5 Tips To Encourage Toddler Independence at Home

5 Tips To Encourage Toddler Independence at Home

Bonjour lecteurs. Encouraging independence in toddlers is an important step in their development. It’s a fantastic way to grow their confidence in the future. What not to like? They will grow into self-assured, optimistic kids…

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Our Family Stay at The Bedford Arms With Young’s Rooms

Our Family Stay at The Bedford Arms With Young’s Rooms

Bonjour lecteurs! The summer might not be in full swing, but the school holidays are l’excuse parfaite to explore further the UK and all the stunning areas it has to offer. We love living in…

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Getting Ready For Postpartum Life

Getting Ready For Postpartum Life

Bonjour lecteurs! Do you remember back in the days what it was like when you had just given birth? I have a very clear memory of the very first hours, looking at Stanley, being amazed that…

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4 Great Investments For Your Winter Garden

4 Great Investments For Your Winter Garden

Bonjour lecteurs! The British summer might have been a weird one this year, with cold and rain. But I still want to enjoy my green space no matter the weather. I am still hoping that…

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Tips For Buying a Used Car in 2024

Tips For Buying a Used Car in 2024

Bonjour lecteurs! What kind of car do you drive? Was it a brand new car or a second hand? We are in need of a new voiture soon in the Frenchie house. We’ve had ours…

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3 Tips To Get 8 Hours Sleep Each Night

3 Tips To Get 8 Hours Sleep Each Night

Bonjour lecteurs! Are you a good sleeper? I am one of the lucky ones as I can drift off quicky, so I usually get a good night sleep. How many hours of sleep do you…

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