10 Ways To Boost Your Confidence In Your 40s & Beyond

Bonjour lecteurs! Right now, it’s all about the weather and how gloomy this endless grey sky makes us all feel. I am myself recovering after a few days of bugs and sickness. But I want more than ever to get out of it and regain energy ASAP. Exit feeling sorry for yourself right now. Turn things over and regain that inner strength that is within you! I am approaching my 40s this year and while I have been through many body changes over the years, I am ready to go for it. Experiencing the same vibes right now? Here are for you 10 Ways To Boost Your Confidence In Your 40s & Beyond. Des idées simples that will keep you going for years and years. Enjoy!

Boost Your Confidence In Your 40s, Regain Confidence, Being a Woman, Self-love, empower mamas, Empowering ladies, the Frenchie Mummy, Self-help, Self-help post

Me Time

Sometimes, life can be quite monotone. I am lucky enough to be working for myself, so I do my schedule. But being a mum is an endless list of chores and tasks.

In between the cleaning, the cooking, the food shopping and all the rest, it’s easy to forget about yourself. You end up prioritising the children (and the other half too!). It’s not long before you become a shadow of yourself. So whatever makes you feel good and happy in your body go for it!

And so that you don’t forget or skip it for other jobs, put it down in your diary! I started doing so and adding ‘have a bath’ in my planner. It might sound silly, but otherwise, I would never make it and unwind! It makes such a différence!


We are all busy and have endless things on our list to do. But take some time to do some form or exercise.

Our body is not made to stay put on a desk all day. We need to move it! Plus, I don’t know about you, but I always feel better after exercising. If you are not une femme sportive, go for a walk. Even a 20 min stroll can have such a big impact.

I force myself to go out every day and I always come home lighter and inspired for the day ahead. Plus walking is the best cardio vascular exercise ever. You don’t even realise that you are actually working out!


I am also a huge advocate of reading. Why not take on a 2025 reading challenge too?

It just feels so good to rest after a frantic day. As I récemment shared it in my morning routines post, I like nothing more than putting my phone on air mode (so not tempted to grab my phone and scroll endlessly!) and reading a good book in the evenings.

Personnellement, I love nothing more than a good self-help book (it’s a hard habit…), but I also enjoy a good French thriller. I am obsessed with Guillaume Musso or Liane Moriarty. Who is your fav autheur? Get me inspired ladies! I am always on the look out for new reads.

Listen to Podcasts

I swear that podcasts can help you reboost your confidence. There are so many podcasts nowadays, covering all sort of topics.

Once again, I love self-help ones like the fameuse Mel Robbins. But you can also listen to podcasts about empathy or relationships to help with your confidence.

Celebrate Your Achievements

So far, I have only mentioned ways to boost your confidence in your 40s that are looking forward. But it’s also une bonne idée to look back and see what you have achieved.

C’est facile to get wrapped up in the day-to-day drama and disconnect from all your succés or just remember where you failed.

But when you step back and list all that you  have achieved, it will be a great reminder of how strong you are. Plus, l’excuse parfaite to celebrate all your victoires. See for yourself all the things you’ve done. Imagine the rest you are yet to achieve! And you can totally do it.

Have a makeover

Now that you regained a bit of confidence on the inside, time to do them same from the outside.

Whatever you feel you need, go for it. From a full makeover to a new colour, the choice is yours. What is this thing that you always wanted to do but stopped yourself?

Experiment with your look: get a new haircut, try a new fashion style…Show yourself some self-love and bloom encore! It’s never too late!


Aussi, j’adore using daily affirmations to start the day. I have a list of them that I wrote in my diary so that it’s the first thing I look at when I start my day.

From self-love, to money and relationships, you can find so many affirmations to guide you. And if you turn it into an habit, it will become your second nature. Eventually, they naturelement come to you and you feel stronger than ever! Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you. One of my faves is ‘I am strong and worthy’.

Inspiring People

A common adage states that “You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with”. While some disagree with this statement and believe that you are your unique you, I think there is a lot of truth to it. After all there is no denial that humans are an influenceable species.

So instead of resisting it and making it harder for yourself, embrace it! Surround yourself with inspiring people who will only make you be a better person. I still think that you form your own identité with what you consume (what you read, listen, watch etc). So find your community to support you and inspire you along the way. It can be some family members, friends or some personalities…

Equally, if a person in your life has nothing but négativité, let them go. You will feel better.

Self-Reflect & Adapt

One of the best ways to boost your confidence in your 40s and beyond is to constantly reflect and act upon it. Contrairement to what you might think, this is not a step forward to to stop and reflect.

I have a prompt of a questions that I would go through every month. It’s how I always start my monthly highlights. I love the process of looking back at what we have done each month. Plus, I came up with many valuable life lessons that really helped me along the way.

In 2025, I am taking it further as I am doing a weekly reflection. I litéralement left my weekends pages blank in my diary to do so. Each week, I reflected on what I achieved, but also what failed or did not work so well. In my last ‘session’, I realised that I did not spend enough time with Stanley after school and I was finding him a bit more agitated than usual. Lesson learnt! The following week, I added time to plan activities with him and we both felt so much happier! In a modern world where mums wants it all, being the best parent possible but also having a grande carrière, it’s easy to get lost at times. So stop and think. It will always be worth it.

Listen To Your Older Peers

Finalement, I did not think that I would mention this on here. But I think it’s also important to listen to what other generations have been through.

It might be easy to swipe it all under the carpet, but I really feel that our mums, nans and great-grandmothers have a lot to share with us and that we should listen to their wise words. Surely, there is someone in your family that you look up to. Listen to what they have to say and what were the biggest mistakes in their life that they still regret.

Sometimes, you just need to observe people around you and you can come to your own conclusions. Not only that, but it can also reassure you that you are in the right direction for a happy future and a happy life.

There is no better feeling than that to boost your confidence.


I’ve grown up with the Girl Power movement and to that day, I still believe that I can achieve anything I really really want. This post with 10 Ways To Boost Your Confidence In Your 40s & Beyond is a reminder that you’ve got this. So go and get this dream life of yours without worrying what others think. Your life, your rules! Bonne chance!




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