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Beachcroft Beach Huts, West Sussex

Lots of cocktails and yummy food. Plus a few cheeky ice creams later… I was in full holiday mood. Just what we needed.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Beachcroft Beach Huts, West Sussex

En plus, we loved going for walks and discovering a new area.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Beachcroft Beach Huts, West Sussex

Did I say that life had its ups & downs? Well, it did in the Frenchie house… Long story short, Grumpy Boyfriend had a work crisis right when we came back home and we were both working days and nights to get it fixed. The joys of being a freelancer!

You & Me!

Anyone has been watching Queen Charlotte on Netflix? Well, I would say that Grumpy and I should have the same ‘You & Me’ motto!

We did it! Problème fixed and once more, we proved that we were making a great team! And by the way, if you have not seen this series and you like a good love story, check it out!

I would not mind being a queen! 😉And we were back on track!

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Relationships

I caught up with my lovely friend in Folkestone, we went for a lovely walk after school. Always good to get some fresh air!

Stanley dreamed of a sheep pet (not happening! Our garden is not big enough and what would our bunny Chanel say!?😝) and we had a family Sunday lunch at my mother-in-law’s.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Relationships

The sun was out again and it was time to wear my new beautiful Sandro dress.

Being Hopeful

Do you sometimes feel like Destiny is truly choosing for you?

Well, it felt so étrange, yet very exciting. Indeed, the same day I finished working in a local school, I got a message about another opportunité.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Relationships

It felt great and I am still waiting to hear about it. So it might not happen. But it was the perfect reminder to never ever give up.

And once more, I realised that I was in the driving seat of my life and I could make things happen if I really wanted it!

Bank Holiday In Thanet

Eventually, May 2023 seemed to go in the right direction.

And we were off to the Isle of Thanet over the last Bank Holiday. No work for me this time and I was truly in mon élément!

We have been to Broadstairs and Margate in the past. But it was beautiful to rediscover the area.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Thanet, Margate

Many of you actually told me on Instagram that you had many childhood memories there. So make it to Thanet this Summer!

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Thanet, Margate

It’s so beautiful and there are many family-friendly attractions to visit. Plus the Albion House Ramsgate is absolutely stunning!

If you want to slow down for a few days while relaxing on a British Seaside resort, check out my Review of Thanet now.

Good News To End The Month

We finished May 2023 with a bang!

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Uniqlo, Covent Garden

I organised a cute day out in London with Stanley. We made it to the new Uniqlo shop in Covent Garden, which is beautiful by the way!

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Uniqlo, Covent Garden

It was so much lovely to explore the city with him, go to Piccadilly, pretend we were tourists, and stop by Hamleys for some extra fun!

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger, Uniqlo, Covent Garden

We also watched a couple of Harry Potter movies and I remembered being a young girl dreaming about a life in the UK.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger,

Another bonne nouvelle? We go a medical check-up for Stanley and it went well. Such a relief!

May 2023 – Life Has Its Ups & Downs

If anything, May 2023 proves once more that Life Has Its Ups & Downs for EVERYONE!

I am in a very privileged position in so many ways. But challenges arise then and there.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger,

But after a long walk in the country this weekend in the heart of Elmfield, I got dreaming encore!

Yes, there are some of my 2023 goals I am yet to meet. One around our house. But I still have over 6 months to prepare and work for them.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger,

This is the same for you. A good reminder that you are in the driving seat to live your dream life. Only you can turn it into réalité.

So here is my motto for the rest of June 2023 ‘I am making space for more success, love, wealth, and happiness to come into my life’.

You might remember I already shared it on my Instagram.

May 2023, Monthly Highlights, Life in Kent, the Frenchie Mummy, Parenting & Lifestyle blogger,

I hope this post of my May 2023 monthly highlights will help you regain inspiration. Being resilient is the key to succés, because life has many challenges for you.

What are some of your 2023 goals you are yet to meet? And those you already successfully achieved?

Wishing you a beautiful summer. Any holidays booked for you to escape?


Disclosure: This post might feature some sponsored content I recently published but it is merely a list of my highlights of the month! This a post where I share some reflections as a mum in the country and in London. I hope it will inspire you to get on more family adventures.






  1. Margaret Gallagher
    June 14, 2023 / 3:30 pm

    Lifes always a roller coaster 🎢 with something positive everyday- my goals are to make each moment count

    • Cecile Blaireau
      June 15, 2023 / 10:55 am

      Loving this goal! That’s the right way forward!

  2. Siobhan N
    June 15, 2023 / 7:12 am

    So sorry to read about Coco. Pets play such an important part of a family”

    • Cecile Blaireau
      June 15, 2023 / 10:54 am

      yes, it was very sad but we still have Chanel so silver lining 🙂

  3. Wendy Lam-Vechi
    June 15, 2023 / 7:28 am

    I’m sorry to have taken so much stuff out onto you. I have realised you were going through a lot in May too. But I do admire your optimism and self-worth because in the end of the day, I love how you still think about you. I think that’s what makes you a great mum, because you make it good role model of what Stanley should do when he grows up. Never give up on yourself or on anything in fact. Life is a rollercoaster, so there will always be another up waiting for you if you’re patient. Again, I love your travel stories, even when I’m living in London, you seem to make London seem so fun, especially for Stanley.

    • Cecile Blaireau
      June 15, 2023 / 10:54 am

      Oh thank you so much, you are ever so lovely! yes, I think it’s part of life, we all have our ups and downs but comments like that make me smile. I am so glad I built such a beautiful and strong community thanks to my blog. THANK YOU for all your kind words.

  4. ashleigh
    June 15, 2023 / 9:19 am

    The desserts look great

  5. Diana
    June 15, 2023 / 11:32 am

    You’re amazing!

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