This post is about a kiss. This one to be precise:
If you haven’t seen a single article about this oh so shocking picture, then you are not living on planet earth! So what is it? Victoria Beckham kissing her 5 years old daughter.
Quick analyse more than 584 000 likes on Instagram. Still, some detractors expressed their disgust at this picture. To them, it’s inappropriate to kiss your daughter on the lips.
Hello?! Can’t you see what this picture is about? Well, let me explain. This is a devoted and loving mum who is having a great time with her little one! What is it not to like? I wonder…
How can people even feel the right to disapprove or judge this photo? If you don’t think that it’s an appropriate thing to kiss your children on the lips, then fine, don’t do it then. But please, stop criticising people who decide to do so. It’s just a happy moment. It’s a mum loving her daughter and showing it to the world.
Lets’ be honest, people always find something to condemn when a famous person like Victoria Beckham posts a picture. If she dared to be not so close to her daughter, she would have probably been attacked for being cold or too posh. So whatever she would have done would have been a bad thing.
Leave her (and other parents who kiss their kids on the lips) alone. If anything, it’s an affectionate moment that shows a strong bond between une maman et sa fille! A bond that began when Victoria was pregnant with Harper. A special connection that will never ever stop, whatever happens. Something that only mamans can understand.
A bond that grows, because as soon the baby is born, it’s your ultimate goal to adore, cherish love, protect him/ her. Something that can’t be explained. Something biological, natural even. Something called maternal love.
These two have obviously a very special connection.
You see these pictures? It shows a little girl who is spending some quality time with her mum. A little girl who loves so much her maman that she is mimicking her, becoming a mini Victoria. Nobody can’t dare to tell me that it is not true love.
Furthermore, don’t you know that touch and affection is imperative to a healthy mind? A child feeling loved has way more chance to develop nicely and feel confident in his future life.
Victoria Beckham is not a bad person. She is a proud mummy who truly loves her children! You might say whatever you want about her clothes, her money, her image, but if there is one thing you can’t criticise her about is how much she loves her family. I mean look at the pride in the eyes of this maman?
You can’t fake this kind of love and admiration. Look at her. What a terrible mum! It’s obvious that she loves her sons… How can people criticise her for that? If anything, it’s a good thing.
Coming back to the so disturbing picture. It’s not like she is kissing her daughter as an adult. She is not having one of these moments.
It’s a mum kissing a little girl and it’s just innocent. How can you see anything else into that? It’s probably an affectionate ritual that will stop when Harper gets older.
I know what you are going to say. I am Frenchie, therefore I feel like being on a revolution to defend the right to kiss on the lips. Pas du tout! I am writing about something else totally different here. I am writing about love and affection. I am talking about that:
A family who truly loves each other. A happy moment that disturbs people and makes them feel like being negative because they are so used to read and see about the atrocity in the world. Victoria kissing Harper on the lips is a moment of love. Like many others.
Just enjoy the happiness and don’t make anything negative of it. For once, just accept that people can love each other.
Nominations for the Mumsnet Blogging Awards 2016 are on until 31st July. If you liked this post, I would love you to nominate me for the Best Writer category. It’s very simple; just click on the link above. Merci from a Frenchie blogger
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I couldn’t agree more!! This made my blood boil yesterday!! A beautiful photo! Ernie always kisses us on the lips and anyone else who will let him, haha!! It had never even crossed my mind that there was anything wrong with that! What is happening to our society?! A great post. X
Merci merci ? I know it annoyed me so much yesterday when I read that. She might not be the best singer but you can’t take that off her: she is a fab xx
I kids my kiss onthe lips – I have a baby girl and a toddler boy and don’t see anythimg wrong with it at all! I am very sad that people are really worked up about the photo of Victoria kissing Harper – I just find it so odd and mum used to kiss me and my siblings on the lips so it’s normal for me. Kissing A CHILD on the lips if you’re their parent is no different from kissing them on their forhead or cheek. What a weird world we live in.
I know, it’s insane. I don’t know what they see so wrong in it… BTW I have already visited your blog and it looks very good! Love the design!!! xxx
I don’t understand. Some people kiss their pets and let their dogs lick their mouths ? – Aww thank you for passing by again! I keep getting moments where I just want to change the theme all the time… I’m so indecisive but maybe I just really embrace change haha 🙂
Haters gonna hate…Oy. Such nonesense. A loving momma is all i see.
Exactly xx
This is only happening because humans have become way are so obsessed with sex that every movement we make is considered a sexual one by someone else, regardless of what the truth is. There are so many things in this world that people get angry over, this really shouldn’t be one of them. People need to get off their self-righteous high horses and start living with some humility for crying out loud! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I actually didn’t know about this because I do sort of live under a rock, aka, I’ve been watching too much Netflix, LOL!
And you are probably right to do so. I couldn’t believe it when I read about it. Thanks for stopping by x
Thankyou. Sexualizing a moment so innocent and pure says a lot about the people complaining. Whatever happened to just having loving parents, not everything in this world has a “sexual” undertone, a mother kissing her daughter because she loves her should just be kept as that.
Whenever I read trolls comments I am amazed. I wonder if they are professional trolls, desperate for attention. There’s not one part of me that can understand why anyone would have a problem with that photo. It actually defies belief. What bothers me is that it’s not just one journalist giving an opinion, it’s lots of people saying it’s disgusting. What is life coming to? Alison x #momsterslink
I don’t understand how this is even a story. It’s a beautiful picture. My daughters kiss me on the lips. I know they will grow out of wanting to do so and so right now I am enjoying the closeness and the affection. I don’t really follow Victoria B. so I didn’t know about this one. Sigh – clearly, as you say, a loving mom – end of discussion.
Thanks for the comment and following our blog x
The whole thing is absurd. I kiss my five year old daughter on the lips all the time, and don’t plan to stop anytime soon #momsterlink
I wish people could just stop judging each other like this. There’s nothing wrong with a mother showing her love for her child with a kiss. Nothing at all. #momsterslink
I totally agree-this is a beautiful image of a loving moment between mother and daughter and should not be tainted by the haters. #fortheloveofBLOG Lou at
I saw the outcry but scrolled on past. If you’re going to go bananas over something, how about the real problems of the world. The world is politically disintergrating but lets get in a lather over how a parent kissed their child….had I seen that photo without the palaver attached, I would have scrolled on past as a mummy/daughter pic and not noticed anything about it at all..#Fortheloveofblog
Couldn’t agree more, if you don’t want to kiss your child on the lips that’s totally fine and your choice, there’s no need to decrease others because they feel differently. I am a very affectionate person and love kissing my kids #KCACOLS
I kiss my child on her lips. Her father kisses her on her lips. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this in our eyes. She is just so kissable! I feel sad that unfortunately we live in a world where this can be interpreted as something that is ‘wrong’ as a first assumption instead of simply a parent showing love towards their child. #fortheloveofBLOG
I kiss my little ones on the lips all the time. The only thing disturbing about this whole story is the sick minds of the people complaining about it. They seriously need to get their minds out of the gutter. #momsterslink
The whole thing is crazy. I kiss my kids all the time. They’re very kissable. It just shows some people weren’t kissed enough as kids! #KCACOLS
I think people like to make more out of nothing really! it’s ridiculous – Victoria can do what she wants and in my eyes, she adores her kids 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!!
I agree with everything that you say. I can’t believe that there was such an uproar over something so natural and loving. I love the Beckhams and think that they are a great example of a family unit #KCACOLS
It’s crazy that so many people felt negative about this; it’s a devoted mum showing her love to her child; absolutely nothing in the world wrong with it.
You can see the VB adores all her children and vice versa; why can’t the haters focus on that instead! #fortheloveofBlog
I know I have already commented, but a fab post! I was so enraged I wrote my own post in the end too! 🙂 #KCACOLS
Good I will have a look and comment on this x
I just don’t understand what all the fuss was about? If people thought that kiss was weird then it says way more about them and their sick heads then it does about VB in my opinion! I kiss my kids on the lips and I will continue until they tell me not to. Thanks for sharing with us on #fortheloveofBLOG x
Absolutely good to stick to your guns. Thanks for reading x
I totally agree with you. Sometimes people are just so critical and can’t see that this is merely a special mom/daughter moment. We have bigger problems in our world people! #KCACOLS
We have spoken about this in work in detail and just can’t understand what the problem is. What is so wrong with kissing your child on the lips? I do it all the time with my daughter #bigpinklink
I love VB, and love kisses!! My kids seem to be always turning their heads at the last minute lately, but i still manage a smacker every now and again!
another great read by you!!
big love xxx
Thanks so much for your nice comment. I am so happy so many people agree to my point x
It’s such a shame that so many people get cross about love, in any of its forms, at the minute. Love is such a wonderful thing, and comes in so many shapes and forms. We live in a strange time, we should celebrate love when we can when so many horrid things happen in the world out of our control.
I kiss my son on the lips. I also kiss him on his nose, his tummy, his toes, his hands and cheeks, the top of his head… and he kisses me. One day he won’t want to hold my hand as we cross the road, or kiss me to say goodbye, so I’m going to enjoy these sloppy toddler kisses while they last.
You are so right. Thanks for stopping by x
Mmmmm, it is true like you say, we should leave VB and her children alone. It is simply an expression of love between a mother and her child, nothing more, nothing less. If you’re offended, simply move along. Well said. #bigpinklink
It’s so sad that there’s been such a furore about it. I was reading an article that also mentioned and printed a picture of a father cradling his poorly young son in the shower (the boy looked about 3 or 4). I’d seen it before and it’s one of the most beautiful pictures, I was really shocked that people read such nasty things into simple acts of love, affection and care. We need more of it not less #bigpinklink
I saw this pic too. I think a lot of these people making this kind of comment must have no kids. Otherwise, they would understand.
Love this so much! It’s so true and annoys the hell out of me that people think it’s okay to comment on another mums choices! When did that become okay? Leave the poor woman alone! #KCACOLS
Well said hon. I can’t believe some of the comments this sweet picture has received. It’s so sad to see such a loving moment being turned into something it’s not.xx #KCACOLS
I totally agree with you! I kiss my daughter on the lips all the time; if someone tried to tell me it was wrong/disgusting I’d just look at them like they were crazy! Great post x stopping by from #KCACOLS and #MarvMondays
I think the whole thing was ridiculous. I kiss both my children. It was blown horrendously out of proportion. Some people clearly don’t have enough going on in their own lives. #big pink link lifeinthemumslane
Such a load of crap if you ask me! I still kiss my 8 year old on the lips and will do until she finds me embarrassing! #marvmondays
This whole thing is crackers! I must have had 5 or 6 kisses on the lips from my 14 month old today. They were snotty and slobbery but the best thing ever, it melts my heart and I would never tell him that he shouldn’t do it. He’ll stop one day of his own accord and I will miss it! #KCACOLS
Just returning to comment via #marvmondays thanks so much again for this post Lou at
My mummy kisses me like this all the time! Can’t see what all the fuss is about! #bigpinklink
It’s so sad that people really can’t do anything right can they! I saw this and I thought it was a lovely moment captured between a mum and her daughter – I am not sure what all that negative fuss was about! #KCACOLS
I do not understand why people would condemn a parent for something like this. I think those who find this strange really need some love in their lives. It was a sweet moment between a mom and her little girl! Well written post! #KCACOLS
The people who think there are something wrong with that picture are the twisted ones. It shouldn’t have even been a story! #twinklytuesday
I am with you on this! Utterly crazy reactions from people! Honestly!! #DreamTeam
If it had been anyone else it probably wouldn’t have caused such a stir but it’s simply because it’s Victoria Beckham. Maybe they didn’t have any other news to write about that day? It is such a mothers right and child’s right to share a kiss on the lips. It’s teaching kids to be tactile and affectionate. xx #twinklytuesday
I happened to be sat next to Victoria and her children in a restaurant earlier in the year and they were such lovely, polite, well behaved, considerate children. If that’s what kissing on the lips results in, it seems fine to me 🙂 #TwinklyTuesday
Great post and as you know, one I agree with whole heartedly! It’s utter madness isn’t it? The reassuring thing is that the majority of people agree that there is nothing at all wrong with kissing your children, I would be very worried if people agreed! #bigpinklink
Hi, I didn’t read anything about it nor hear it. I am starting to think I am more out of the loop than I thought-lol Thanks for posting! I am now up to date 😛 #KCACOLS
Le monde est devenu fou. Funnily enough I mentioned that very point about people being so numbed and damaged by images of world atrocities that they no longer recognise the goodness in a positive image, in my own post. It’s interesting what you say about not doing it as an adult. Funnily enough I read a lot of posts from other bloggers on this around the time I wrote my own and many people said they still kiss their parents on the lips, well into adulthood. Encore plus français que vous peut-être? Ha ha. #BigPinkLink
And I’m back from #marvmondays!
Spot on Frenchie! I kiss my 2 year old on the lips and my heart will break when it’s the last time because I know when she’s older it won’t happen. Victoria is right and shouldn’t be criticised for showing affection and love #KCACOLS
Totally agree with you… Such nonsense attacking her! Kisses on lips all round xxx #kcacols
I think I would be heartbroken as a mummy to have a lot of people shout at me for kissing my child, it is not sexualised it is just a kiss. My 5 year old son is all cool for kisses on the mouth but if I can plant one I will! Fab post #KCACOLS
Great post- returning from #dreamteam X Lou
Could not agree more. The uproar surrounding said picture is ridiculous, as you say it is simply a mother kissing her daughter and I am guilty of showering both my kids in kisses – after all before we know it they will be all grown up and will have left the house. Fab post, thanks for linking up #bestandworst
I don’t understand the hoopla over something so innocent and beautiful. I guess some people are just sick in the head!
This was so silly and I still can’t believe it was considered ‘news’. Lovely, heartfelt post – and I couldn’t agree more! #bestandworst
I have written a similar post and I couldn’t agree with you more. I thought that it was a beautifully captured moment between a mother and her daughter – what could be so bad about that, sometimes I feel people just love to troll!!! #AnythingGoes
Storm in a tea cup. It really isn’t worthy of comment. It’s normally us guys who get in trouble for showing affection to our kids, not the mums! #brilliantblogposts
So funny you say that being a man… I think it meant a lot to mummies actually.
I just got done reading another post related to this topic. I haven’t been in the news for the past week so I have missed this bullshit and quite frankly glad I did for it pisses me off that people would even have a negative thing to say about a mother showing affection to her child. Shame on them! Thanks for linking with #momsterslink.
Well said as usual! Thanks for saying it. End of ! xx
I think I must be living on another planet as I completely missed this “story”. What a fuss about nothing! It’s completely normal for parents to kiss their children on the lips. What’s wrong with that? #KCACOLS
It is silly that we are got at in this country for showing our feelings. #MarvMondays
Such a great take on this ridiculous issue…it shouldn’t even be an issue! The world needs more love, not less. Thanks for reading my thoughts on this and for your lovely comment. Great to link up via #brilliantblogposts Xxx
I shall continue to kiss my girly as we all shall. Poor woman can’t do anything right lest she be judged. Nonsense. Great post #KCACOLS
Like others have said, how can a mummy kissing her little girl become headline news. It’s crazy. There’s so much interest and negativity… I think the world would be a far better place if that energy was channelled into positive actions and thoughts. Thank you for linking up to the #dreamteam X
Great post. I dont know why other people think it is ok to comment and speculate on a parent kissing their child on the lips. Its a completely ridiculous discussion and debate! Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays. Emily
This whole thing is so overdramatic, I honestly can’t believe it’s created such an uproar. This is such an awesome post-yet one that should never have to be created. It makes me sad that these are the things people choose to get up-in-arms over. With all the injustice in the world, everyone wants to bash a loving mother! Quite silly, really. Thanks for sharing! <3 #KCACOLS
I love this post! I kiss Zach on the lips ALL THE TIME!!! I just don’t understand the furore that was caused by such ridiculous comments. The most interesting part for me in this whole post is the picture at the end of David kissing Harper…nobody batted an eyelid at that one!!! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Agreed! I kiss my little bubbys on the lips because it just feels normal to do that. I probably won’t when they’re older, they may find it embarrassing. But while our kids are still little, it’s just how we show them we love them. #bestandworst
I really do believe that the people who have a problem with this and claim how wrong it is, and the people who need help and the ones looking at it in a different/wrong light. It is a wonderful thing having children and an even better thing expressing love to them, and helping them understand they are loved. I mean there comes a certain point in life where they maybe won’t want you to display this kind of affection but whilst they do, embrace it! And well done to her for being a wonderful mother! #ablogginggoodtime
The media like to take all things pure and innocent and make them seedy and gross.. The Beckhams adore their kids and reacted to it perfectly #ablogginggoodtime
Good for you! I kiss my daughter on the lips and I dont think there is anything wrong with it. It shows our love and affection. It is not purposeful it is just what happens naturally!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime