As you may already know I am French. The name of my blog kind of gives it away. So technically, Baba is half French too. Therefore I am aiming to speak Frenchie to him at all times. Obviously, it can sometimes be a bit awkward when I am with people who don’t understand what I am saying. But then again, I do what I want with my baby. After all, I did all the hard work when he was born, if you see what I mean ?.
Maintenant, a lot of you said that you liked the Frenchie bits in our posts so what about learning some key baby vocabulary in French?
I will separate the terms in two categories. The words that Baba loves and the others that he is not so keen on… Oh no, hold on, there must also be another part that is like neutral. But I am sure you already know them all:
- Ça va? – How are you?
- Un biberon – A milk bottle
- Qu’est-ce qui se passe? – What’s going on? I would say it any time he starts crying or being fussy.
Now, let’s get on with the proper stuff!
Frenchie vocabulary that Baba aime
- Mon amour – My love, my darling. It’s basically a sweet word to call him. As le petit monstre loves compliments, it’s indeed one of his favourite words.
- Tu es beau comme un cœur – You are cute / lovely. Again, another praise. He likes thinking of himself as a beautiful boy. I mean, look for yourself. He is always happy to strike a pose…

- Une moutarde – a mustard. Every time I ask him if he did one (you understand what a moutarde is, right? Otherwise, ask me in the comments part ☺), it makes him laugh. He loves the idea that Maman has to clean it off…I told you he was un petit monstre!
- Un prout – A fart. Another word that always makes him laugh. My dear baby is far from being a gentleman. Burps and farts are a game to him. He particularly loves farting when I am changing him. We had this conversation many times. If he wants to meet the girl of his dreams one day, he must stop this bad habit. However, it seems like he doesn’t mind being a real cochon. He got this from his dad for sure, as Frenchie Mummy is a proper lady.
Baba déteste
- Dodo – sleepy time. I use a lot this word, especially in the evenings. Often, le bébé pretends he didn’t hear it and turns around, carrying on with whatever he is in the middle of doing. Then we have the cries and a real battle to put him down. The poor soul is yet to understand that I am kind of stubborn and I always end up winning the fight anyway. Even if it means that I have to rock him in my arms, while making up silly songs for 20 minutes…
- Arrête! – Stop! Another concept that Baba has not totally grasped yet. He will happily carry on doing what he wants. It’s often something he is not supposed to do, like endlessly rolling over while I am trying to change his nappy. But Frenchie Mummy is still hoping that he will get it one day…
- Lâche! – drop it / let go. I know, I am not talking to a dog. But when he grabs something, he won’t let it go easily. Being very stubborn (both Grumpy Boyfriend and I are, so it had to happen ?), Baba never releases his grip. He particularly enjoys grabbing my hair and pulling it as much as possible. Not to mention my boobs that got grabbed and pinched so many time. Mon fils est une brute!
So here we go. Our first French lesson is over. I hope you enjoyed it. I did!
It’s like being back at school. Feel free to comment and ask me for specific words you would like to know in French. We don’t have to keep it baby approved ?. I would be more than happy to teach you very naughty Frenchie words…
A bientôt lecteurs!
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I know, what a demanding Frenchie Mummy, right? But I will love you forever .

Haha, thanks for the lesson 🙂
Un prout is very common in our home, especially as I am outnumbered by hommes!
Thanks so much for being part of #MMBC. Sorry it’s a late comment as on hols! Hope to see you tomorrow xx
Thank you so much for your nice comment. I will join again for sure xx
Another great post! I wish I’d carried on French after school – I was pretty good at it and now it’s fallen out of my baby brain! ? X
I am sure it’s still somewhere in a brain box xx
Brilliant love the French for fart might use that around our house because it goes on a lot lol sounds so much nicer than fart #fartglitter
It is definitely not nicer! I can’t believe I am living with two little piggies… Thanks for reading x
I love the use of une moutarde, so much more sophisticated that ‘a stinkypooper’, I may well adopt. Although we are on solids now, so I may need to use boeuf bourguignon instead… And Lâche! Will be one I use a lot… #bigpinklink
My french is very limited but I do remember some of this from school x #bigpinklink
I am sure your French is not limited. Thanks for reading again x
Ah, it’s all coming back to me from that drunked summer working in Tours… excuse the spelling but ‘poutain de bordel de merde’ seems to be at the forefront of my memory. At some point there was also a (wine induced) discussion with a french dude in French about the Irish potato famine….or at least that’s what I was trying to talk about. He could have been having an entirely different conversation really.
I love the mustard nickname!
French people love swearing. I wolve doing it. Putain is one of my fave. Grumpy Boyfriend is always asking me what I am merding / putaining about LOL. Thanks for reading x
Brilliant!! It is indeed bringing back a lot of GCSE French from the back of my memory!! I love the word for fart-I may have to adopt that one!! And I love that you call a poop une moutarde!! Pre solids, poops definitely are just pure mustard aren’t they?!! Yes, ‘stop’ and ‘sleep’ were forbidden words by both of my babies funnily enough…!! Thanks for enlightening the #bigpinklink community!!
Happy you liked it. Thank you so much for your nice comment xx
This is brilliant! You boy learning two languages can only be a good thing, fabulous post!
I can remember some of these from school! Brilliant. Perhaps I will use some sneaky French swears and then no one can tell me off! Hehe. Xx #twinklytuesday
You should! I always do it ☺ Thanks for reading x
I was saying the words in my head and I am wishing that I am saying them correctly! I bet I am not though =P
Insightful, I love the french language so beautiful X #twinklytuesday
Oooh I felt like I learned something today. Tres bon! #chucklemums
Mes Amis, le bebe always looks so happy ? I take my eldest to a French class and we LOVE it. Big fan of Tchupi or whatever his name is. I’ve genuinely learned quite a bit from that class ? #twinklytuesday
Oh yes Baba is watching it! He is loving it! x
Everything sounds so much nicer in French, I’m sure!
Thank you for linking up with #chucklemums
Oh I’ve always longed to be fluent in another language, it must be amazing to bring a baby up to be bilingual! I’ve taught my kids a few French words – they seem fascinated and always want to know more! They always ask to get down from the table now in French, mainly because I learnt this parrot fashion when I was a kid!! Thanks for the lesson, I’ll be passing on some of these words. #TwinklyTuesday X
I am so happy you liked it! Thanks for reading and your nice comment xx
Merci pour des expressions. Mes enfants sont un peu francais aussi. #TwinklyTuesday
So you must know some of them for sure! xx
Great lesson and such a cute piccie…. #BigPinkLink
They should teach us these more useful phrases at school! I only remember the first few at the beginning of your post! Also isn’t he a lovely chubbly little thing? So gorgeous! x
Okay, now you need to add in a pronunciation guide. (I have a vague sense that in French you’re not supposed to pronounce half the letters that are written, but I don’t know which half!)
Thanks for this. I stared to try and learn French from Duolingo and was surprised at how hard I found it! I used to be good at French but that was when I could say J’ai onze ans and that was a looong time ago!
Ah, ma biche, c’est très utile. xxx
Love this Frenchie Mummy – Bebe always looks so adorable! My brother in law is French so I have picked up a lot of these phrases along the way with my nephew, especially why doesn’t he want to dodo!! Xx #bigpinklink
Oh I didn’t know! That’s great! When we meet for real, I will talk in French with you ☺
Haha I will try to respond, promise ;-)) xx
I love his rolls! There used to be lots of prouts in our house, but the Popple has grown out of them for the most part. My husband is Puerto Rican so she has similar love/hate relationships with Spanish words. The Popple is called ‘la beba’ and se loves ‘la luz’ (the light – she’s obsessed with lamps) and hates cálmate (calm down). #stayclassymama
That is so cute. Does your husband talk Spanish to her at all times? are your going to raise her bilingual?
I would quite like to learn some swears I could use on the boy. Like Tu Petit Merde! But that would be mean and I’m pretty sure his teacher knows some French too…#fridayfrolics
Deal, I will do very naughty word in the next one x
Haha u need moutarde..actually can’t stop laughing. I feel like I have learnt more from this post than I ever did in the 3 years I studied French at school. Love it xx #TheList
Oh you should join my lessons then because I really try to make it fun for kids! Thanks you so much for the RT xx
I am going to have to add these to my Yiddish! Thanks Frenchie Momma! #fridayfrolics #stayclassymama #bigpinklink #fartglitter
how come I wasn’t following you on twitter?!!!! I thought I was!Mistake corrected right now…
Oh I wish I could speak French. I learnt German at GCSE. French seems like such a lovely language, that even the rudest words sound delightful. I would like to know all the naughty words in french so I could say this without the children realising. Thanks for linking up with #FridayFrolics
I will put some naughty words for sure on the next one. Other mummies asked me. Thanks for reading xx
Nice to see that the words babies don’t like are universal across all languages. Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics
How lucky your little one is going to have a good grasp on French as he grows up. I’m trying to learn it as an adult – not so easy!
Let me know if you need any help! More than happy to help x
I feel smarter already! I speak Spanish and have always wanted to pick up French some day. Now I am at least armed with a few words thanks to your post. Well, at least I am ready for the next baby I meet:)
Love this post – the title pic is really cool! My favourite is of course “Un prout” laughed out loud at this! Thanks for the education – I love the way you write your blog! #stayclassymama
Thanks for your lovely comment! I am happy that it made you laugh x
Ah tres bien! J’adore le blog-post (complete with a gallic shrug!)…and that’s about the only Francais I know! Would love to learn more Frenchie expressions too #anythinggoes
I will post more for sure. Thanks for reading x
Love this, some I remember from school but some are new to me. I’m sure my pronunciation was way off! I would love to be able to speak french! Languages are awesome and Evie and I do sometimes spend a little time learning a few words together…again, pronunciation is not all there!
The most important is to have a go and enjoy it! I m sure you are doung fine xx
We all practiced a little when we were in Disneyland and Paris in Feb 🙂 xx
This is fantastic! My son’s best friend Mathilde Is French so they have been teaching each other words..children have nowhere near as much of a problem with language barriers as adults…and you don’t realise how much they pick up..until I was driving them both to swimming and they were chatting and my little man starting saying ecoute mummy ecoute!! As they were counting to ten..Google told me this means cute xx #stayclassymama
Lovely! ask me if you want to know any word! xx
I love this post! I haven’t had a french lesson since high-school – about 17 years ago! I knew some of the words, but I’m so pleased I know the word fart in French now, I can see why Baba likes it so much, lol. Thank you so much for linking up to #AnythingGoes this post really made my day! 🙂
So happy! And your French must be good for you to know Prout! It’s not a common word in the textbooks. Thanks for reading and your lovely comment x
I think no matter what the language is, Un prout – A fart, always makes them laugh. Sometimes I say it to get a good smile for a photo. It can’t be overused though, since tehy will suspect it then. M’wah! Viva la Frenchie Mama! #fartglitter
I need to know ALL the words! We move to France in a year and my French is non existent! Yikes! Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
I can help you anytime. Thanks for sharing it x
Love this and in France in 2 weeks. I got an A in French GCSE and a B in Greek bahahaa and husband is part Parisian yet can’t speak a word! Not good enough, love languages and this post is fab. Thanks for linking up to #Brilliantblogposts x
Enjoy France! Don’t worry about not speaking too much. I am sure you are very modest because you had a A! Grumpy Boyfriend is rubbish and Ican’t be bothered teaching him. He is always asking questions about the gender… How about that when I am a French teacher?! ?? xx
Love it! But where is the most important phrase in French: ‘Ou est la bibliotheque?’?! What do you mean, that’s not actually that commonly used in France? It was on every page of my French text book for 5 years! It’s not possible to survive in France if you can’t find the library, right? Right??
Thanks so much for joining us on #FridayFrolics. Hope to see you next time!
Oui oui très important ? Thanks for reading x
Ahhhh la moutarde. Did you know I met my husband when I was a lectrice in Dijon? No wonder our son is ‘une usine à moutarde’…
As well as being able to now almost do a ‘prout’ on demande, our daughter also loves to pat our baby on the back and say ‘rot’ 🙂
Oh and finally, I’ve discovered they never understand arrète or stop, no matter which one you use!
Ha ha excellent ! Mes 4 enfants sont aussi à moitié français et bilingues, et c’est drôle de voir que j’utilise les mêmes mots avec eux. A part moutarde : c’est une trouvaille que j’aurais aimé connaître quand ils étaient petits !
haha suis certaine que vous aviez d’autres fabuleux mots qui ne sont pas dans la liste. Thanks for reading x