30 Days Blogging Challenge – Day #2

Bonjour chers lecteurs!

Back with the 30 Days Blogging Challenge! At this rate, I might be finished before Christmas contrary to what I thought in the first place!

So today, I am supposed to write the meaning of my blog name. Facile! I called it the Frenchie Mummy because je suis française! I reckon the bits of French in my posts kind of gave it away, non? Mais pas de panique lecteurs! If there is something you don’t understand, you can ask me anytime. Or even better, you can have a look at our new exciting series called ‘Learn Frenchie Expressions’. The first post has been quite un succès. People really enjoyed me sharing Frenchie words that Baba likes and hates.

I could have chosen so many other names for my blog. Amongst others, I thought about calling it the Moaning Frenchie, the Greedy Mummy… But it seemed pretty natural to me as soon as I thought about starting my own blog. I also like the idea that it’s easy to remember and the Frenchie side plays an important part in my writing. So it was just le nom parfait!

Now, the real question you want to know is why starting a blog, yeah? Well, like many other women who have some time off to take care of their babies, I found myself a bit empty once Baba arrived. Having worked on a busy schedule in a secondary school, it was really weird to be at home not doing any work. Adjusting to my life as a SAHM was a bit étrange at first!

Even though I was very busy. Amongst others… I went many times shopping. I got pampered. I visited my colleagues from work and even went for a night out with them. I cooked a lot of nice petits plats for Grumpy Boyfriend. But there was something missing for me to be totalement happy.

I thought having a blog would help me to fully express the person I was. Being more than a mummy. When I looked into it, I also realised that it would be a great place to have all those early memories of Baba in one place. For example, I will be able to look back at some of my pictures from my other series called ‘Une photo, une histoire’ and read about the little story behind, even in 20 years’ time! How cool is that?

Another one completed! See you soon for some new adventures in the 30 Days Blogging Challenge.

Tweet: Come and read our Frenchie posts at http://ctt.ec/miPCb+ #pbloggers #MummyBloggers via @FrenchieMummy


My Random MusingsRachelSwirl



  1. vanityandmeblog
    August 15, 2016 / 6:57 am

    Enjoyed reading this. I nearly called my blog Sour Faced Cow ! I never seem to look like I’m smiling even though I am ! I have voted for you. Good luck xx

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 15, 2016 / 7:03 am

      merci merci merci xxxx

  2. reimerandruby
    August 16, 2016 / 7:25 am

    I love your blog name, so easy to remember and it gives readers a little idea of what your blog is all about. #TuesdayTreasures.

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 16, 2016 / 12:34 pm

      That’s who I am. I hope to see you again soon. Thanks for reading x

  3. August 16, 2016 / 3:51 pm

    I always really enjoy reading your blog and I love les dictons français (sorry – probably wrong I know) as I like to test my (now ancient and very neglected) A-Level French haha. Good luck with the rest of your challenge. I’ll look forward to reading more x

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 16, 2016 / 6:33 pm

      Non non parfait your French, as usual xx

  4. August 16, 2016 / 4:45 pm

    This is lovely and so interesting to find out why you started blogging. It may come as pas de surprise (hehehe) that I love love your blog, and I started writing for similar reasons…to feel like me again and not just mum. You have such a talent for writing and I’m glad you started yours! Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam Hope to see you next time xx

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 16, 2016 / 6:34 pm

      Mwah, you are a babe, as usual! Thanks for such a lovely comment xxx

  5. August 16, 2016 / 11:57 pm

    Your blog always puts a smile on my face.
    Vous êtes fantastique!!! #DreamTeam

  6. August 17, 2016 / 8:15 am

    I really enjoyed this and finding out the reason behind your blog name, it was pretty self explanatory! I think so many of us start a blog as something just for ourselves and to record our memories, thoughts and feelings as the children grow. I have always kept a diary growing up and a blog as an adult, for me it is hugely therapeutic! #sharewithme

  7. August 17, 2016 / 9:20 am

    Doing so well on your blogging challenge and always interesting to hear how and why people start blogging. #Sharewithme

  8. Mud cakes and wine
    August 18, 2016 / 7:03 am

    I so understand why you started your blog and agree about making it personal to you, it’s a lovely name and blog ? #stayclassymama

  9. theirishbabyfairy
    August 18, 2016 / 9:04 am

    Great blog name and love reading your posts as they help refresh my French language a bit – very rusty since school! #StayClassyMama

  10. aureliebumpblush1
    August 18, 2016 / 9:13 am

    Sending the french expressions to the boyf now !

  11. mummyfever
    August 18, 2016 / 10:06 am

    I think it is really catchy – love the name. Thanks for linking to #sharewithme

  12. August 18, 2016 / 8:06 pm

    I couldn’t decide on the name of my blog and toyed with a few before opting for this. Seemed to sum up being back to blogging but also being preggers at the time. Love your blog name, simple but catchy! #stayclassymama

    • thefrenchiemummy
      August 18, 2016 / 9:11 pm

      Like me 🙂

  13. randommusings29
    August 19, 2016 / 11:16 pm

    I think your blog name is perfect – it describes a little of who you are, it’s easy to remember and it has that ring to it. Great choice
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes 🙂

  14. August 22, 2016 / 5:58 am

    You’re doing so well with the blogging challenge! I really want to do this but I think I would struggle to do it every day. I just moved house so maybe when everything settles down. I love the name of your blog and love, love the French expressions throughout (even if I don’t understand all of them, I get the vibe ; ))! Perfect choice for a blog name. Thanks for sharing with #StayClassyMama!

  15. August 22, 2016 / 9:54 pm

    A blogging challenge, what a fab idea!
    Thanks for linking up with #TuesdayTreasures.

  16. September 7, 2016 / 9:37 am

    I do enjoy reading your blog and love the use of the beautiful French language. It makes me realise just how much of it I remember after 30 years (yep, I am old). So thank you for all the wonderful posts, you always brighten my day 🙂

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