Bonjour lecteurs! Time to post my monthly highlights! And today, you have a double dose as I didn’t do one last month. Indeed, I got really sick at the start of December 2020 (not Covid related!). So I took it very slowly. But we had some lovely days out over the last two months. Visiting Leeds Castle was definitely one of the highlights! As well as some local adventures. And it goes without saying that we did a lot of crafts too! What have you been up to over Christmas?
Leeds Castle & Royal Military Canal
As Kent was in Tier 3 at the start of November, we were left with little to do. But it did not stop us and we had a gorgeous autumnal walk around Leeds Castle just before it all kicked in.
I have already done a full post on it, but once more I can not recommend enough to get an annual pass. It is one of the top attractions in Kent and as it is a large open space, you can still enjoy walks there! En plus, it looks so different from one season to another!
The same weekend, we also enjoyed a walk along the Royal Military Canal.
Constructed during the Napoleonic Wars as a defence against the French, it is a beautiful 28 miles canal that leads all the way to Folkestone.
It is so long, you can do different bits each time! I regularly visit it on my bike as it is very local to us and each point I have stopped by always amazes me. Really worth a look!
Time At Home
The rest of November & December 2020 was made of time at home with a good book and some yummy food for me!
And I also tried and loved Wuka period pants. I must say that I have totally switched off!
But also some pampering time with new brands I discovered.
And Baba? Well, he did plenty of crafts! Ask my house! Sparkles are yet to be found even now!
No need to say that he had a blast!
Local Adventures In Kent
The rest of the month and December involved a lot of walks and other adventures in Kent.
We spent as much time outdoors as possible before the weather really got bad.
Au programme, scooting time for Baba and some cheeky Frenchie poses for moi ?
Our Big Frenchie Christmas Giveaways
November also marked the start of our Big Frenchie Christmas Giveaways with over £1500 worth of goods to win! We worked with some of our favourite brands such as Ladurée and more!
And don’t forget, you still have some days to win a Temple Spa Collection worth £92 and even a KitchenAid Artisan K400 Blender worth £279!!!
Don’t worry if you missed some of our competitions last year 🙂 We have more coming up this year!
Time For a Break
December 2020 was a very slow month for us. While Baba was still at school, I suddenly got really sick for over two weeks and was not able to do anything. Nothing to do with the horrid covid my darlings ?
I just think it was time for me to pause. The last quarter of 2020 has been really difficile both mentally and physically. Therefore, my body just shut down. I needed to stop.
I was really upset at first. I had so much to do! But I took it slowly. It was so refreshing eventually!
Christmas arrived quickly and it was just the three of us. I will not lie. As I explained in Stylist Magazine, it was strange not to be in France with my famille.
But Baba was over the moon and got really spoiled. So that is all that matters!
November & December 2020 – Reflections
November was all about making the best of nature back in Kent. We truly are lucky to live in the Garden of England and we made the most of it.
December 2020 started with a shock and me being so unwell for a fortnight. But I needed to listen to the signs and rest.
To be fair, it did me some good. I was not much working and barely on Instagram. I did not miss it at all!
And guess what!? I think nobody noticed my absence either! It was good to be reminded that I needed to be gentle with myself and not set too many targets and things to achieve.
And now more than ever, as schools in Kent are close and I will be back homeschooling as from tomorrow, I shall remember that it is ok to not do it all!
Following on what happened last month, I have reviewed 2020. And to my surprise, I have achieved so much despite it being a crazy world! I am very proud of it, but I am also very aware that I stretched myself quite badly at times, to the point where I was physically unwell. I experienced anxiety and more…
Decisions about 2021
So I made some decisions for 2021 that I will stick to. I have thoughts about my goals and targets. Unlike other years, I have decided to lower my expectations so that I don’t put too much pressure on myself.
Have you made the same choice for this year? Did you pause over last month and reflected on what you really wanted for 2021?
Will you put less stress and pressure on yourself as a maman?
I hope so! Wishing you a very Bonne Année 2021! May your dreams come true but without any pain or disappointment.
Remember, you rocked it in 2020 so you can do it again!
Disclosure: This post features some sponsored content I published last month but it is merely a list of my highlights of the month! A post for me to remember but also to reflect and move forward. I hope it will inspire you to reflect too.
looks like you have made the most of november and december in such bad circuntances in which we are living
We have mainly been on local walks, we have a river at the end of our street so like to take the dog for a walk down the riverbank and through the woodland. I must admit I have really missed days out at the seaside and attractions this past year. heres hoping 2021 will get better
Some great places to walk around, looks like you had a great time
I would love to visit Leeds Castle!
After the terrible year of 2020, all I wish for 2020 is for everyone to be happy and healthy.
Never been to leeds before but now want to sometime.
Interesting read, thanks
Looks like some fun times!
A lovely post and photos. Winter walks and visits to historic sights are a wonderful way to spend family time.
I hope you are fully recovered and enjoying being a hard-working mum in a lower gear than in 2020. Best wishes.
Looks like a great place to visit!
Love the pic of your Baba crafting. I know what you mean about glitter everywhere for weeks afterwards even when you’ve cleaned daily!
What a fantastic time you have had together
Great photos – love the christmas pjs!
A Happy new Year to you too. So sorry to hear you were poorly in December but you managed to take some lovely photos
I love going to local heritage sites, and visiting castles and gardens. I grew up visiting stone circles, old churches, and any ancient sites as my dad loves them! So I’ve always had a fondness for it. I even enjoy visiting really old graveyards and reading the stones! You get some really interesting dead people, hahaha!
Hope you enjoyed some TLC with those yummy looking macarons and the book!
Kent castle is a beautiful place, I went as a child but I think I would appreciate it much more now as an adult!
Looks like you had so much fun, leeds castle looks so beautiful. We too love doing Christmas crafts. I must say I really love your pink coat and bracelet. You look amazing! I wish we got out more and had more adventures before Christmas, I love his little face on the scooter, he looks like he’s having a whale of a time! Weather certainly has got so much colder now. Here’s to lots more fun in 2021
Such a beauty – would love to visit once its safe to do so
Leeds castle is great even as a Yorkshire lad the location always confuses me
Lovely photos, what a beautiful place to visit x
I want to win
Very sweet
Loving that cheeky little Christmas face
Some lovely pictures,especially the landscapes.
It looks so peaceful there, lovely.
what a great post
Leeds castle looks a beautiful place, so many walks to do, you are very lucky to live close to it.
i enjoyed reading thos reflection I too need to cut the stressin my life
Your adventures look amazing x
Great stuff!
I have decided to lower my expectations too as last year was so hard. We can do this again!
Some lovely memories made, I can still remember making Christmas cards with glue and glitter as a child
What a lot of fun for you both, great memories
Such a lovely place for a day out – great photos too!
Happy New Year, I hope you have an amazing 2021
Really enjoyed reading your post and love the photos of you and your adorable little man x
I hope you are feeling much better now! Happy New Year 🙂
Leeds castle is a bit far for a day out for me but it is on this list for if I ever get up that way again for a break.
Just wondering, actually, how you fit in your pampering time, and if you prefer it at a certain time of day? Or if perhaps you do a small session morning and night? xox
I try to do a mask once a week and I massage my face every night in bed 🙂
Leeds Castle looks great. Want to take my little boy there. He loved Warwick Castle last year. Maybe when this madness ends!
Lovly post, We do alot and always dont remeber the things we do. constantly busy, as you said its important to reflect on how far you’ve come. My new years resolution is to take things slowly and take it easy.
leeds castle looks like a cracking day out
Spent a couple of months working in Leeds last summer but missed most of the history due to Covid. It would be great to visit Leeds again for work but be able to do all the tourist trails 🙂
We live a very long way away from Kent but it looks amazing. Perhaps we can visit…….one day
Looks great! Have always wanted to visit here but have only been to Leeds once, really loved it though, defo want to visit again!
I wish there were places around where I live like this to visit this is beautiful and looks like so much fun I can’t complain I live in Acadia National Park in Maine (usa) but it’s a different kind of beautiful ?
Wow Leeds Castle looks very well preserved and the surrounding walks look amazing definitely something to do next time I’m in that vicinity Happy New Year
Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell but glad you found time to unwind and reflect.
Looks fun. Here’s to more of it in 2021!
Leeds Castle looks amazing, such lovely photos!
I love Leeds castle, we are local too, we may bump into each other. I love the pink coat it looks so cosy.