Living Arrows 3/52 – At the Swan Chapel Down

Bonjour lecteurs! We hope you had a good weekend? Ours was fabuloustique as we went out for lunch in a very nice restaurant. And Baba loved it all! Here is for you in Living Arrows 3/52 what Baba did at the Swan Chapel Down.

Living Arrows 3/52 – At the Swan in Chapel Down

Do you like wine? Moi, j’adore! So when Grumpy Boyfriend booked a table at the Swan Chapel Down in Tenterden for his dad’s birthday, Frenchie Mummy was all smiles. Good food and good wine on the horizon? That is what I call a good weekend!

Baba loved it too!

Living Arrows 3/52 - At the Swan Chapel Down, family lunch, Tenderden
Posing like a star. He knew he was successful with some waitresses!

Parce que this restaurant is not only a fine venue. Le décor is really good too! Baba was well impressed with the chairs in the bar’s section.

He obliged to some fabulous poses.

But where is my food!?

But let’s talk serious business here!

Living Arrows 3/52 - At the Swan Chapel Down, family lunch, Tenderden
Hold on! J’ai faim maintenant!

It was all nice to walk around and seduce both the local customers and the staff. Baba was hungry too! And he was quick to polish off some foie gras, followed by some mushroom risotto and pour dessert? He shared a white chocolate délice with Maman.

If that is not the life, what is it?

Living Arrows 3/52 - At the Swan Chapel Down, family lunch, Tenderden
What?! My plate is empty? Garçon, please?

Plus once the lunch was over, we enjoyed the huge gardens at the back and Baba helped his dad to select some good beers to take home at the shop underneath.

Le weekend de rêve! Even more when Baba was super stylish with his new Penguin shirt and his cute Mon Petit Shoes footwear! Loving those chaussures? Well, head over here to read what we think about them in our last Baba Fashionista and don’t forget to enter our giveaway to win a $50 voucher with the fab American brand!

Thanks for reading Living Arrows 3/52 – At Swan Chapel Down!

What do you look for when you go out for lunch?



  1. January 15, 2018 / 2:15 pm

    For me I like international food, and I try to introduce my child to different cuisines – her favourites tend to be South-East Asian at the moment.

    However I also love cafes and restaurants where they are very used to kids and quite ‘relaxed’ about stuff like a toddler wanting to walk around and look at things – and those places tend to do simple fayre like roasts. Not my favourite food but more a relaxing experience as I always worry people will judge, but then again how does a toddler learn to eat politely if you don’t expose them to eating out? So I guess I have some meals where I enjoy the food and some where I realx more!

  2. Angela Webster
    January 16, 2018 / 9:43 am

    He looks absolutely adorable and very smart indeed. It sounds like he enjoyed his lunch too ! Have a great week x #LivingArrows

  3. Donna
    January 17, 2018 / 9:08 pm

    He looks so smart and grown up in these photos – and looks like he had a wonderful lunch x

    • Cecile Blaireau
      January 18, 2018 / 8:42 am

      it was so nice! I wish we do that every weekend lol

  4. January 18, 2018 / 8:54 pm

    Your little one certainly does look very handsome in that shirt! #livingarrows

  5. January 18, 2018 / 11:28 pm

    He looks very smart in his photos, I love his shoes! The restaurant sounds perfect, I love the decor x

  6. Mudpie Fridays
    January 21, 2018 / 10:58 pm

    Oh my goodness hes suddenly looks so much older. Loving the outfit. And yes you cant beat good food and good wine at the weekend! x #LivingArrows

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